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Everything posted by motlan

  1. remember the timer on the television screen is synchronized with the video, all observers watching the video will agree every event on the video is in sync with the video timer. if someone sees the time on the screen slower than others, the events on the video is slower also. in that sense there is a universal time for the events on the video.
  2. back to my original thought experiment: imagine a digital timer presented on the same screen as the home video is being showed on the television. It does not matter how many other people observe the home video on screen they will all observe the same time based on the digital timer presented on the home video. All observers watching the video will see the timer pass time the same way. That is what I refer to as the universal time from the perspective of outside observers observing events on time frames such as a home video. This universal time is the same for all viewers watching the video which defines it as absolute.
  3. there are 2 observers, one in the train cart and the other outside the train cart. read up on this classic einstein thought experiment. I meant the lightning actually hitting the front and back simultaneously. the observer in the train cart will observe the front being struck first. to another observer outside the cart, he will observe it hitting simultaneously. according to einstein, both frames of reference are correct!!
  4. The late albert einstein said in many of his thought experiments. It is true in both frames of reference. For example if a person in the middle of a moving train cart experience lightning hit the front and back simulataneously, he would see the front being struck first. to an observer outside the train cart, the lightning hits the front and back at the same time. which is true, according to albert einstein? it is true for both frames of reference. So from my example, in my frame of reference I am still correct.
  5. Is time absolute or relative According to general relativity, time is relative meaning people moving at different rates at different positions will experience different times which can be denoted by their time piece (watch). Here is my thought experiment: Imagine people playing soccer on a field, due to each players rate of motion and position, each will experience different times. Now I decide to videotape the game on my camcorder and later watch it on my television. On the home video each player’s time may still be relative to each other but to me as the observer they are all experiencing the same time according to my clock on the wall. This is the universal time or absolute time. We all exist in the universal time frames similar to the time frames on my home video. Everybody in this universe experience relative time on the universal time frames but to the observer outside the time frames (GOD), there is a universal time also known as absolute time. Time is absolute; time is relative which matches the yin yang concept of the existing duality.
  6. read the document attached
  7. All forces must reverse order to equal to zero N= force opposite to force of gravity MG= force (mass times gravity) , MA= force (mass times acceleration) Refer to my illustrations to follow along. The effect of force is as follows: Imagine an object of mass falling through an abyss in the earth due to gravity from the north pole to the south pole. The equation is as follows: 1) MG – N = MA Once the object reaches the south pole end it reverses order with the force of gravity as negative MG referring to motion in the opposite direction. The equation in this direction is as follows: 2) –MG + N =MA Combine the 2 forces (MA) equations for equilibrium and you get: 3) MG – N = -MG + N The next 2 versions of the equation are identical to the original: 4) MG – N = -MG + N + (zero) --> 2MG – 2N= (zero) 5) MG – N +(zero)= -MG + N --> -2MG + 2N=(zero) Notice that in equation 4, MG is positive and N is negative. In the identical equation 5, now MG is negative and N is positive. These opposite signs represent the opposite direction or reverse order. That is the exact effects of the force of gravity on a moving object. The force must reverse order. The universal time frames motioning in one direction due to a force must reverse order and end the progression of the events in the so called universal book world. These events in the preserved past time frames are permanent record for the scientifically proven entity in a higher plane. This is where due to the magic of digital holography is when the opposite reactions take place as prescribed by this entity in a higher plane. Make note in math and physics, everything must equal to zero and that is why the reverse order of the universal book world time frames will override the infamous time loop. At the end, for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.
  8. Nothing is infinite part2 To prove nothing can reach infinity I will present you the physics of engineering. Please refer to the illustrations of the diagram attached to my theory before reading on. 1 pound can lift a trillion tons. This is possible with the physics of the engineering of the lever where a bar is placed on a fulcrum and the fulcrum is situated underneath the right location under the bar. In other words, if you place a trillion ton weight on one end of the bar. The fulcrum can be placed under anywhere under the bar near the trillion ton weight. To execute the one pound weight on the other end of the bar to lift the trillion tons you must extend the length of the bar much farther from the fulcrum. In other words the longer the length away from the fulcrum towards the 1 pound weight end, the more leverage the 1 pound weight can lift any heavier weight. So is it possible for 1 pound to lift infinite weight? My answer is no. To lift infinite weight you must extend the length of the bar infinitely. That means the lever can never be completed so how can you even manage to lift infinite. In the process of creating the lever, the moment you stop to apply it, it would end up lifting a finite amount of weight. Does that make sense? According to the physics of engineering, you can’t reach infinity. Another engineering apparatus is the hydraulic press. Refer to the diagram. 1 pound of force can lift a trillion or more tons of force on the other end. To do achieve this you just create more area on the end of the weight you are trying to lift. Again I will say to try to lift infinite weight requires to make the press to have infinite area which of course will never be completed. So the moment that you decide to use the press, it will only lift a finite amount of force. And my last example is in reference to a computer. To mathematically make an infinite calculation, you would need a hard drive with infinite memory. You can attempt to manufacture infinite amount of hard drive memory but that just means you would not be able to use it because you will never complete building the infinite hard drive. The moment you decide to stop and use the hard drive, it will have finite memory. There is no way to achieve infinity in the physics of engineering. The universe is situated in time frames for this is a digital holographic universe. Like the physics of engineering the moment a medium is used that translates that the medium is finite. It is obvious the universal time frames is in use so the time frames of events can not extend infinitely. Eventually as I have presented in other areas of the forum there is reverse order as an opposite and equal reaction. This is a digital world and like the physics of engineering, nothing can achieve infinity unless it cycles as a conversion process back to the point of origin. An end to the extension of real-time time frames followed by reversal will defeat the time loop.
  9. This is in response to Strange: KE=PE + 0 just means kinetic energy is equal to the potential energy The zero and one created by the same formula represents the digital effect made by the physics. PE(1) means potential energy times 1 which still represents the same potential energy. Since KE=PE(1). Divide both sides of the equation by PE and you get KE/PE=1 In the case of temperature the negative variable represents the opposite effect to reach absolute zero. mix 5 degree water with -5 degree water and you will get neutral zero degree temperature water. it is the opposite effect.
  10. All digital reverses order KE=kinetic energy PE=potential energy Kinetic energy is equal to potential energy or the equation is as follows KE=PE + 0. Manipulate it and you get KE-PE=0. The zero refers to digital zero. An identical equation is KE=PE(1). Manipulate it and you get KE/PE=1. The one refers to digital one. From the equation KE=PE you get 4 identical versions listed below: 1) KE=PE + 0 --> KE-PE=0 2) PE=KE + 0 --> -KE+PE=0 3) KE=PE(1) --> KE/PE=1 4) (-1)KE=(-1)PE(1) --> -KE=-PE(1) --> -KE/-PE=1 In equation 1, kinetic energy is positive while potential energy is negative. In equation 2, kinetic energy is now negative while potential energy is now positive. This is due to reverse order. In equation 3, kinetic energy and potential energy are positive while in equation 4, kinetic energy and potential energy is now negative. Again this is due to reverse order. In physics, a negative variable refers to opposite direction or opposite effect. All math and physics equations are defined as digital one and zeros. Everything in this universe is digital and everything exists on time frames as digital holographic images. Like digital DVD players or computers there exists reverse order by a process of simply pressing the reverse button to reverse the motion of actions encoded digitally on a cd or dvd disc. Commercial DVD players reverses the movie smoothly. Likewise the universal time frames like frames of a digital movie will reverse order in motion because it mimics the digital technology. This ends the frames of the universal book world. Digital one and zeros simply refers to on and off. In the equations above such as KE-PE=0, positive is neutralized by equal magnitude negative to annihilate to zero as off. In equation KE/PE=1, positive and positive creates one as on. Likewise -KE/-PE=1, negative and negative creates one also as on. So that confirms that all math and physics equations behaves as digital and must eventually reverse order in the negative direction. Real-time time frames will eventually reverse order in the opposite direction to close the universal book world. Because I cannot mention God in this forum, I will just make reference to an entity in a higher plane of existence. This is when this entity takes over the past time frames as an opposite reaction will take place.
  11. To prove my point that all math and physics reverses order I will use the equation E=MC². Two other equations are identical in nature and goes as follows: E=MC²+0 and E+0=MC². In the first version E=MC²+0, it can be manipulated to become E-MC²=0. In the second version E+0=MC², it can be manipulated to become MC²-E=0. Notice that in the first version energy is positive, in the second version energy is negative. Also notice in the first version mass is negative, while in the second version mass is positive. Both equations are equal to zero which is the basic foundation of mathematics. The connotation of a negative variable means opposite direction or opposite effect. Both versions are identical and represent reverse order. It can be compared to a single ball pendulum where when releasing the ball in gravity it swings with positive kinetic energy direction towards negative potential energy to equal to zero. What follows is it will swing in reverse negative direction of kinetic energy towards the positive potential energy also equal to zero as the product of reverse order. All functions in math and physics obey the concept of reverse order to equal to zero to fall in line with the concept of for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. The universal time frame obeys the physics function of reverse order as well. When expressing the reverse order of time frames one can only refer to real-time time frame which will reverse order to end the universal book world. All future time frames after that is just an illusion just as all functions extend infinitely but is truly finite in nature. This reverse order of the time frame will override the effects of the time loop.
  12. you responded energy is not conserved on cosmological scales. When the space though which particles move is changing, the total energy of those particles is not conserved. The application of bending space-time in the time loop served to end the progression of time as the universal time frames still advances. That translates to a universe that no longer expands and technically the sun will shine indefinitely. If there is no increasing evolution of time, there is no increase in energy in the universe. Energy is now conserved. The increasing evolution of energy is terminated. It was through recent physics that brought back time and therefore the energy content no longer change. The universe is no longer infinite, there is now a limit to the mass-energy content. you responded the velocity of mass approach C asymptotically. which means it will never reach C, even after infinite time. you misunderstood my explanation. imagine the function of the graph with kinetic energy on the y axis and velocity on the x axis. A vertical line C (speed of light) extends up from the velocity axis. the function calls for a line which curves infinitely as it approaches C but never reaching it. by the laws of physics at some point that curved line will stop advancing because it cannot harbor infinite inertial mass and kinetic energy. the object of mass will coast at constant velocity. That still means the curved line in this function comes to a halt on the graph no longer coming closer to C. As I have explained all physics variables are either conserved or terminal. And because of the time loop, all physics variables are terminated. What physicists don't have control of is the advancement of the time frames. Eventually real-time time frame will be terminated even though future time frames extend infinitely just as all functions extend infinitely only to be terminated some time before infinity. There is a scientifically proven God by my reference to guided evolution and that intelligent life had to evolve otherwise why would there exist a Quantum realm in the first place. Everything including the universe is finite in the time frames. All else outside the boundaries of the frames are infinite. Please defend your argument, I have much to learn and would like to discuss physics to confirm my initial theories.
  13. All physics equations are essentially functions. All functions extend infinitely. In the case of E=MC squared because mass and energy is conserved the function on the graph cannot extend forever it will come to an abrupt halt in converting mass into energy. The term terminal velocity describes why nothing can accelerate forever. The velocity of the object or particle will render the function finite. In the case of relativity which states an object with mass would require an infinite amount of inertial mass and kinetic energy as it approaches infinitely closer to the speed of light. Due to terminal velocity that function which extends infinitely on a graph will end short. The function of an expanding universe should expand the universe infinitely but due to critical density the universes expansion comes to a complete halt also displayed on the graph of the function. The infinite time loop should end the progression of time and make the universe last forever. However even though time does not advance in a time loop, the time frames from which events happen must still advance forward. Future predictions of the future time frames will show the course of the universe in full swing with possibly no adverse issues. Like all functions it does extend infinitely into the future. All physics variables in the graph of a function is either conserved or terminal. So real time will eventually come to a halt even while the future time frames extend infinitely. Remember the future time frames of events is an illusion until real time experiences it. So when real time comes to a halt, the previous future predictions no longer exist. There is no way to predict future real time because real time can only be experienced in the present moment. Terminal means real time can end 100,000 years or more into the future or it can end tomorrow. And since there is a scientifically proven God, may God have mercy on us all at the end of real time. The time loop no longer guarantees infinity because it is at the mercy of the time frames.
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