As to why this equation is preferable, I’ve made an extensive argument for that in the introduction of the attached article. But note the article is a rough draft. My sincere apologies. I'm going to continue working on it.
Mordred, I haven’t yet learned quantum field theory, so I have to ask, is its model of force descriptive or does it embody what force is at a fundamental level? For example, the theory of general relativity describes how gravity works, but provides no explanation of what curvature is at a fundamental level. Is QFT’s explanation similar to Einstein’s in that respect or is it more conclusive? Because the equation has right and left handed chiralities, and each of these has two versions, one with a positive curvature and one with a negative. This curvature scales by the inverse square of the length the x eigenfunction represents (at high values in t). So I’m not sure what that means because this equation has a natural complexity to it that’s beyond my understanding, but these are mathematically verifiable attributes of the equation and they do evoke electromagnetism as described by the standard model.
Studiodot, gamma is not the wavefunction. Gamma multiplied by omega is what I call a waveparticle (or a lambda) which is like an x eigenfunction assuming it has spin (it can have zero spin). Gammas and omegas can be one of many different subtypes as I’ve described in the conditional equations below them. These are collectively what I’ve referred to as gamma and omega components respectively. And all of the graphs in the videos are of eigenfunctions. It contains no graphs of the wavefunction which are gone over briefly in part 2, which, according to my youtube account, has not yet been watched. You can look up the equation for the "Natural Wavefunction" in the section with the same title. I apologize for not posting the paper first. And I’ll admit I’m a more or less a hardcore hobbyist, but I would argue Faraday needed Maxwell’s help as much as Maxwell did Faraday’s. The equation stands separate from my ignorance or inability to describe them correctly and has parallels to quantum mechanics that defy coincidence. It is something I discovered. I didn’t invent it.
Thank you for your replies Mordred and studiot—and, Mordrid, I will look into putting gamma and omega into tensor format. I’m looking forward to more input as the theory still needs a lot of work, and I’m very much looking forward to someone really taking the time to thoroughly understand it and respond. At the very least I’ve discovered a very rich and unique mathematical phenomena and at most, an equation of everything.
Oh and I'll also throw in the Mathematica code in the video. They are graphs of omega components, gamma components and momenum and energy eigenfunctions.
Alternate Equations for the Wavefunction and its Eigenfunctions (rough draft).pdf