Interesting the use of a prism, let me tell you a story. if all things are created naturally then it stands to reason that all elements are crystals with their own designs. it is this shape in the crystalline structure a natural process that can refract energy that is everywhere around us but yet to be proven. the energy comes from a place outside our universe it is a constant supply and will be for what is considered an infinite amount of time.
The crystalline structures are stimulated into a symmetrical shape so fast that the refractions land into the middle of this action creating what is called neutron. the proton are really just tips of a stimulated crystal as matter energy relationships are still beyond the average creature.
This process is in everything. it is the base for what neutrons really are and what protons really are.
it is all the prism and a natural process, .if you can control this process you can create anything , defy gravity change gravity. lift things up or drag them down. play with this and you can be the man.
Sometimes in science it is not always the calculation it can be the observation to the right answer rather then going along with failed direction. observation observation observation.