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- 57 replies
Don't be ashamed that you can't figure it out, the FBI had the same issue. PS. Nobody checked my shoe phone storage chip https://nypost.com/2020/04/28/more-blood-on-gov-cuomos-hands-amid-nursing-home-coronavirus-crisis-goodwin/ Stay on topic please
- 57 replies
History does not change to suit an individual.................. Actually if you are not interested in the topic of the thread why are you responding?
Actually Lincoln sent Grant to torch the South, Grant complied with the Presidents order Don't be frustrated, the FBI failed too.............................. True story and I could tell you, but then I would have to..............................
Supremely articulated.............................
Lincoln ordered the deaths of 600,000 Americans, that is certainly not turning it down
Yes the first amendment rights of churches have been violated and many are suing. Please try to keep up I could post a link but I can't find a favorite out of the 43,800,000 that Google found https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&sxsrf=ALeKk00hkLu6sFaminMkN5xbJ7jDA_hDgA%3A1589591975886&ei=pz-_XqHONYHCytMPpt2IwA8&q=churches+suing+over+coronavirus&oq=churches+suing+&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQARgBMgIIADICCAAyBwgAEBQQhwIyBggAEAoQQzICCAAyBAgAEAoyBAgAEAoyAggAMgQIABAKMgIIADoECCMQJ1DRMljRMmDMUmgAcAB4AIABUYgBnAGSAQEymAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpeg&sclient=psy-ab NC churches sue Gov. Roy Cooper over coronavirus ... - WGHP myfox8.com › news › coronavirus › nc-churches-sue-g... 15 hours ago - WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. — Several conservative Christian leaders have filed a lawsuit against Gov. Roy Cooper pushing for courts to throw out ... Chula Vista church sues Newsom, San Diego County over ... www.latimes.com › california › story › church-sues 2 days ago - Chula Vista church sues Newsom, San Diego County over coronavirus stay-at-home orders. coronavirus.jpg. A scanning electron microscope ... California churches sue Gov. Newsom over coronavirus ... www.latimes.com › california › story › three-southern-... Apr 13, 2020 - Three Southern California churches sue Gov. Newsom over coronavirus orders. Gavin Newsom. The lawsuit seeks to block Gov. Gavin ... DOJ sides with church suing Virginia governor over lockdown nypost.com › 2020/05/04 › doj-sides-with-church-suin... May 4, 2020 - Ralph Northam after police cited a pastor for flouting a statewide ... DOJ sides with church suing Virginia governor over coronavirus lockdown. Churches sue Gov. Brown over Oregon coronavirus restrictions ktvz.com › top-stories › 2020/05/08 › churches-sue-go... May 8, 2020 - (AP) — Ten churches from around the state are suing Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, arguing her coronavirus stay-at-home orders are unconstitutional. Chula Vista Church, Local Rabbi, Sue State And Local ... - KPBS www.kpbs.org › news › may › chula-cista-church-sue-... May 8, 2020 - Above: n this photo taken Tuesday, April 14, 2020, Gov. Gavin Newsom discusses an outline for what it will take to lift coronavirus restrictions ... California churches sue Newsom over coronavirus stay-at ... www.foxnews.com › california-coronavirus-newsom-chur... Apr 16, 2020 - Three southern California churches who want to remain open amid the coronavirus pandemic filed a lawsuit against Gov. Gavin Newsom and ... Pastors sue California governor over coronavirus restrictions ... www.cnn.com › 2020/04/14 › california-pastors-sue-chur... Apr 14, 2020 - Three pastors are suing California officials over directives that have prevented worshipers from attending church service during the coronavirus ... Churches, businesses sue Walz over coronavirus-related ... www.minnpost.com › glean › 2020/05 › churches-busi... May 8, 2020 - In a federal lawsuit filed in Minnesota on Wednesday, the group alleges Walz's executive orders during the pandemic unfairly pick 'winners and ...
Please explain how the first amendment exist if the 10th amendment can nullify it whenever a governor dictates that the first amendment no longer applies because of his or her dictatorial will And if Lincoln toned it down African Americans would still be in chains
Wrong because many churches run soup kitchens that were CLOSED What part eludes you?
https://komonews.com/news/coronavirus/nys-cuomo-criticized-over-highest-nursing-home-death-toll Reality is nevertheless real Why defend senseless deaths?
It would also help if governors who knew that covid killed the old due to the first outbreaks in Seattle did not order nursing homes to take covid positive patients which MASSIVELY added to the death toll
Actually the worthless treatment of taking antibodies from the infected and recovered to active cases was in use in 1918 Didn't work then either
Well if serial killers like Andrew Cuomo were not sending infected people into nursing homes the death tolls would be a lot less
- 57 replies
I didn't but I find it interseting that the only reason that you do not know that 80,000 Americans died from the flu in 2018 is because the media did not care enough to report this LOL, next https://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/news/20180927/80000-americans-died-from-flu-last-year https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/26/health/flu-deaths-2017--2018-cdc-bn/index.html Your apology is accepted 100,000,000 died form the Spanish flu when the World population was 1,600,000,000, that was a pandemic 308,000 have now died of covid out of a population of 7,400,000,000 Do the math LOL the CDC is funded by tobacco taxes
80,000 Americans had the flu in 2018 and died, no one cared Seriously I have had worse sniffles from the common cold. The weird thing is that the covid symptoms for me came over 4 days and none of them overlapped each other. So unless you have had covid you do not have the experience that I have. Perhaps if I was an overweight smoker with emphysema I might have kicked the bucket. The fact is that every overweight smoker with emphysema is going to kick the bucket, some have do not resuscitate orders because they want to die after suffering from the effects of a lifetime of diligently paying cigarette taxes that fund the CDC