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Everything posted by Delberty

  1. My numbers are accurate https://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/news/20180927/80000-americans-died-from-flu-last-year Again 32 million had the flu and since covid is more infectious obviously more people have or had covid http://www.advisory.com/daily-briefing/2020/03/03/flu-update The CDC predicted 2.2 million deaths and put 36 million Americans out of work. Andy Cuomo ordered nursing homes to take covid patients and killed thousands. You follow your leader. I will lead
  2. It is common knowledge that people who are exposed to the most viruses at younger age as those in daycare do better with viruses and have fewer allergies later in life. Me tested, nope as I was infected before the lockdown, I have an employee who was severely sick and he went to his doctor twice and to a state testing center twice and they refused to test him, I recommended he get tested because he also has asthma. So they were not testing all ill people just those that they were reasonably sure had covid. It's like this, I was painting once and fell off the ladder and broke my arm. My arm was broken, I did not go to the hospital for a test to show that my arm was broken as it hurt and was bent really wrong. However when you go to any doctor they refuse to accept that you know your arm is broken until they say it is. All doctors request 50 thousand dollars of unneeded test that they get a kickback from and you get the radiation from the test. So my arm was broken and I had covid, and this does not matter on what any doctor says because I actually know more about my own body than all of them put together, which is why I deadlift 400lbs and can ride 50 miles on my race bike. Doctors need sick people to make money, exercise gives life I have never had a doctor that told me the complete truth, as I test them. One doctor did not know that celiac disease eats away at the small intestine resulting in blood in the stool, as I ask him if celiac could cause bloody stool and he said no. He either did not know this which makes him unqualified to treat me or he ignored the yes answer in order to do unneeded testing Another doctor told me that a hemorrhoid bleed could not cause anemia and he got angry when I told him that I actually knew I was anemic and was already taking supplemental iron. So I have never found a doctor as competent at diagnosis as I am because I always diagnose myself correct. Others may not be so talented My thoughts about doctors are based upon the experiences with doctors that I have had, so I do not think this I know this is true in my case. I believe in 2017 and 2018 there were 32 million flu victims and 80,000 dead. If covid is more infectious this dictates that there are far more than 32 million victims and not less. Without testing we can not know this is true, however the fact remains that the more who are tested the lower the mortality drops. It's math not subject to supposition
  3. What percentage of the UK's 68 million people were tested? The fact is that only sick people are or were being tested, the 90 percent who were infected like my entire family were not counted. This is not like the flu where 100 percent of those infected have horrible symptoms for 1 to 3 weeks I can't do that because I do not have a doctor All doctors do is lie so that we get more tests I saw the info on TV several times, one must remember that no one knows if the immunity is permanent or if not for how long it will last or will it apply to new strains. Officially the government still wants everyone to be terrified of talking to a neighbor
  4. I might also get this again and not be sick again. For all we know 200 million americans might have had this already as healthy people are or were being totally ignored. Are people sleeping alone with masks? Why drive alone with the windows up and wear a mask. Makes no sense at all on any level because the mask is not to keep the wearer safe but to keep them from sneezing or coughing and spreading the virus. Staying at home for long enough also weakens the immune system. At any rate catching this was the best thing that could have happened to me, and they are saying now that antibody protection is lasting We need every American tested for antibodies to determine the mortality of the disease. All we have now are guesses
  5. I had a fever that left me drenched at noon on a Wednesday, it subsided in under a half hour, I never even had time to take my temp as I was working. The next day in the early afternoon I had severe stomach pains, so bad that I took the next day Friday off. Upon waking the next day all the pain was gone and I felt normal. Then that night the stomach pains came out as hot watery diarrhea, so bad that I mentioned this to my wife. Saturday or Sunday I do not remember which my wife cooked chicken and rice for dinner a comfort food favorite and I commented to my wife that the food had no taste. This all in early January. The next week my wife lost her hearing for 4 or 5 days, the first one sick was my son who shares a gym with me. Conclusion Covid-19 is the best thing that could have happened to me because I can not be afraid of catching what I have had. To prevent further issues I am riding 40 miles at a clip on my race bike................ Antibodies are great, but why do you have no comment on the total lack of vaccines for RNA viruses or the false narrative that a vaccine will be created for this as there is just no precedent
  6. Did your brother grind and polish the glass and mirror elements?
  7. As I understand it there are no vaccines for RNA viruses, Covid-19 is not a flu virus. So if a vaccine is developed it will be the first of it's kind. I had this disease anyway so did my entire family and we were not even sick enough to go to a doctor. So not everything you hear on TV is real
  8. And by making I mean grinding and polishing lenses, and if you are grinding and polishing lenses that someone else made why not skip this and start with molten glass. Me I would just buy a rig completed as I do not have time to make a telescope. So is there an advantage to being independent versus interdependent. Remember that you could also be independent and make your own silicon chips as well but that this is not possible, so is there an advantage to making a telescope?
  9. Those are underwater features, seamounts canyons trenches and the like
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