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You can find what you want by this way: the truth of magnetic moment line/magnetic field force line hope this message can arrive at you.
Thanks, and sorry of those repeat text and the outside links and my poor English. The people who care about the nature of magnetic field will not see these words anymore, it is so regret. the pic upon show the analysis method of the two basic case of magnetism: pic1 the force analysis between magnets with moving charge, pic2 Three cases of the force analysis between two magnets (use the black color line act as the two magnets) These cases are all lie in the one plane, it is enough here, ofcourse to study them in 3D space is better. These cases upon are easily to understand , and if you do so you will find the nature of magnetic field, and you can see the magnetic field much clearly than ever, but most people today can't see it. the compute of these case are all related to magnet, and all are very complex, much hardly than the formula f=qvb, (f=qvb is just an approximate formula) , if someone interested with it we can talk about it later. About the Maxwell equations and some others popular theories, what they can do just make man confused, give up them maybe the good way, and to the "magnetic field force line". "magnetic force lines" is a misunderstanding. The truth of "magnetic force lines" is 0 magnetic moment lines, but not magnetic field force lines. A very simple method to judge it: take magnet in each hands, make two magnets parallel, and feel the force between them, it is on the line that connect the center of two magnets, but not on the "magnetic force line", the angle between these two direction is 90 degrees. the pic next show the force analysis of the case, and you can see the media too , the truth of magnetic moment line/magnetic field force line
---The Brief Introduction of Magnetic Field--- Magnetic interaction can be divided into two levels, 1.the field level of magnetic interaction, 2.the superposition level of magnetic interaction. The field level magnetic interaction belong to the deeper magnetic interaction, it is related to the more basic magnetic properties. The superposition level magnetic interaction is formed by the superposition of a large number of basic magnetic interactions, the common magnetic interaction all are the superposition level magnetic interaction, such as the magnetic interaction of magnet etc. The field level magnetic interaction In-depth research shows that clearly: Magnetic field and electric field are unified, magnetic field is just the one appearance of electric field, there is not independent magnetic field in the world; To say it simply, magnetic field interaction is the electric field interaction that be effected by motion. Motion can take weak effect to the electric field interaction, the electric interaction between two electrons increase by the increase of relative motion velocity of them (Lorentz force had said it), the electric interaction is the weakest when the two electrons keep relatively static (is electrostatic interaction, but not Coulomb interaction); Compare with electrostatic interaction, the ratio of the increase of electric interaction is 1:10^11 when the relative motion velocity is 1m/S; And can be 1:10^4 to the two thermal movement electrons. These changes can take some effect to the world obviously, and the effect is just magnetic interaction. To say it accuturely, magnetic field is not a pure field, it is the combine of electric field and motion. The superposition level magnetic interaction: The common magnetic interactions all are formed by the superposition of a large number of basic magnetic interactions, superposition can cover some basic magnetic properties, and generate some new ones; The magnetic interaction of live wire is mainly due to the electric interaction of free electrons that form the current (current electrons), and is the electric interaction superposition of all charge; The magnetic interaction of magnet is mainly due to the electric interaction of the orbit electrons with the same orbit direction, and is the electric interaction superposition of all magnet atoms; No matter how complex it is, magnetic interaction can fit to electric interaction perfectly, without any independent magnetic interaction at all, because of that magnetic field is just electric field, no matter how complex it is, it is only the one interaction of electric field. In fact, in that year, Oersted's experiment is not only show that magnetic field is related to electric field, but also means that they are the same field. Magnetic interaction is the multidisciplinary blending physical phenomenon, it is related too much case, so it can be effected by too much case, and has too much appearance. Such as: The magnetic interaction of live wire is related to the current in metal; The magnetic interaction of magnet is related to the iron alloy; The magnetic interaction of superconductor, paramagnetic action, diamagnetic effect and so on, all of the magnetic interaction are related to the character of the field source; To crack a magnetic effect, it must to hold all related technologies at first, that only hold the nature of magnetic interaction is not enough, the superposition of magnetic interaction maybe has countless ways, so even that had holden the nature of magnetic interaction, the way of magnetic interaction research is still very long. The detai of "The nature of magnetic field"l to see (full version paper in chinese word) https://phyyz.kinja.com/the-theoretical-analysis-of-the-field-1828705659?rev=1589649761587 the truth of magnetic moment line https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oh19XoAR1n4&t=1s
---The Brief Introduction of Magnetic Field--- More than 2500 years ago, man had found magnetic interaction and make use of it; 200 years ago (July 21, 1820 A.D.), H.C.Oersted declared that magnetic field is related to electric field; In the next 75 years latter, Ampere, Faraday, Lorentz etc sum up various magnetic interaction rules, their achievements all hint that magnetic field is related to the motion. In fact, Oersted, Ampere, Faraday, Lorentz had discovered all the basic nature of magnetic interaction (1.electric field, 2.motion), but they all didn't pay enough attention to it, didn't organize it systematically, the scientific climate changed later, became to the theological religion that cover up with the banner of science, basic scientific research in many fields has gone astray, magnetism research is the one of them, it needs to be pulled by industry to get partial progress, a lot of misunderstandings and mysteries exist for a long time, in the 120 years, the world has a great changes, but magnetic field research has no great progress. It is not very difficult to crack magnetic interaction nature. The common magnetic interaction is formed by the superposition of a large number of micro interaction, that to crack magnetic nature, it only need to go into micro world and work steadily. About 2000 A.D., some excellent magnetic field researchers and achievement appears in folk. 2017 A.D., the basic nature of full region magnetic interaction had been cracked; April 2018, "Theoretical Analysis of the Field Principle - Magnetic Field (1th piece)" is declared, the nature of magnetic interaction is no longer a mystery to this world. Magnetic interaction can be divided into two levels, 1.the field level of magnetic interaction, 2.the superposition level of magnetic interaction. The field level magnetic interaction belong to the deeper magnetic interaction, it is related to the more basic magnetic properties. The superposition level magnetic interaction is formed by the superposition of a large number of basic magnetic interactions, the common magnetic interaction all are the superposition level magnetic interaction, such as the magnetic interaction of magnet etc. The field level magnetic interaction In-depth research shows that clearly: Magnetic field and electric field are unified, magnetic field is just the one appearance of electric field, there is not independent magnetic field in the world; To say it simply, magnetic field interaction is the electric field interaction that be effected by motion. Motion can take weak effect to the electric field interaction, the electric interaction between two electrons increase by the increase of relative motion velocity of them (Lorentz force had said it), the electric interaction is the weakest when the two electrons keep relatively static (is electrostatic interaction, but not Coulomb interaction); Compare with electrostatic interaction, the ratio of the increase of electric interaction is 1:10^11 when the relative motion velocity is 1m/S; And can be 1:10^4 to the two thermal movement electrons. These changes can take some effect to the world obviously, and the effect is just magnetic interaction. To say it accuturely, magnetic field is not a pure field, it is the combine of electric field and motion. The superposition level magnetic interaction: The common magnetic interactions all are formed by the superposition of a large number of basic magnetic interactions, superposition can cover some basic magnetic properties, and generate some new ones; The magnetic interaction of live wire is mainly due to the electric interaction of free electrons that form the current (current electrons), and is the electric interaction superposition of all charge; The magnetic interaction of magnet is mainly due to the electric interaction of the orbit electrons with the same orbit direction, and is the electric interaction superposition of all magnet atoms; No matter how complex it is, magnetic interaction can fit to electric interaction perfectly, without any independent magnetic interaction at all, because of that magnetic field is just electric field, no matter how complex it is, it is only the one interaction of electric field. In fact, in that year, Oersted's experiment is not only show that magnetic field is related to electric field, but also means that they are the same field. Magnetic interaction is the multidisciplinary blending physical phenomenon, it is related too much case, so it can be effected by too much case, and has too much appearance. Such as: The magnetic interaction of live wire is related to the current in metal; The magnetic interaction of magnet is related to the iron alloy; The magnetic interaction of superconductor, paramagnetic action, diamagnetic effect and so on, all of the magnetic interaction are related to the character of the field source; To crack a magnetic effect, it must to hold all related technologies at first, that only hold the nature of magnetic interaction is not enough, the superposition of magnetic interaction maybe has countless ways, so even that had holden the nature of magnetic interaction, the way of magnetic interaction research is still very long. But, magnetic interaction had been mastered, how long can other problems be exist? detail to see LINK REMOVED