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Everything posted by qidran

  1. It will be keep on growing, such a lively mountain.
  2. There's many science contents out there, its best we spend sometime in it.
  3. To put it simple, dark matter are particles that do not absorb, reflect or emit light. Dark matter can’t be seen directly or be detected by observing electromagnetic radiation. Expert said it exists because of the effect it has on objects that we can observe.
  4. Global waste production will continue to increase by 70% if no actions are taken (World Bank's report). In 2050, waste generation will increase to 3.40 billion!! They evaluates that between 33% and 40% of the waste is not manage properly. They are rather dumped or burned.
  5. The pictures look scary. Scientists said that the megadrought has to be related to the La Nina weather phenomenon. Now because of the megadrought, lakes have been shrunk drastically and fire can start easily. I hope there are something that we can do about this.
  6. I wish we could wipe mosquitoes off the face of the Earth! If you think that I’m too much, maybe you can try to sleep in a room with a mosquito. The high-pitched buzzing that gradually gets closer and I still don’t understand why is it so hard to spot them! Yes there will be some animals that would go hungry, but think those 1 million people that die every year because of malaria.
  7. Unfortunately, it’s likely not far from now…. I read an article by IPCC that by 2040, there will be a disaster. With the extreme droughts, wildfires, floods and hurricanes that’s occurring more nowadays. To avoid that, scientists stated that we have to reduce global carbon emissions by 40 percent by 2030.
  8. I think its the ancestors of millipedes and centipedes, the earliest arachnids, and the ancestors of insects. They were established on land in the Silurian Period. Their diet was early plants, and each other.
  9. It starts with ocean plants, which are algae. Then the plants came onto dry land about 450 million years ago! Through evolution, they have adapted to dry land and became the plants that we’re familiar with right now. Experts said that those plants must had evolved from seaweeds in the ocean.
  10. One possibility is the panspermia theory that suggests life did not start on earth. With methane that has been found on Mars, this spread the humor that life could have began at somewhere else but not earth. Although the only life form is confirmed on Earth, some scientists think that other life form in the planet is reasonable.
  11. Wood is not like most cases. When wood is heated, the water boils away first and then the lignin and will react with oxygen and burn. Basically, wood will oxidize before it would be able to melt. Its physical structure is destroyed and it won’t be able to return to its original matter.
  12. It’s amazing of how does a black hole looks like! I read that scientist captured the image with eight telescopes across the world. Black hole is larger than the size of our solar system and the mass is 6.5 billion times than our sun. It’s the biggest black hole that we have ever known! Now having the first image can help researchers to learn more about black holes. Who knows what scientists can discover?
  13. There have been methods that have been proposed known as "climate engineering" or "geoengineering." Some proposals involve injecting reflective particles into the upper atmosphere to scatter and reflect sunlight back. Others involve seeding the oceans with iron to stimulate large-scale phytoplankton blooms. This is to draw down carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere through photosynthesis. But many climate scientists oppose to these methods as they do not know the possible side effects.
  14. I dont think its true as there is no evidence that 5G is causing any harm to people. The rumor started becoming popular because people started blaming it for covid, which doesn't make sense since 5G came from South Korea in late 2018. Their main argument is that 5G causes radiation which can harm humans. Our phones rely on radio waves which are on the low end of the electromagnetic spectrum. It not 'enough' to damage any DNA in our cell tissue and still havent proven to cause cancer.
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