While reading The Modern Prometheus the other day, a specific passage got my attention; the one where Frankenstein meets two of his college teachers, the one being Krempe who told him to discard all of the ancient natural philosophy knowlegde he had, and rather gaze to modern forms of it. The other, professor Waldman, who instead tells Frakenstein not to discard said knowledge at all, for that is the base and core of everything we've achieved so far.
Then, a specific person came to my mind: Edward Jenner. Called by many "The father of inmunology". Of course, he comes to mind in regards of the current situation we are in. Jenner was merely a curious man, a literateur who happened to find the Cowpox being able to affect humans, with the exception of those who where in a very close connvivance with said animal, and such persons would already be vaccinated against the smallpox, due to their inmune system adaptability to fight the virus because of such coexistence with the cow, or in that case, the reservoir.
Having all of that in mind, this research takes its focus on that idea. Experts think that the most possible reservoirs of the SARS-CoV-2 Could be the bat, but somehow it hasn't yet done enough to shed some light on the matter of the current pandemic.
Looking at the world map of the infected countries with Jenner discoveries/theory on mind, Indonesia seems to stand out as one of the less affected places despite being the fourth most populated place in the world. As of now, Indonesia has a total of 26,940 confirmed COVID-19 cases. It is important to note that cultural beliefs in Indonesia lead people not to listen the recommended sanitary measures while still reporting a low rate of contagion. With this idea on mind by hand with Jenner's we could say that there could possibly be a reservoir thats in direct connvivance with Indonesian people.
With the previous in mind we can take a look a their ecosystem or fauna and link it to other places that could potentialy bring us to a reservoir. If we keep Edward discoveries in mind, we can take a look for example at Goats, wich have a high coexistence with Indonesia citizens. If we go to a China contagion map we see that Ningxia has a really low contagion rate, while sharing some cultural way of life with Indonesia. Furthermore, in the list of the items sold at the Wuhan Wet market that also shares goats as some of the items. Also, according to a National Geographic article a study on march 2020 identified a number of species that the virus could infect, the Goat was among these species.
The purpose of this post is to aproach the matter in a way that most seem to be discarding by ignoring something that we have on plain sight, as it happened on Jenners cows. I am not by all means saying that the Goat is the reservoir, but rather bringing to attention that the old investigation philosophy should not be discarded by the new.