My primary question deals with spin. I understand that there's a formula to calculate the spin of particles and that particles fall within two categories depending on their spin, but I do not understand what the formula is describing though. Is it describing how fast the particle is actually moving? Is it a calculation to determine a specific energy type? Or is it a hypothetical value to help understand a vector energy that's locked in an angular momentum due to color confinement or some force holding the particle together?
My next question is about the color force
My next tangent is purely a thought experiment which has had me pondering for awhile now. The term color charge and its seven colors are just arbitrary terms to help understand a tristate polarity instead of a normal duality. In nature you see duality everywhere; left and right, positive and negative, so it's easy to see how those values could be combined or neutral each other out. It's harder to grasp this notion in a tristate model where each point of three have to combined to cancel each other out. This happens in nature in the form of white light, three primary colors are added together to form white so we use these terms interchangeably with the values in the color charge theory. Now if we're talking about the guiding force that forms all physical matter, surely we should be able to find other examples of this tristate model. Then it came to me, all of physical matter is comprised of three values; Height x Width x Length.
This was a Eureka moment for me in that now I wasn't trying to imagine some arbitrary color term but instead focus on what I'm actually trying to imagine: a physical particle in matter space. Another way to think about this would be if saying the color charge is an energy that's emerging into the physical plane but only in one direction. You'd still need three directions of energy before you could establish a three dimensional point in space, but this way of thinking better illustrates energies coalescing into physical existence rather than energies canceling each other out and matter being creating as a byproduct. If the color charge is some kind of emergent dimensional energy and spin is a hypothetical value to describe an angular momentum at a particle's creation; could these two values be correlated or even interconnected?
Now to extrapolate that a little further while also simplifying it, one point of energy would be a single vector energy. Meaning it just wants to shoot out in one direction, but because of polarities, gravity, confinement, and other forces it never will so we describe this kinetic energy as angular momentum. This could explain why particles spin, though I don't know if this is the same value of spin I was asking about earlier. It could also help explain leptons which only have one elementary particle so only contain one value of spin and can be described as bundles of energy that never stop moving. They can't stop moving because they don't have any other alternate vector to pursue.
The second dimension is where I need to learn more about spin. Because the only particle that would have only two color charges would be gluons, which are force carrier particles and not normal matter correct? Another point of view is that gluons also have a spin value of 1, which if you consider a gluon to have two color charges (color/anticolor) then 1/2 plus 1/2 should equal 1. All force carriers have a spin value of 1 as well, is this a correlation of double emergent energies or just a forced perspective due to gullible ignorance? Probably the latter, but seeing as this is a thought experiment I'm going to continue with the former. Now if you consider a spin value of 1 to be two separate forces combined, then what you get is a line with two points. One directional force wants to continue in one direction forever, whereas a force that contains two dimensions can affect some type of change between two points. This certainly applies when you consider these are all force carrier particles, they affect change on all other particles.
And coming around full circle, particles with three color charges or these dimensional energies create shapes that contain these energies into physical space. If you think of the two-charge force, or force carriers in general, they affect change in one of two ways, e.g. attraction or repulsion. A third action to this push/pull effect would be confinement or holding on to it. In this sense, physical matter confines these energies in one place instead of zipping off through the cosmos or back and forth in-between infinitely short distances.