Eugenics is the only way to salvage humanity at this late point.
The human race has for a long time been stagnating due to dysgenic selection. A new evolutionary mechanism is required to replace sexual selection which has shaped human evolution until now. Human females are still determining which male genes are transmitted to the next generation. Should something as important as this be left to female proclivity?
Women are attracted to men with the most elaborate social ornamentation. When a human female selects a male to procreate with, heritable attributes such as agreeableness, conscientiousness and moral character rarely enter into the equation. Such qualities can be detrimental to human males in securing access to females. Men with elaborate social ornamentation but low moral worth have been out-competing virtuous men for centuries in securing access to women.
Even more disturbing is the female predilection for 'bad-boys' and thugs. Could it be that humanity is such an aggressive species because women are still predominantly choosing to procreate with aggressive men?
If women could be coerced into procreating with men who possess attributes such as above average intelligence, agreeableness, conscientiousness and introversion, the genetic stagnation of humanity may be halted.
For this to happen there will have to be a rethink of reproductive ethics. Reproduction should be a privilege not a right and many suitable men will not have the chance to procreate because they are shunned by women.
We already have selective breeding in society and always have done. Eugenics is simply correcting the mistakes nature makes by increasing the reproductive productivity of some members of society at the expense of others. Complusory sterilization will become regarded as the highest public duty for the preservation of the racial stock and will be generously incentivized.
Communists advocate a planned economy so why not a planned population as well?