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ahmet last won the day on December 24 2020

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  1. Thank you very much. I feel myself very happy being corrected/confirmed about my prediction which I wrote in my paper but could not publish it. I shall try to revise and resubmit. Thanks again.
  2. Hello, I have not heard that term in meaning of developmental technology. But.. maybe I may predict what it was related... for instance, is that related to some other external contexts like: subliminal & supraliminal stimuli. But you are right that I definitely & specfically consider sound waves. Thank you for contribution. no, I read once again and decided that this kind of thing was new to me.
  3. Hi, I mean whether we could interfere them via setting their amplitude and/or wavelenght quantities by functions' rules. for instance, are the amplitude or wavelength of waves' are settable in the conformity of f(x)= Ax +B (This is a general rule of linear function as you know) Thanks.
  4. thank you for the explanations. I just googled what I see as an error on my tex maker editor, and followed what others say. see here: https://latex.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=29957
  5. hi, I need a free latex editor. In previous times, I was using TeX maker but these days it seems it is not possible to use this one. (Windovs security prevents some settings or the editor itself does not work as same as it needed/predicted.) Could someone help me please which editors are available? (and tutorial for construction)
  6. I tried to particularly overview the thread but did not understand what you want. As far as I remember , Riemann's zeta function is [math] \frac{1}{n^\alpha}[/math] in mathematics , I also remember that we analyzed where it was convergent and divergent. May I ask you to provide your question in the most succint and sufficient form? Thanks
  7. 1) 2) Hi again, the journal has sent me a new manuscript again for evaluation. Two points: From what I understood by CharonY & swansont's comments under this thread (appears above) 1) There is no benefit for me according to CharonY but 2) in spite of this it is understandable that swansont seems like encouraging. Two questions: 1) show me please a logic reason on why to conduct a review (even if I have no benefit) ? 2) swansont, as expressed your comment seems encouraging, but why? (Please pay attention to CharonY's opinion too) Thanks external question: Are reviewers responsible for unexpected but probable circumstances such as: -- >> in case an article they handle contains copyright issue or plagiarised material (This is just an assumption)?
  8. what you ask is not understandable in the thread text. But to reply just to the title, that is not the doable thing in my prediction or seems like an invalid /unapplicable question. Because the golde ratio is a number. and the curve you shown is a type of gaussian distribution function. (I presume it is NORMAL distribution function graph)
  9. the journal which I successfully conducted a review returned me an acknowledgement with additional kind invitation as to express that they would like to see me again in the future as also an author . But I do not mind really. why to do that ? First, I have already regular job (but this is not thoroughly an academic position really) and I believe I will have no earnings. So, why to bother myself,why ? that is ok that I accept I deal with science and I sometimes believe I have found some very sensitive and really effective things/results for community (by community I both mean folks (big data) and scientists. (because scientists are also member of folks) but why to bother myself ? for what ? for which aim? will I have a benefit? no. because, I left formal academic life more than 7 years ago. I am still young or feel so, but really not willing to follow all the expectations (especially for zero benefit) What I do ? I currently deal with only patents. Anyway, I believe I am right but wonder if there is suitable and significantly meaningful & understandable critiques. Note please as I have no plan to enroll currently to a PhD and MSc program in my home country,I do not look for advices, but critiques are welcome. Sincerely, ahmet
  10. hi, this is a portative dental instrument and I am not willing to share any else information unfortunately. sorry for this case. if possible, could someone please give me an idea, on how much money should I want for licensing in case I get in touch with some corporations?
  11. hi, I completed the review, and may anyone explain whether I could share my recognition of reviewer certificate wherever I want?
  12. you can consider every aspect of beuty really. so, all of them.
  13. ahmet

    steady metals

    I might have used wrong term here, not sure. by steady I mean the strong effect as a force across radiation ( when that metals are exposed to alpha, betta , gamma radiation)
  14. ahmet

    steady metals

    hi, can someone explain please whether there are steady metals. The property I look for is about being steady across (nuclear) radiation,too. but as this issue does not fall inside the areas of my interests, I think i can easily make some mistakes. if this is a case, I kindly request the correction and understanding. Thanks
  15. Thank you swansont.
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