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Everything posted by ahmet

  1. does this sentence contain also something relevant to human destiny? by the way, I disagree this idea.
  2. to me ,yes, exactly. at somewehere , we have not seen almost any raining. somewhere, yes such heavy rains and at unexpected time that floodings occured. Some people say that we will live some problems in planting and obtaining agricultural foods ,because the occuring time of rains are also not at expected times. I am almost sure that somethings are changing and I fear this will happen to partially world wide. I try to predict the future times, but unfortunately have no optimistic / positive ideas in my hand in this regard.
  3. no. too much stupid or meaningless to me.
  4. hi, As I am not specialised in this area and the issue is not sufficiently precise,I preferred to open here. we could not take the expected rains.
  5. I heard SSP disease (but this name was presumably in turkish,do not know about english name) this was caused by a vaccine and could be out long years after the vaccination and not appearing on everyone. I also come across an interesting thing, turkish processes a bit chnged but in spite of the smallness of those chnages I think the system is not same with the past (in comparison) for instance , ethical board does not work thoroughly in implementation of lots of scientific projects.(also,it is not a requirement)(i.e. security issues arising(?))
  6. We have vector spaces also. But.. Presumably some more and relevant descriptions available. But if you name it as "space",then to my knowledge, the appearing explanations should be valid. Note please there are many operations and broad content in spaces (and there are many spaces such as metric, normed, inner product spaces and specific examples to these) Metric spaces are the most discrete or narrow spaces as i know.
  7. I do not know any metric for this set,specifically. but have you understood my wordings as stating; we could define a metric at every sets? if so, I did not mean that thing. sorry for mistelling if it is being understood so.
  8. any metric should satisfy these criteria / conditions: 1) For every x,y [math]d(x,y) \geq 0; if, d(x,y)= 0 --> x=y [/math] 2) [math]d(x,y)=d(y,x)[/math] 3) [math]d(x,y) \leq d(x,z)+d(y,z) [/math]
  9. I am not sure what its scope was in psysics , but in maths, a space is that a set and with at least a metric defined on this set.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytGP7-NMlmw
  11. you succintly discuss the worth of money. money is in fact an object inside of the exchnage process. but the process I mention above (exchange),I think, rather generalised. apart from the reality or the type of reality, we all responsible what we do and believe. Thus , both yes and no. yes, because you could find many advices by him like that. no, because you should find the realities by yourself. And none will be responsible by someone else's acts.
  12. don't bother yourself, as soon as you die (and thus you leave from this world), some wordings will be expressed after your movement: this is narrowed "paradigm "... but gold is almost or already universal "acceptance".
  13. when I need to make a decision objectively dependent to some criteria,I only refer to the source and pay attention what the criteria were. But not the actions and people. So, here, I do not rely on what other people do. the important thing, in fact , here is that what the source states. Thus, that is not my core focal point what other muslims pay attention (with the condition that I am suficiently knowledgeable about the source). The external people are also not important. The topic then could you define what the "value" was? isn't it eventually personalized? corollary: almost every change is the result of exchange. a notation: "almost" here is not an objective particle. But we needed to include indefinite things too. Indefinite things also include the contexts we cannot interfere them wholly as of the current time.
  14. well ,to my existing knowledge, by islamic approach; only gold and silver can be accepted as money. in fact, I am not sure even about silver because just gold is being accepted or calculated as entity to be responsible for something.you may consider to think that bancnotes, credit card's credits , bank accounts' amount were money but as the definition is changing to one by one and by other entities, what is the measurement of wealth? I think here, we may have to wait for some time, somethings will be more complicated in near future, however, I am hopeful to expect the clearer air/environment. cheers
  15. if you have not confused the description with blockchain,then ,no it is not a concept. by definition, money has embodiment, you can handle ,see and use it. so it is not an abstract idea. by the same properties, it is not an intention and a plan. rather, it is a content of intention and / or plan. (i.e. a tool)
  16. mmm, no. I prefer listening to music instead watching film . but succintly : 1) our religion has real values. (Do not dstract your attention with wrong/fake applications/appearances (e.g. isis)) 2)nowadays , arabs' money is the most valuable units as I know. 3) in spite of everything,I think english society (e.g. in universities) applies special forms in laboratories.I mean if not the something,but the bulk of everything was incorrect,why special forms are being implemented /applied? *** * *** (Crypted: VE-RI-TAS) *** * *** summary: money and materials ..are not the aim , just tools.
  17. that is logical decision. and ,why not ?
  18. ahahhaha really, what I want might be different. formerly, my aim was to develop something to help humanity but now, I aim someting which you may consider that things religious ,at least I think I should. in fact, I shall again want to develop somethings to help humanity, but the aim is not that thing. that is just a content.
  19. I might have not remember well, but preferably you may check some very basic notations from group teory & algebra such as : product (relevant) theorems and prime product separation/differentiation region (relevant theorems).
  20. just a reply to the topic: it may depend on what you want/aim.
  21. hi, could someone help me on the qualitative properties of education in these specific countries: (specific issues: in which cases do teachers come across with problems ,the types of problems (general speaking: risks) and how are such problems being resolved or results) * china (specific states: hong kong,peking) * russia * dubai (uae) * finland * oman
  22. hi, I have several queries about this certification and need help. 1) which authority / association carry out this exam? 2) what are the prerequisites (for instance whether I have had to have a defined range of toefl exam score) for this exam? 3) how does this exam is being carried out (e.g.: whether an active application ,for instance, telling lessons would be made) I am currently official teacher here in turkey but may consider to work abroad. thanks
  23. hi,once again, assume please I buy some permissions (i.e. license/copyright by payment to wordpress as they define across all the folks/users) then ,could you further help me please (if you have that piece of the information) on whether I would be able to develop that webpages as (if it is) my own? (I will interfere the codes via making changes on it) one external query: do you know (if yes) could you explain whether I would make changes on same website after publishing something (after making payment to host and when the design of that webpage is already ready under assumption ) many thanks.
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