I really hope this is the right place for this, and I'm very sorry if it isn't. The study of light has always come under the heading of "physics" when it's been taught to me, but I'm afraid science is my weakest area!
I'm told aluminum foil is extremely light-resistant. Can anyone tell me what other materials/substances have light-resistant properties equal to or greater than aluminum foil?
I'd be tremendously grateful for any help. Thank you very much for your time.
The thing is, I have B12 injections, and the glass vials of B12 I use are extremely vulnerable to light, so the supplier suggests aluminum foil be used to wrap around the vials at all times (except when they're actually being used to draw B12 into the syringe). According to the supplier, aluminum foil is extremely light-resistant.
I was just wondering if anyone with a solid science background in the study of light could tell me if there were any other materials that were as light-resistant as aluminum foil? The problem is, the aluminum foil gets cracks in it from being unwrapped and re-wrapped every day, and constantly needs replacing. Can anyone recommend anything more permanent that I could use, like some sort of "light-proof box" (I'm sure that's the technical term for such a box ;D).