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Othmane Dahi

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Everything posted by Othmane Dahi

  1. Well they give some evidences like this one with muslims, and no one can say that if we don't discover smth scientifically than it is wrong I just want to be objective as much as I can so I have no doubts I just wanna assume all what they believe in and come up with contradictions in their books logically. That's my plan anw. I already started with Islam and found some contradictions in their book
  2. Well I am not gonna go over all the religions I want to have just a general knowledge about the most 5 popular religions and know the evidences they give and look for any contradictions to have some conclusions
  3. If it yes you solved my problem Yeah I totally agree I really want someday people stop showing their children how the world is created and let them discover by themselves I am actually studying religions to see if there is a good one and it is taking a lot of time from me and my parents are all upset about it and I hope at the end I find that no religion is actually true
  4. Yeah you're right
  5. No I don't But there is nothing on Islamic one there
  6. First they stand still then they bow with hands rested on the knees and the back held straight for a few seconds then they rise back to an erect posture then they go down on they knees and rests their hands and forehead on the ground in prostration then they get back to sit and finally resting their hands and forhead on the ground again and they repeat all of this in a mininmum of 12 times a day. They do 2 then 4 then 4 again then 3 then 4 during the day. I didn't describe what they say during theses moves and te way they say them ( loud or not ). I say this as someone who lived with muslims for 19 years I don't expect that, I just wanna see there is a scientific article that says that as they say.
  7. Thank you I will consult it
  8. I agree, I just wanna see if these moves are good for health first, because if they don't then I don't even have to see other things and I ll conclude that there is no scientific prove that the moves are good in the first place I assume that you saw the moves so maybe you got my point
  9. Can you cite one please
  10. Okay thank you. Any evidence ?
  11. Okay thank you. But can't we approximate when did it start to change ?
  12. The prayer in islam is not just having a wish and saying it to God as in this source you gave me, it's a mix of moves where they do different things So I can't give a final judge about it the moves are cited in the website with pictures
  13. Hey guys , So some Muslim people say that the prayer is scientifically healthy and I wanted to check if that is true. I looked for some source in google scholar and I didn't find any. I looked in google and found this website " https://www.heighpubs.org/jnpr/jnpr-aid1020.php " and I wanna know if this source is reliable or not since it is not my speciality
  14. I am so sorry I am not english that's just the word I got from google translate. Anw what I mean is when people change the words of a religion's book
  15. Hey guys, Is vedas twisted? If so do we know when ?
  16. Hey guys, If anyone is struggling with algebra, 3Bue1Brown playlist on it is really helpful
  17. Hey guys, I wanna start studying psychology as a hobby and I want some advices to a good, effective and fun way to do that (name a good book for begginers, ytb channel, a habbit, personal exp, ...) Thank you!
  18. I did not confirm
  19. I heard of that too but I am not sure of it and maybe future can be changed I don't I get ur point thanks
  20. I don't know how to reply to a message is this normal as I am new ? or am I dumb
  21. Hey guys, Have you ever thought that maybe we see the future when we are asleep ?
  22. @iNow I don't mean when they actually verify that it exists, I mean when people started talking about it @dimreepr I didn't quite understand your point
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