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Rick Sanchez D137

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Everything posted by Rick Sanchez D137

  1. This was supposed to be a response to someone else's post o.O
  2. Yes it definitely does, I appreciate your help. I'll research more into this and get back to you with my thoughts. You are the best 🙏
  3. So do you think it would be impossible for the other spacial dimensions to be parallel to the four known? Really parallel may be a bit misleading. This whole assumption pretty much also is only valid if something like cbt theory is the case. And a point particle isn't the string itself, but an excitation of the string right? A 1D excitation of a 2D string ? And I definitely get that you can't have volume in these lower dimensions. (But I also think there is a limit to this in reality, even though on paper there is not. My reasoning for this is if you were to take a 1D point and try and draw a 2D circle on paper the math for pi would go on forever because there is no limit to possibility of the curve, you could keep cutting to curve into smaller and smaller pieces with no consequences. But in reality is this actually the case? Because the planck length is an actual definable length in reality in which you could not curve an object smaller than, meaning in reality there is a definable measurement for pi, even if there isn't on paper, and in reality you could draw a 2 dimensional circle with 1 dimensional point particles. Although actually doing do so in reality would be near impossible ofc, it could be done on paper, to mimic reality, right?)
  4. Well the evidence for potential perpendicular universes would be single photon wave interference patterns, though this could be interpreted many ways as just a wave break issue. There are strong believers of all sorts of different interpretations of this. I myself am a strong believer of the Many World's interpretation. (Theoretical quantum physics) As the black hole absorbs more matter, if also theoretically, (again I posted this as a speculation to see if anyone could object or point me to source material that explicitly suggests otherwise, because I thought this was a place for theoretical quantum physics, also by saying theoretically I mean it is my hypothesis and not an actual scientific theory I have came up with or some bs, hypothetically is a more correct term to use) if the adjacent side was the formation of a white hole I would imagine it would constantly be growing in size because of like, common logic? Though this is definitely an assumption of the interior of a blackhole which is a very hypothetically/theoretical concept. The math says that there should be white holes as well, an equal amount, but we look into space and do not see any of them. The closest thing we do see is the big bang, if you know of something closer to the math of a white hole that actually exists within the viewable universe please link source material. I posted this here to see if anyone could point me towards mathematical proof that this is not the case, not speculation of why it could not be the case. By parallel I mean a mirror universe, which was something commonly thought. I think the theory is called cpt theory? (I could link source material if neccisarry)That there is a mirror universe where time flows in the opposite direction but still forward relative to the mirror universe. My hypothesis is that the interaction between our universe and the mirrored universe could be the cause of all wave like oscillations. If my hypothesis is correct the strings in string theory may be the actual 2nd spacial dimension itself, which would seem logical, it would also explain all 11 of the dimensions required for super string theory and supergravity theory to be correct. What is the mathematical difference between a particles' virtual particle and it's anti matter particle? Idk how to quote, kinda don't care to find out because I may be looking elsewhere for answers to my questions. ~ This is in response to Strange
  5. Definitely believe there are perpendicular 4D universes. If that's true though and their are multiple "worlds", they must be contained within a higher spacial dimension. Please point out specific misconceptions though. I'm definitely not a quantum physicist as you can see lol. But knowing my misconceptions will help me with research. Also, if a blackhole was a 5th dimensional object, as it got bigger I would imagine the 4th dimensions contained within would expand on a scalar field.
  6. So dark energy couldn't be explained by the big bang being a white hole? As the black hole absorbs more matter it slowly expands? If it was a 5D hypersphere it would expand at every point I would imagine. I don't think that the spacial dimensions are alternate universes. I think the oscillations between our universe and the antiverses' spacial dimensions are the cause of the four fundamental forces. I think an anti matter universe, parallel to ours is also the cause of fundamental forces. And I think there are an "infinite" amount of 4D universes contained within, one with every quantum propagation possible since the beginning of our time. What if size is just as relative as time and space, the implosion of particles resulting in the initial bang. Also if you were a 2 dimensional object moving in 3 dimensional space wouldn't you only move in one 3 dimensional direction ? It seems more logical to me that virtual particles are an actual physical particle than a made up coincidence.
  7. By anti symmetry, I mean a universe made out of anti matter (matter of what I believe to be equal but opposite energy) It's not generally accepted that there is an antimatter universe, parallel to ours. I say parallel because it would be completely identical to our Universe if it did exist. If virtual particles were actually anti-particles of our "anti-universe", and time moved in the opposite direction but still forward, if that makes sense. My definition of a perpendicular universe would be one that's adjacent to ours similar to the multi world theory. I think every perpendicular universe or "world" to us, also has its own anti matter antiverse. Being 3D objects could it be that we just cannot perceive the 4th dimension as a spacial dimension quiet as easy. If you were to map out a specific point of a sphere you would need length width and height coordinates, to map out a specific point in the universe would you need all three plus time as well so to map out a spacial point as true or false (particle or no particle in that location, you would still need all 4 coordinates) I would say there is near infinite 4D universes, I'm a strong believer of the many world theory for this reason. What I'm thinking is basically, and I may be very wrong is, when a blackhole forms it collapses in on itself and creates a 5th dimensional hypersphere (a point where the 4th dimension basically can't contain the energy/matter within) time appears to stop relative to us, but on the other side a universe is created, and this is the reason we don't see white holes, because each white hole itself is actually a big bang similar to our own universe. If this were true it would be logical if there was a near infinite amount of 4D universes within, just as a near infinite if not infinite amount of 3D space is contained within our 4D universe. Similar to cutting a 3D sphere with a 2D circle, or drawing a 2D circle with 1D points. Though in reality, there is a length of a point, a plank length, nothing can be more condensed without the extreme force of gravity, so it wouldn't be truly infinite.
  8. I strongly believe this theory. I think that we infact live in a 5th dimensional hypersphere. Perhaps the universe we perceive was created by a black hole singularity. A point in which the 4th dimension could no longer contain the energy within, collapsing in on itself, creating a white hole on the other side. A fifth dimensional hypersphere, only observable as a sphere from our perspective, but it's own big bang within. Anyone else think this is a possibility? It sure would make the universe seem alot more infinitely large.
  9. Just curious a couple of questions, kind of looking to be proven wrong so feel free to do so. Is it possible for the 11 dimensions in string theory or superstring theory to be classified hypothetically by saying there is an antiverse to every universe (I know this isn't generally accepted because of anti symmetry isn't generally accepted) But if it were and there was a parallel antiverse is it possible mathematically for the spacial dimensions to be described as -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5. My question is more or less is there any way this would conflict with string theory, or M theory. What if the extra dimensions are parallel and not compactified? This also kinda assumes that time is also a spacial dimension, which is a bit of another question for me. Is there any reason time could not be considered a spacial dimension itself? And if I'm posting this in the wrong place please point me in the right direction.
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