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  1. Hi S, Do you mean the '1mb per 30′ ' bit? C
  2. Hi S, The question is in the title, I should have said Centimeters in the message body. The input is in Millibars. I suppose the calculation is still the same as when you were at school! C Hi E, Again in feet! I can of course caculate from feet! C Hi S, There is a BASE with Altimeter and a REMOTE with Altimeter, the REMOTE will compare the BASE pressure, as a reference, and note the difference. This is all I need. I found a calculator, if there are no better calculation here, thanks. http://www.endmemo.com/physics/pressurealtitude.php C
  3. Hi, I have a project that needs an altitude calculation from the sensor I'm using that outputs Millibars. Can anyone help please? Most of the calculations I've seen result in Feet. Cheers, Camerart.
  4. Hi S, Your photo and my 2x photos, were giving me the impression, that it is unlikely to be useful, in this way. I am a little puzzled, how my eye can see an image larger than the LED itself. How is it possible? C. Thanks, C. Hi S2, Ok, thanks. C.
  5. Hi S, Thanks for your reply. Your photo doesn't show enough detail for my next question. I tried a photo using two different cameras, but neither was good enough to get the individual sparkles. Following what I said in my first post, I wondered if the sparkles could be used in some sort of navigation, by comparing two different photos from different distances or angles? C
  6. Hi, First post I have noticed the light corona emitted from an LED. What I am talking about is sparkle light, stars, surrounding the LED. As I move my head away, it looks as though I'm zooming into the 'stars' and visa versa. If I tilt my head sideways the corona also tilts in line with my eyes. Is it cataracts, that is causing it? Can it be photographed? Cheers, Camerart.
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