Hello! I've recently started studying mostly fungi, but a little bit about bacteria as well - I got some agar plates (Potato dextrose) to play around with. I know to store them media side down, but 2 of the plates got flipped over accidentally & the lid shifted so it left the agar exposed to the air for a little while. As a result, there was some growth happening on these exposed plates and I was wondering if anyone might be able to help identify what I'm seeing? I know a lot for the short time I've been researching, but I'm still really new to this! I have tried to take decent pictures of the plates but I have them sealed up in a bag so I'm not breathing that in, and the plastic and moisture in the bag makes for cloudy images. I will attach them anyway. I did view these under a microscope, so I'm hoping that will help!
Here are the pictures from the view under the microscope, they wouldn't fit to upload so they are linked here:
Any help at all is appreciated, thank you!