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Everything posted by Okabe

  1. As shown in the figure, 1)Due to SIR effect, the earlier delocalised lone pair of the nitrogen gets localised and therefore increasing basicity with respect to aniline. 2)Due to SIP affect the protonation of nitrogen in inhibited and hence basicity decreases with respect to aniline. which effect is superior or how do we determine whether the basicity increases or decreases? Please provide enough evidence to prove your claim/ cite good literature... a quantitative analysis of SIR and SIP effects will also be of great help... Any leads are welcome too... As shown in the figure, 1)Due to SIR effect, the earlier delocalised lone pair of the nitrogen gets localised and therefore increasing basicity with respect to aniline. 2)Due to SIP affect the protonation of nitrogen in inhibited and hence basicity decreases with respect to aniline. which effect is superior or how do we determine whether the basicity increases or decreases? Please provide enough evidence to prove your claim/ cite good literature... a quantitative analysis of SIR and SIP effects will also be of great help... Any leads are welcome too... [orhto effect][2] [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ortho_effect#:~:text=The%20protonation%20of%20Substituted%20aniline%20is%20inhibited%20due%20to%20steric%20hindrance.&text=This%20causes%20the%20steric%20hindrance,see%20the%20figure%20on%20right).
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