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  • Location
    Decontamination Room
  • Interests
    Science fiction, bartending, medical history, political debate, conservation, sword fighting, social psychology, boating, retro graphic design, fly-fishing, modern art
  • College Major/Degree
    Someday you might find out
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Clinical biochemistry
  • Biography
    Interested in studying the chemical processes that make life work

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  1. Do you have any recommendations for books about psychosomatic medicine and psychiatry, specifically on the history of treatments? Clinical textbooks are more than welcome too, if you know of some. (I'm someone who's just really curious about this part of medical history, I don't actually work in mental health.)
  2. Everyone has basic textbook knowledge of biochemistry, at least about an early undergraduate level. I don't work with a school, I help to manage open source lab projects
  3. This is good to know, thank you. Is there a better choice for materials found in eggs that can be used as a demo sample at room temperature? I'd be glad to try out something different.
  4. Extracting DNA from neem leaves is a common experiment in a few videos I've found online. Maybe the protocol used for those could help here?
  5. Not exactly sure about how it works, but I've heard that mosquitoes don't like vanillin. There are some warnings that surround it, too. Can't use imitation vanilla products, can't contain sugars or syrups because some insects are attracted to it, and can't have too low of a percentage when mixing it in a solution. (Needs to be higher than 50% some sources say)
  6. What's the safest way to preserve a small amount of phospholipids that were (rather crudely) extracted from chicken egg yolks? I find that new learners in biochemistry are always more interested when they can see materials in their physical form rather than a structure on paper before an experiment is done, so I've decided to explore the idea of collecting biological chemicals. I'm thinking that I could use a little bit of solvent or preservative in a glass vial, but that's about all I've got so far. What materials could you use to do this, and how long would it last before any undesired effects happen? If possible, I might collect multiple samples and store them in different solutions to see this for myself. All responses are welcome, thanks!
  7. You might be able to use these books as reference materials or starting points: - Color Atlas of Hematology - H. Theml, H. Diem, T. Haferlach - Neuroanatomy: An Atlas of Structures, Sections, and Systems - Duane E. Haines - Principles of Virology - J. Flint, V. Racaniello, G. Rall, A. Skalka - ABC of Clinical Genetics - Helen M. Kingston - Modern Experimental Biochemistry - Rodney F. Boyer - Gastroenterology: An Illustrated Colour Text - Graham Butcher - Essential Histology - David H. Cormack - Structural Bioinformatics - Bourne, Weissig - Williams Textbook of Endocrinology - Larsen, Kronenberg, Melmed, Polonsky - Protein Structure, Stability, and Folding - Kenneth P. Murphy - Guide to Methods in the Biomedical Sciences - Ronald B. Corley These aren't in any specific order, just some books from around my office and on my PC. They're probably available as PDFs on the surface level internet, and there are many file-sharing sites that have them. Have fun reading!
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