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The Atom

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  • Birthday 02/19/1968

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  1. I did not know I am supposed to make it clear that the words are not my own. I did mention here is what I mean, which is a clue to something I am citing. The fact that it is available for free does matter. That means it is not copyright. Powerful in the sense that both Tetanus and Enterococcus faecalis have their own maintenance mechanisms! Viruses do not have that, especially an RNA one. As for me typing, you should know that you are overlooking the fact that each individual person is different and so too does a virus or bacterium affect each person differently. Me and my hands and arms can get numb once in a while and spasm if I move too fast. The worst affectation is me needing to use a long stick like the size of a back-scratcher to wipe with when I defecate dough because I cant reach! Also, the worst affectation or effect is me not being able to wear long pants and a long sleeve shirt because of the chemical burning sensation with my sweat that I get in my under-arm indentations and in my groin area indentations! I have been living with my stable symptoms and condition since 1995! So, my bacterial infection is already adapted to my body. I think the burning sensation is coming from the Enterococcus faecalis exotoxin that is unique as a detergent that breaks down lipid protein coats like the one Corona has!
  2. I am Half-Dead, but I can type with an over-riding force, of course! Sometimes, my fingers get spasms for about five seconds. My abdomen gets the most painful muscle spasms. My legs also get painful spasms and stiffening. I put some of the article text information because I did not know how to share the link. It is available for free, so it is not plagiarism copyright. I am trying to show its good news message about how one or more medical research scientists did their work or job instead of waiting until the last amount of time before it is due. It is easy to see how the article supports my view. Compared to Enterococcus faecalis and Clostridium tetani, which are the most powerful bacteria, those are all puny RNA viruses.
  3. Well, I am not sure. I feel half dead because most of my muscles are stiff and I have a collection of pus between my skin and first layer of muscle everywhere. Tetanus has one of the most powerful exo-toxins. It binds to receptors like Corona binds to receptors. If it finds that it cannot bind, it lyses any cell that it cannot bind to! That means it can destroy a cell with Corona! Do remember that the medical scientists, Logistics Medical Personnel of the military, and other medical professionals have not been interested in preparing for NBC warfare. So, when I write that an outbreak such as the current one is unnecessarily involving people who do not want to be involved, it means that it does not have to be a community effort. Maybe now, and for the future, the military and other medical scientists will do the necessary NBC warfare work to be prepared for any attack or accidental attack. Here is something I mean about being prepared. Do a search for freezer Dutch scientist corona and the article should show as one of the results: In 1998, when Dutch scientist Berend Bosch decided to make the study of coronaviruses his life’s work, the level of attention they drew among medical researchers was such that the doctorate. program he joined was in a veterinary science department. Coronaviruses that could cause severe infections were circulating among animals, but the types people could contract rarely caused anything worse than the common cold. “For human health, it was not that important,” said Bosch. This started to change as he finished his doctorate at Utrecht University. In 2002 and 2003, SRAS, a disease caused by a coronavirus that had jumped from bats to humans, caused widespread panic and killed approximately eight hundred people. Bosch began to work on potential therapies for this. For a few months, he and his colleagues felt the eyes of the scientific world on them – he was invited to speak about the pathogen at several conferences – but, once the epidemic was under control, interest waned. Life in the laboratory was at low pressure; on weekends, he liked to rent a boat and go sailing. In 2012, however, there was a new wave of attention when MERS, another disease caused by coronavirus, has killed nearly nine hundred people, mostly in the Arabian Peninsula. theMERS The epidemic was an important lesson for Bosch and other scientists: coronaviruses capable of jumping species were not something unique in a century, as some had assumed. Already, they had turned out to be a thing twice in ten years. Bosch, now at the faculty of Utrecht, has sought to identify antibodies that have shown promise in the fight against the disease. Antibodies are Y-shaped proteins that certain white blood cells make in response to a foreign substance, an antigen, and are a critical part of how our bodies fight infection. They mobilize against viruses by binding to a part of the viral particle, or virion. Certain antibodies act as return beacons, invoking attacks by other components of the body’s immune system. Others directly neutralize the virus, preventing it from invading cells. All coronaviruses are wrapped in protein andMERS, SRASand a common cold-like coronavirus share parts of these proteins. A largely reactive antibody, Bosch thought, could “perhaps help us against the next pandemic.” He started with mice that had been genetically engineered to respond to antigens with human-like antibodies, and gave the mice a protein that appears on human-infecting coronaviruses. A few weeks later, his team extracted the antibody-producing cells from the mice and isolated the antibodies that bind to the virus. From this collection of antibodies, Bosch and his colleagues identified fifty-one SRAS, and several who were “largely reactive” against several coronaviruses. “They were of no immediate use,” he said, but “I don’t like to throw things out.” The Bosch team was playing the long game: they put their samples in the freezer and waited.
  4. Each person is different. I already have a powerful infection that can make Corona the puny RNA virus that it is! The overall statistics is that the majority of people wearing masks can still get Corona and die from it. So, it is not a community effort. That is unfair to a person who is not involved.
  5. I need to know because from my groin area, my under-arm pits, and the cracks behind my ears, my sweat comes out with a film of white pus, a putrid odor, and a chemical burning sensation.
  6. I have always had a high resistance to viruses. Anyways, when I write Corona is not necessarily deadly, it means just that. People should stop blowing it up out of what it is: a weak puny RNA virus. Aphasia is not a symptom of Corona. Or, if it is, it has nothing to do with persons like me who have always had Aphasia. I think the biggest thing that caused my Aphasia in various forms or aspects is from a car accident when I was 9 in a second foster home.
  7. That is correct. Corona is not always necessarily deadly to each and every person. Each and every person is different.
  8. That is what has happened to me. I am loaded with a variety of anaerobic bacteria! Because of that, I think I have something that can protect me from Corona. It is well known from research that bacteria can defend against a virus in a variety of ways. Like a simple saying goes: I am full of s... literally, whereas some persons who are evil are often said to be full of s...figuratively. Just a little joke, except I don't know how to write it. Dying as a result is not going to be a result, but having dry skin is! What I think is relevant for me. So, when I write that washing hands constantly is not good, I am meaning for me and my body. Because I know my medical condition and because I am pointing out that washing hands with hand sanitizer or anything else that is similar, is going to strip the skin's natural moisture. I did dish-washing in resataurants for many years, so I know what happens to my hands and the rest of my arms up to my elbows. And, that was with gloves on. The result is the same without gloves.
  9. Then it can't work. That is what I was looking for. A simple to intermediate answer. What about Enterococcus faecalis and its potent detergent exotoxin that breaks down exactly the type of lipid protein coat that Corona has! Plus, Enterococcus faecalis does a lot to maintain itself! Then too, there is tetanolysin. Tetanolysin binds to cholesterol.
  10. Thanks for all the interesting replies! Trust me folks, there is a Wolbachia bacteria that keeps a variety of viruses from spreading! Medical Scientists and Logistics Medical Persons in the military should look into it. Wolbachia is harmless to humans. I just do not know if it can be put in the human body. Unless, maybe an insect bite from a common fly or mosquitoe can put it in. Maybe even if a bee stings you, it can be inserted.
  11. There are bacteria such as Wolbachia in insects that keep viruses from spreading. There is Clostridium tetani with it cholesterol binding exotoxin. There is Enterococcus faecalis with its detergent exotoxin that breaks down lipid protein coats like the one Corona has. Why are medical scientists ignoring those bacteria that might do something against Corona. Washing hands constantly is not good because it is drying out the skin and it kills good bacteria. Keeping a distance of at least six feet is good or effective. Masks wearing can spread Corona because from a mask, it can go to a dead person, inanimate object, or a living person. A mask traps it so that you do not get it right away. You get it in about a month later. That is what I think.
  12. For years, since about mid 2005, I started getting severe abdominal muscle spasms from just a slight bending down movement. It does not happen all the time, but any quick jerking motion will set off severe muscle spasms for me. That is a symptom of Tetanus. I think its exotoxin tetanolysin can bind to cholesterol and lipid protein coats like the one Corona virus has. Plus, Enterococcus faecalis has a detergent exotoxin that can break down lipid protein coats like the one Corona has. Do I have a built-in, pre-existing vaccine against Corona with those two bacteria?
  13. Ahoy! I am new here. I am just an amateur scientist. I am curious about human skin and its sweat that is supposed to be about a 4 on the pH scale. That is slightly to moderately acidic. One thing that makes me curious is if putting something alkaline or acid on skin would make it have a chemical burning sensation. I mean, skin is already somewhat acidic with sweat, so anything acid can be tolerated more than anything alkaline? An 11 pH would neutralize the sweaty 4 and would cause a burning sensation or irritation of some sort?
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