Information technology have constant form: zero(0) & one(1)
With zero(0) is no conductive electricity, or "0" is no electricity.
And one(1) is conductive electricity, or "1" is have electricity.
OK, this is about information tech. And now I want to associate with physics:
"0" is no power energy
"1" is have power energy
But in information tech not mean electricity stronger or weaker in "1" value.
But in physics field, if we intergrate with this recipe:
1 = 1/10 x 10 = 1/100 x 100 = 1/1000 x 1000 = 1/1000.. x 1000.. = 1
1 = 0,1 x 10 = 0,01 x 100 = 0,001 x 1000 = 0,00...1 x 1000.. = 1
In final conclusion, value "1" is have power and it is maximum power with no stronger or weaker!!!
If you have only the battery R6P - UM3 - AA Size 1,5V with 200mAh is very weak for household, beacuse it only 1,5V x 0,2A = 0,3W, but for a common house use 8 - 15kWh
But in the maximum of "1" value meaning the big power energy containing: P(Watt) = U(Volt) x I(Ampe), 0,3W x 3W = 0,9W ~ 1W,
0,001W x 1000W = 1W