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Everything posted by gamer87
Variations in temperature, pressure, relative humidity will act directly on the silica gel which is saturated pink and condense and spill liquid outside the silica gel??
Which chemical compound in cream or ointment is good for restoring pigmentation anywhere on the body?
Silica gel in spheres supports up to what temperature without damaging or losing its total chemical structure of Adsorption? What maximum temperature of microwave oven at maximum power that causes this type of damage to the spheres in 3 to 5 minutes?
- 1 reply
I read that microwave at full power for 3 minutes is too strong for silica gel and I thought that this could affect the chemical adsorption structure of silica gel making silica gel leaking liquid absorbed in any situation without heating
- 43 replies
Sometimes I recovered blue silica gel by heating it in the microwave at maximum power for 3 minutes (pink for blue) but I read that this is not the correct procedure. This procedure may have damaged the Adsorption structure of the silica gel and the silica gel with this damage will start to release water liquid at room temperature and humidity?
the surface you are referring to if it is damaged or cracked is the water released? the silica gel material gets old over the years does it affect the adsorption?
What proves that pink saturated blue silica gel will not release liquid water if it remains stored at room temperature and humidity and if it cracks? there is liquid water inside the pink silica gel
You said that the water in the silica gel is adsorbed. Is this related to possible liquid leaks when it breaks or ages, releasing water?
silica gel blue satured pink release water or liquid compound When it is stored for many years at room temperature and humidity will it crack and release liquid?
How does silica gel absorb water and moisture so that when it breaks, water leaks out?
years store silica gel granule pink absorved humidity break release water?
yes portuguese translate
If the silica gel granules crack during storage, will it also crack the pores and release water?
my doubt is whether to keep or forget for years blue silica gel sachets that have turned pink and are saturated will these silica gel granules crack and release the absorbed water?
Blue silica gel in a sachet when it is saturated in pink color if you keep the sachets in storage will they leak moisture and absorbed water? I restored a sachet of silica gel in the microwave device at maximum power for 3 minutes and it released a little water but if the same thing happens with the saved sachets it will damage my objects
I had only seen the pictures and not the story behind them what protections does CR2032 have to prevent leaks or does this only exist in the best brands of CR2032 When the 10 year warranty on these CR2032s runs out and the battery has 0% charge then will it leak? Lithium-manganese dioxide is salt
some people had told me that the chemical composition of CR2032 was corrosive because it had a salt and I think they were referring to manganese dioxide but the salt corrodes oxidizes another doubt is whether over the years this chemical composition of CR2032 turns into another compound that oxidizes and corrodes
at the moment I am not having corrosion I want to prevent myself and find out if I can keep CR2032 or not CR2032 in my PCBs if it will leak any corrosive compound that oxidizes the PCB Does the internal chemical composition of CR2032 become a corrosive compound over the years? CR2032 is totally hermetic or has rubber or plastic opening seal these photos are leak CR2032 or not?
What is the chemical composition of the CR2032 battery? Is it an oxidative corrosive chemical composition for metals and PCBs? over the years this chemical composition of CR2032 changes and turns into a corrosive oxidative chemical compound that leaks and corrodes?
i see photos cr2032 in google https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/eb/LeakedBattery_2585a.jpg https://farm7.staticflickr.com/6046/6389998783_89cc14346a_z.jpg https://content.invisioncic.com/r322239/monthly_04_2011/post-20973-0-52047300-1304181645.jpg https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-vF-lnhq2Yec/XAiOAt4EXpI/AAAAAAAAAz0/5nv7E2YhhKoc1yEP5KXzxO9hAtTV0F03gCLcBGAs/s1600/d-10_battery_leak.png https://www.watchtalkforums.info/attachments/20211110_155011-jpg.227418/ http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-7xs71T4D3B8/UiJAbNucFJI/AAAAAAAABCA/uh3XlxGC644/s1600/Acorn+Archimedes+A3000+Battery+Damage.jpg https://preview.redd.it/n7xpmjnbv4c81.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=2008e61d232929dd5ce1a04f4d530790dfa53d47 https://s.abcnews.com/images/GMA/toddler-swallow-battery-ht-03-np-201028_1603893483058_hpEmbed_3x4_608.jpg https://i.redd.it/1d4ycvrxlxw61.jpg
I have a PCB with a CR2032 battery inserted into the PCB and this PCB is stored after many years in storage and the CR2032 charge goes to 0% will this battery go into chemical enhancement to generate an oxidative corrosive compound and will leak from the battery corroding the PCB?
I have a collection of PANINI soccer albums and I store them in sticky bags and I wanted to prevent the paper pages from sticking to storage without needing me to check every day or month
inertia the cardboard box damagediscs?
- 24 replies