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  1. Thank you so much everybody, I 've tried your suggestions and I'm all clear on this now. Best to you all.
  2. Hello all, I hope I have the correct category. Affinity installed a Itron Everblue Cyble water meter in my front garden. I can't find any figures. Can I read it myself or do I have to rely on the smart readings please? I like to check my bills Enclosed is a terrible picture, it's a long way down. Greetings
  3. Covering a garden table when the cover is in contact with the table leaves moisture. Apart from wondering why people buy these these destructive things (I hope I've got it right) and not being a scientist, could you tell me please? How does moisture get there. If you are a handyman (Do it-your-selfer as well, Do you have any ideas? Keep well everyone.
  4. Thanks everyone, good to hear from you. Keep well.
  5. Happy New Year to all. It's December in London and Orion would look lovely if I had a clear sky once in a while. Why though on a printed sky balloon that I have, is Orion below the Horizon and not above? I know I'm missing something, please help. Best Confused amateur night time sky watcher
  6. Thanks so much. I'm off to reset, examine and hopefully, thanks to you all, some enlightenment. I'll be back soon.
  7. Thank you Swansont, I reckon that's right. Now just the other two. Thetop left is reading -39.3. degrees C. (Can't be) and the top right is 20%. Both flash on and off. Regards
  8. What are the fiur big figures please for a "weather beginner" on the Lidls radio controlled weather station. Right now, (London 1pm) The top left reads -34C , top right, 86%. These two are flashing. The second row down reads. Left, 22.3 C and the second row down right figure reads 66%. The second row down is temperature I imagine, but the others make no sense. Please help and keep well.
  9. Just a note, hope you are well. I'm getting into Falstad a bit, and learning, thanks to your help. Regards
  10. Thanks for this everybody, keep well.
  11. Thank you Kartazian and Studiot. I'm very well thanks for asking. You have obviously "tumbled" me as a beginner and I will enjoy going through this. I may well come back to you. Keep well Alan As a begginner, I know the symbols for amps, voltage, resistance, power and a tiny bit more. Could I trouble you Kartazian to explain the symbols in your diagram please? Ua, Vf and 1f, Best Alan
  12. Yes Klaynos, Last night wasn't bad (London). I saw Orion, but you had to stare for a moment until you spotted it. (7pm right outside my South facing window). On a clear sky in previous years it's been such a fantastic "Light show" I would have paid to get in! I'll try that observatory Studiot. Alan
  13. Yes Swansont, thank you, I half expected this type of answer, just so frustrated. Keep well. Bst Alan
  14. Kind of you , thank you , sorry for not replying I have not been well. Alan
  15. My wife and I always look forward to December to see the lovely Orion in the Southern sky. We live in London There hasn't been one clear sky since December. Why would this be please? Keep well everyone
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