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Everything posted by CuriosOne

  1. Understood...But when this explanation involves "nature" we bump into issues.. "A very big issue" with the base part.. I will use Gravity for example: 6.67 "times" base 10 to its -11 power .01× 667 = 6.67 Times a number between 0 and 1 as a fraction. As 1/0.1 = 10^2 or 100 cm for 1 meter "averge" It looks like the speed of light to me.. Then we have Newton's units. Units of N m^2 / kg^2 1 newton meter is said to be the torque "of circular force." Base 10 "Sounds like a ratio, or frequency or derivitive for that matter" in relation to light...And maybe Base 10 proves the more "conventional" ??? Looks like base 10 is very interesting.. """My point is, "base 10" appears to be the most popular choice in our metric system..""" not to mention that when you see g itself 9.8 m/s^-2 it appears to be closer to base 10 than any other base.. This is what has me "and so many others" confused..... Or maybe science and numbers are inconsistent with nature... """"Was This The Idea For Limits???"""" f( x+ dx) - f(x)/ dx as x->0
  2. Very well put and contributions are very appreciative on my end, but no one in the universe knows 100% sure the lagitamacy of "knowledge" as discoveries contradict "knowledge" as "changes" in fact if I were to make an educated assumption, I'd say knowledge is a variable.... And becuase it changes through knowledge it can be subject of thievery, miss-use and other forms of "political correctness." This is planet earth here not agartha, heaven or any other reality where honesty love and unity overide material and "profit." Dumb and Worthless are abstract emotional analogies used to express mental manipulations of all sorts, there are many trust me, the point is "it happens" in "All Social Media" platforms.. The primary reason is to keep the site from getting "boring." I know how you feel, this is why I think it's important to use kind words with others when dealing with public post on social media. You never know who's reading it, or taking knowledge from it..Atleast give the OP credit for an idea or offer them a job.. This "scenario" is a typical one dealing with the most famous people whom ever walked the face of this world..."Mr perfect."🙂 It's easy to say, "Get Over Your Ideas" that have been robbed, sit back in poverty and watch your millions go down the drain, while someonelse basks in the sun from your idea...."chuckles" nice one..🤣 Nice one..😎
  3. Has anyone ever felt the need to address this question in a public forum "crawling" with thinkers whom desire for their research to be published in the Hope's of Fame and Gain?? Think twice please! You should always have your work copyrighted "published and dated" eleswhere and never share your science model or its description until you do so.. I know Youtube does a great job "publishing your work" and its best to keep the date in your records to show you had the idea first! Many science forums have "systems" that is systematically" engineered to make you feel "dumb and worthless" thus making you "submissive" or hopeless to share your out of the box thinking that allows others to take bits and pieces of your unique ideas and integrate it with theirs.. So when you arrive to public social forums be aware of this scheme, otherwise you will see your ideas in other's work when they receive that noble piece prize... Good Luck Out There!
  4. Why are numbers between 0 and 1 fractions? And what base uses this "rule"? Base 10??? As in % ??? Hopefully this question doesn't receive "scrutiny" It's ok if nobody doesn't know the answer..lol
  5. How can a user Troll on their own post?? What makes this post unique in it's own right, is not the flow of predictable outcomes ie a standard scientific conversion "on some 300 year old theory" but rather random contributions of scientific and artistic thinking, after all nature is synchronized rather we agree or disagree... On a side note, their is no such thing as proving a theory or scientist from the past or present wrong or right because...Nobody was their to see the legitimacy of their work, the atom has never been seen and theories are "math instructions" of 0 and 1.. I do respect ""noble research"" however and it's a highly respected area...
  6. Understood... "But" isn't velocity a direction?? or a "variable?" And acceleration "gravity" influenced? Meaning a ball falling or "orbiting" around a "circular" object?? "Or atleast the ones in solar systems are circular." How does 2 points connect all this together?
  7. I guess you never heard of electron configuration and color or temporary dipoles "rainbows" ""again scientist think they know everything"" You need to be an "artist" to understand, thats why i said "I'm Glad You Asked The Question" nature is creative and secretive about it, discoveries proove this. When I say higher dimensions, I mean just that, nothing needs to be backed up because it's only obvious nature is unique, just look at the stars, go to a sun set with friends, listen to music or enjoy art of coarse all of which use the "human senses." The only mechanisms I have are the same promiscuous techniques often used in science, but I'm learning how to manipulate these to my personal likings and being very efficient at doing so..
  8. Understood and very well said. But ""nothing"" is "never" accurate nor absolute, I really hope we understand that math and a theoretically described "model" is "set up" to work within "instructions" and or guidlines from its discoverer, they are never random "unless" your using a calculator that exibits diverse precessions. Something to truly think about when dealing with scientific assertion. And what would that mechanism be?? I hope it's a theory and very fancy calculus to back it up, otherwise its gibberish------->right?? Which scientist? those whom right off anything out of scientific evidence as gibberish nonsense that has no place in science..Mainly the closed minded ones.. Whos We??? Im "Very Glad You Asked" As a drummer I've known that speed, tension and pressure are 3 major components used for great drum sound. Ironically the same goes for piano, as I'm a jazz player...Ironically still the same applies for singing as im a singer as well.. All of these areas of discipline use "forces" but not everyone possesses these great skills.. However in our standard model, "nature" does seem """unique""" as well.
  9. How does one let some other one think?? By "constant" persuassion many people can fall into belief systems of all sorts "including" political correctness, something scientist are famous for.. For example the base 10 and base 8 "comment" is a "great" example for the use of number theory when dealing with sequencing.. 10^2 and 10^8 are so obvious a mixture of time and distance.. See how simple rules can be emerged? However, the science community has proven number theory is not an acceptable contribution of science "Hence The OP." But we all know mathimatics is an "exotic" mixture of unknown dimensions, the physics of sound and music is one example, color and light is another, and abstract forms of forces"sculpting' is another...I even want to say 2 parents that give off their genetic traits to their off spring.. The OP obviously does not mean "every" scientist but it truly means "most" scientist "are closed minded" and in denial of where information originates from as our foundation of science is an ancient one.. Very well said, for "us" negative reputations members ..🤣😂🤣 I think that's the "point" of the OP🙂
  10. What are some real physical world applications "examples" that use the Difference Quotient? Yes I know they relate the slope of secants and tangent relationships, but how do these model a real physical world scenario??
  11. Oh yes I will, trust me..Your PDF is already doing that, thnks again..
  12. Physics is about "observation' location and prediction...Math is just a "tool." But I get your point..
  13. If I explained it, it would diverge the OP and be considered off topic... I just wanted to make note of it becuase people tend to forget including myself all the time.. y = x^2 or 2x "algeabraically" forgets to tell us, "By the way when you see x its implied that x has a base of 1..x^1 The base could be 10, 2, 3, 12 etc
  14. -0.1÷24-5= -5.0041^2 * 4 = 100.16... Make sure to use the entire -0.1÷24-5 in your calculator otherwise you get. -0.1/19=-0.005263^2 *4 =1.1e-4 Yea, i'm pretty lost alright..🤣🤣🤣 It downloaded. I will spend hours studying this...Thnx..
  15. Neither has anyone else in the "history" of science, some refer to it as the conservation of energy, the positive of its anti, yin and yang, good and evil, """Alice and Bob"""" male and female, 0 binary 1 binary, black or white, day and nite etc etc.. 3.45...<----- The three dots imply the numbers go on forever, some numbers can repeat or never terminate.. ""But I have no idea if that's true."" I hope we understand I'm talking about 2 points....Y2-Y1/X1-X2. Distance, where order of operations does not matter.. But as the ""difference quotient""of instantaneous change, differntiation dirivitives. """"""This is what the OP is asking""""" The x->0 is saying the variable x is already a "fraction" of y, from some other whole number or "region" "time domain" within the function f(x) itself.. I assume that's why scientist bother with this concept in the first place... To say 1/4 = 0.25 would mean 1 =100 Why not just say 100/4 This is why x^1 of x^2 or f of (f)x is "obviously saying" and I think we all know this 1 = 100 the centi meter unit 10^-2
  16. Basically the root of 24.999999999 with 8 "nines" Is 4.999999999 With 9 "nines" As far as my T1-84 Plus CE A root is x^1/2 as 25^1/2 = 5 As with 24.999 and 25 And as with 24^1/1+2 = the root of 8 The 9 and 8 "Are To, Not The Same Number" Unless of coarse +24.99 and -24.99 cancell to 0...Then were back to square one, the x^1 thing going on here.
  17. No, i meant 2 things, ""a derivitive"" ""needs 2 points"" and I meant that if a limit is 5, then approaching it "getting close to it" can only be a maximum value of 4.99999, i gave the backwards example...Here is a table.. Also, there needs to be a "span" inbetween say 0.001 for a total of 5,000 points "only" not an infinite amount that's crazy. 24.999 is "not the same" as 25 I thought "all limits" involved 4 points.. Maybe Derivitves, Difference Quotient or delta h can get my point across here.. F(x) = F(x-dx)^2 - F(x)^2/ delta h Becuase y2-y1/x2-x1 is linear is 4 points.. I also just wanted to note: To say x is to imply it has a base of +1 ie x^1 it's simple things like this that cause "much" confusion..
  18. Im totally confused... Is this becuase taking a limit uses 2 points on the cartessian cooridinent system?? Great explanation, but in this case and is in all cases dealing with limits its not exactly 25 its x = 24.999... So what happens then?? Does this explain the difference between setting x=0 and taking a limit as x->0 ?? I think this is very important stuff...
  19. Understood, but I think I forgot to mention setting x->0 for limits, changes in dx/dy Such as, Lim x->0 x^2-25/x-5 Plugging 5 into x In this case does 0 still refference (origin of x axis)? Not sure my example makes the point becuase their are many ways to express the same "concept." Correct me if I'm wrong.. But in your example it discribes x "radiantly." Becuase the origin is space itself "cartessian space that is" x axis..
  20. Is there a way to describe how you set x=0 "in the classical phyiscal sense" or before QM came along?? I'm just looking for a straight forward simple answer. Example: Say we have 4 points ascending on a curve in the up direction in Cartessian Space. 1 2 3 4 and we want to measure a change between 3 and 4 Do we say x= 3 =0 and x= 4 = 1 ???
  21. 100% Understood...But this is quite different I assure.. Are the non terminating numbers a frequency?? I think I moved too fast on this one though... If "time" is linked to energy then shouldn't discrete amounts of energy "somehow" mysteriously intigrate itself in our current understanding of nature?? After all, quantum energy is circular, IE angular momentum...Is this correct? It's like you said, many types of infinities that lead to the same "conclusion."
  22. Is Infinty Descrete? How can something be descrete when it is infinite?
  23. That is quite "profound" and easy to understand...Thnx! I literally "wrote" down specific notes from your reply, I will research Cardinality in extreme depth.. "I can see now why it is important to stay focused with this stuff. There are other images along with the list of numbers i placed in this thread that id like to share in due time, for now i will learn Cardinalality and get back to this post ASAP.
  24. A number without + or minus - I suppose...I'm still pondering on the list question..
  25. This forum is very subjective and absolute with their rules, the numerolgy post is a good example......
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