Breakdown 3456
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I do like sci fi. I am a big fan of Doctor Who, Star Trek, and Futurama. It was Futurama that first gave me this fear. The episode The Late Philip J Fry. Again is there anything against my logic? The irony of me constantly asking about this on a thread about things repeating isn't lost on me now LOL. I just want a kind of reassurance that my logic is flawed sorry. I wish I wasn't so stupid and worthless.
If I understand you are sayinf that if the universe repeats then it will either follow the first time and not the second or an infinite number of variables? My worry was that it would only ever follow the second time forever, because if it tried to follow the first then it would create a paradox, as whatever created the universe the first time would be in danger of doing so again, so the universe would intentionally go different the next time, and then decide to repeat that one forever to prevent the possibility of more paradoxes. Can anyone debunk that line of thought? IE does the universe act that way or is it all random? Are there other ways for it to be created besides retrocausality. When it reaches heat death is there another way for it to change besides a second big bang, like will parts of the universe split off, or will it decay into nothing. Answers to some of these questions might give me some peace until I can see my therapist.
That probably is it. I'm going to keep trying my medication too. I felt slightly better today at certain points at least. Again though just to be clear my ideas of the second repeating universe are garbage and not supported by modern science. It's as stupid as Vampires right?
Sorry I don't mean to be annoying I guess I was just wanting to debunk it within its own logic, IE even IF it did repeat, there would be no reason for it just to repeat the one way is what I'm asking. IE the universe wouldn't be able to decide the second time round "I'll only repeat this way to avoid creating a paradox." I know the universe isn't conscious, but I worry Also virtual particles appearing out of nothing are not dependent on retrocausality either. There are ways and theories for the universe to be created out of nothing and without any stupid time loops right? I can't wrap my head around how it could just come into nothing without a backwards casuation, but if most scientists don't agree then I'll hopefully accept it.
Well I've made an appointment today. I'l be in a therapy session on Nov 9th. I'd ask not to close this thread as I will be asking the odd question whenever my anxiety flares up over the next two weeks. Thank you to those who answered my questions. Again I'll ask, even if my mad theory is correct, it wouldn't necessarily always follow just the second version of events forever?
Thanks for the kind words. I really do appreciate everyone's support here. Like I said I'll be able to arrange an appointment tomorrow. I'm glad that God is a more plausible idea to people than my one. Ironically I have kind of created a version of hell for myself. Eternal torment. I was diagnosed with OCD so that might be why I keep focusing on this. My thought was this. I guess this can be the final debunking. A particle goes back in time and becomes the first particle that everything expanded from in the big bang. It then contracts back into a single particle at the end of the universe. (Even if it is expanding now, it can't stay in that state forever.) However when it repeats the second time it will have to be different at the beginning, in order to stop another copy of the particle from going back and interfering in our universe or creating two big bangs. So the universe which is deterministic and always follows a definite pattern, will only follow the second version when it repeats after that forever to avoid creating more particles, and my worry was that in the second version I might not escape the abuse. I nearly didn't this time, I was nearly killed horribly, so that version, rather than the one now, will be the one I live forever and ever, meaning I'll only ever be trapped in my own version of hell. You don't think it would always have to follow the second version? Does the universe follow a specific pattern? I guess Many Worlds would debunk this fear as if the particle went back then it would just split into two timelines rather than corrupt the one, but I don't know how accepted Many Worlds is.
Thanks I just can't seem to shake it. I always go back to thinking it is real, but knowing that scientists think my ideas are as much nonsense as some of my other delusions is making me feel a bit better. I always go for mad delusions when I'm depressed. I'm sorry but I don't think that works for me in my current frame of mine. As I keep believing in this repetition, then I think what does it matter now as the next time I'll be killed in the most horrible way imaginable. Again though I appreciate your kindness and the others here helping me. I guess the only thing left to ask is, is my retrocausality creating the universe as ridiculous as God, (if not more so) and even if we did repeat, it wouldn't be the exact same as the second time anyway right?
I know thanks, I am in the middle of contacting a therapist. Hopefully I'll have an appointment arranged on Monday. Been on pills for three weeks now and they haven't really made a difference, but hopefully I might be able to get some treatment soon. At times I worry if this is my depression, or just me not being able to cope. So just to be clear the idea of the universe being created in a time loop is a super far fetched idea right, and even if it did repeat it wouldn't always have to be the same history as the second time.
Sorry to bug people here, I'd just like a few answers to some questions. I read about retro causality which states that an event can predate its cause. I was wondering is this how the universe was created. I know Lawrence Krauss and others think that the universe was created from nothing, but is this how he and others think it was created from nothing? If so does that mean that the universe is in a time loop. This thought is making me depressed. I was abused as a child and was very nearly killed. I'm terrified that if retrocausality is true then it will mean the following. The universe will eventually repeat itself. (I don't buy that it will remain in the same state forever.) If it does however the second time will have to go differently from the first, otherwise whatever retrocasuality will create two big bangs. As a result of this the universe will always repeat the second version of events. I'm terrified of that happening as that will mean I'll have to live out the second version of events, and in the second version I might not escape the abuse. I don't want to end up like that forever. It's a dark cloud hanging over my life. I think no matter what I do here it doesn't matter as the second one is important. What I'd like to know is. Is there a way for the universe to come out of nothing that doesn't depend on retrocausality? Even if it did, would the universe have to follow the second version of events, or could it just follow random events each time. IE is the universe random.
Sorry this is the last post I'll make here. I read that it's possible the universe might contract and be reborn again. If that happens and if it does follow the same history, would you still be the same person with the same consciousness? I'm terrified about this happening, as I don't want to live my horrible childhood again. Even if it does contract I don't think it would be the same consciousness as your atoms would have gone through so many changes, as would the energy that makes your consciousness, but I'm not sure, if it fell into the same pattern would it still be you?
Sorry last question I'd really like an answer to this. If the universe where to restart again, and follow a similar history, including our own lives, would we be alive again, or would they just be copies. IE after we die, the matter that makes us is broken down into energy, so if that energy somehow reformed into matter similar to us, would it actually be us, or just a mock up. I can't bare the thought of living through my earlier life again. It kept me up last night. I haven't slept in hours.
Thanks I just thought that maybe it was needed to explain why there is something at all. I have joined a depression forum to talk about some other issues I have.
Glad to hear it. Also my other ideas are not right either?
But even if they could rearrange it exactly as it was, it still wouldn't be the same person would it. https://www.vesselproject.io/god-in-the-loop I only worry because I read this article that seemed to say that it would be possible for certain life forms to rearrange the entire universe as it was. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding it. My fear is that the universe was created by advanced beings in the future who travelled backwards in time and built the universe (explaining why there is something rather than nothing.) These aliens however wanting to live forever designed the universe to repeat itself every single time, meaning I'd have to live out my horrible childhood. Worse than that, in order to make sure that they didn't go back in the other events, they'd make things go differently, which means next time I might not escape the abuse. I'm so sorry to drag this into it, but I'm clearly not well to dream up all of this. I guess I just want a Richard Dawkins type to tell me it's nonsense like God.
Thanks I am currently on Fluoxetine. I've been on it for roughly two weeks and today I've felt worse than ever before. I've heard it can make your anxiety worse before it makes it better. What I meant by consciousness was this. Consciousness comes from the brain right? There is no soul or whatever, so when you die, your brain is broken down into energy, and eventually at the end of the universe, suppose there is a big crunch and another big bang and another universe with the same history after, if the energy reformed into your brain would it be the same consciousness or not? That's what I am scared of as that would mean I have to live the same life again and be made to suffer that horrible life again.