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Everything posted by Penumbra

  1. Also, I was reading something interesting about when/if the Universe "stops" expanding. If this was not followed by a total, immediate crunch, what if it began shrinking again, at the same rate which it is currently expanding! Would things such as causality be reversed? The red and blue shifts of Doppler would switch, so would ripples appear in a pond before I throw a pebble? Would people be born in a grave, and die in the womb? >
  2. A Penumbra is the partial shadow surrounding the complete shadow (as seen in an eclipse), when two light sources come into contact with one object and project two shadows, one a fraction lighter than the other. It's also a mental health charity in Scotland and a heavy metal band somewhere in America. http://www.exploratorium.edu/eclipse/why.html ~ A decent description.
  3. Well then, how do you solve 26 to the power of 78, other than calculating 26x26(etc) 77 more times? What exactly is 32^47 as a solid number? For your pleasure, I have not learned 100% English yet, as I am not from here, I am also horrible at math, please don't penalize me. =/
  4. In fact, I'm new to all of these forums. I just finished reading Carl Sagan's "Cosmos", and I have to say the chapters pertaining to stars, galaxies, pulsars, quasars, matter of all kinds are extremely interesting. I was wondering though, if this information in the book/movie series has been at all turned against Dr. Sagan since the release in the early 1980's. How much has our knowledge changed about the Universe since the release? Those who have read the book or seen the series, I welcome any comments, and to everyone else, any discussion (especially about galaxies). The Universe is so incredibly vast and deep (physically) that I am compelled to dive into its most murky expanses and all its beauty. I mean, some of the artistic and scientific concept paintings of galaxies rising in the dawn of some planet light years above the galactic plane of our own Milky Way. It is truly amazing how this all works and molds together.
  5. Hi, I am 100% new to all of these boards. I have been drawn here because I saw a science forum, and inside of that an astronomy and cosmology forum (!). I thought it would be better to ask here, and not in science for my question about scientific notation. I remember learning about this, a long time ago, but I have forgotten, and need help. =\ Is there any easy way (minus using a calculator) to solve equations such as 26^78 or 13^90 and so on? I'm just making up these numbers at random, so please be gentle. I appreciate any help!
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