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  1. So, this is going to be a long one. I waned to put it out there and see what people think. So with evidence pointing towards the big bang theory, i am inclined to believe it. with that being said, i also believe in the big crunch. However, when i looked into it i found that scientists had observed that outer lying galaxies and stars were moving away from the supposed center of the universe and were actually gaining speed, not slowing down as we would expect. there are several things that could cause this, antimatter and whatnot. but i believe the answer is much more simple. You see i recently came into an understanding of gravitational time dilation. If you've ever seen the movie Interstellar, you will remember the wave planet near a massive black hole, where one minute there was equivalent of around 7 years back on earth. We'll say that the area of high gravitation intensity is point A and the area of low gravitational intensity is point B. While time seems regular if you are at point A, it is actually going faster in relation at point B. So, now we get to the accelerating galaxies and stars near the edges of the universe. Just like if you dropped a watermelon from high up and it splattered on the ground, the universe quickly expands in all directions, with the furthest edges spreading out and growing less dense. While further into the universe there are more galaxy clusters and black holes and all of that matter. Well, with all of this matter and gravity near us, who's to say it's not all warping space-time, compared to the expanding edges of the universe, where galaxies and stars are getting further and further apart, causing less and less of a gravitational dent in space-time. So there you have our point A and point B. We are at point A, where as point B would be on some far off start racing into the far reaches of the universe. Perhaps they aren't actually speeding up, but what if it just appears that way because of the time dilation? and the further they go, the more spread out they get and the faster time passes for them, only making it seem that they are speeding up. What if they are actually slowing down, but we aren't taking into account the difference in passing time and thus it only seems that they aren't? perhaps the big crunch will eventually happen. That brings me to my other possible idea, you can stop reading here if you only wanted to hear about space. This section will be about death and the possibility of continued life later on. So, by the saying "if it can happen, it will happen" if given an infinite amount of opportunities. Like rolling a six sided die. It will eventually land on 6, because it can happen, you just have to keep rolling it until it does. and if it can happen once, in an infinite loop, it will happen an infinite amount of times. So if the theory that the universe will simply explode into being then crunch and redo, that is an infinite loop of unlimited possibilities where anything can happen. That means that this universe was created once, so then it must be able to happen again, the same way. It may be few and far between, but it will happen if the science is right. Then we move on to the whole death thing. What do you remember before you were born? Nothing. You only know of the past because of what you have learned from outside sources. So basically you were dead before you were born. So perhaps death will be like that it is our time to die. Of course you will have no perception of the passage of time. So if our universe can happen this way once, then when it eventually happens again, maybe we will be born again. maybe we'll do the same things again and again for the rest of eternity, or perhaps we will be able to make new choices. After all, if it can happen, it will. And I don't know all of this for sure, things may be different. If i am wrong in any aspect, let me know, please. I don't want flawed knowledge and would love for someone to enlighten me. I just wanted to throw the idea out there and see what everyone thought.
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