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Time Traveler

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    physics and chemistry

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  1. I agree with you with correction "...regardless of our collective inability.."
  2. I am thinking at volume of space occupied of all atoms from our Universe... there is a center of mass of all atoms
  3. Surface is not volume ...a finite volume has a center ...if I accept to extend my thinking from 2 dimensional to 3 dimensional , not 4 dimensional who is a wrong interpretation of our Universe, then You should admit the Zeno paradox is true ....Achilles and the Tortoise ...In a race, the fastest runner can never overtake the slowest, because the pursuer must first reach the point where the pursued started, so the slowest must always have the advantage.
  4. In case the Universe is finite, I can't understand how there is no center Can someone smart and well informed+ well-meaning , give me light and tell me if the Universe is the place (vacuum) where all existing ( matter, energy, fields, dark energy , dark matter ) + all who are inside the vacuum . If that is then the vacuum is infinite and all from inside could be finite or infinite ? In this case ,all from inside the vacuum at beginning of Big Bang had a place in infinite , like point 0 or place near point 0 on the intersection of the axes OX-OY-OZ . After time 0 when Big Bang happened was inflation ....That point 0 is then the center of all existing in the vacuum If I am wrong I wait arguments against
  5. It seems I have disturbed many 'scientists' here. My apologies. I'll quit
  6. My point is that we will never observe simultaneity, even if the observed objects are at different distances of 1 Planck length one closer by us .That is why I said that we observe a mixture of different past times and not the same past time. In order to observe the present, the information carrier (light) should have infinite speed, and the transmission speeds from the eye to the brain and the speed of processing and coding of visual information to be infinite. ...and you are right we not need 'more truth' to survive and be observers and discover some nature's secrets. I didn't say our brain make a bad job for survive but our brain don't have capability of discover all nature secrets. About time , we live in present , we perceive a mixture of past different times , our brain makes a "correction" and we perceive the present and simultaneity ( a good trick of our brain) , we remember the past ,and travel into the future 1s/1s.Time is only a measure of changes ...remember all units of time are a fraction of a periodic change of something....Clocks are devices to compare who measure the change like a ruler who measure distances ...1 meter=1 unit from a change in position.With clocks we compare any change who has a speed of change . ( not all changes have a speed of change) . We can't travel in the past : Imagine a rock formed billion years ago who we " send" in the past , millions years ago...that rock will be there twice in same time and same Universe ...absurd Arrow of time is given of causality ...why we need complications with Entropy ...?
  7. If you have arguments put them "on the table"...Sarcasm not give something good for our debate...I like to think here will be a debate ...
  8. Ok ..Finally an argument ....My ridiculous mind tells me that there must be a center of expansion...maybe not in the observable universe
  9. I I am feeling here is not a real intention of finding together the truth ... you want to someone tell you the truth and you only to reject or aprove...a wrong way ...sometime when you have no arguments you use an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument .Sometimes we can't see the forest because of the trees
  10. I am trying to understand ( my humble opinion is that Big Bang theory is a nonsense) if someone smarter than me could explain if our universe was infinite all the time or was finite or wasn't at all 13.8 billions years ago . After that explanation I have other ask
  11. I know nonsenses told of 'great scientists' are accepted of 'community of scientists' and truth told of an unknown is rejected if is not very well argued .I thought that a half-said truth would be completed, not rejected...I was wrong . The Big Bang theory is the prevailing cosmological description of the development of the Universe. Under this theory, space and time originated together 13.799 ± 0.021 billion years ago, with a fixed amount of energy and matter that became less dense as the Universe expanded. If something small is extended everywhere then in the Universe is there is a center ...that means we have an absolute coordinate system ... or not is the truth ?
  12. Not delay is false , the encoding of information by brain send us to a false interpretation ...we "see" the present (false) not the true reality= a mixture of different times...only physics and my thinking helped me to understand the truth
  13. Not really ... almost all people don't know they observe a mix of past times and they think they observe the present ; also almost all people don't identify the lies from omission or well hidden in beautiful words or lies of ' great manipulators'...human brain is guilty by their because we are programmed to survive use sometime lies and we are not programmed and ready to know the absolute true ...the true nature of reality
  14. Physics is proof that our brain "lies" to us. We all humans lie more or less
  15. We humans live in the present but we don't notice the present...what we perceive as the present is actually a mixture of past tenses In order to understand, some basic notions from classical physics must be recalled Color perception White light from the sun is partially reflected (a part is absorbed) from colored objects...for example, only yellow light is reflected from a yellow object while red, orange, green, blue, indigo and violet are absorbed by the yellow object . The time when the information reaches the eye is: t= distance divided by the speed of light An object at 10 m ...t=10 m /(300 000 000m/s) An object 1 mm away; t=0.001m/(300 000 000m/s) We notice that the reflected light, the carrier of the image of the object, never reaches the eye simultaneously from two objects. We observe the past but our perceive is we "observe" the present. From the eye to the brain where the information is coded, the speed of information transfer is the same, a finite speed. The brain makes a "correction", it lies to us, that we observe the present when in fact we observe a mixture of past tenses
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