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  • Location
    Crippling Loneliness
  • Interests
    Science: Mineralogy, biology, nuclear physics, mathematics, chemistry, taxonomy, epistemology/ideonomy, and some amount of psychology.

    Video Games: The Evil Within 2, The Possession Experiment, Minecraft, SuperHot, MH4U, LoZ BotW, SSBU, and Pokemon.

    TV and Movies: FMAB, Ghostbusters, The 100, and Godzilla.

    Music: Emerald Falcon by Richard Meyer, Dragonhunter by Richard Meyer, Into the Raging River by Steven Reineke, Symphony 6 by Robert D McCashin, Symphony 6 opus 68 by Ludwig van Beethoven, Symphony 9 opus 95 by Antonin L Dvorak, Moonlight Sonata by Ludwig van Beethoven, Für Elise by Ludwig van Beethoven, Nuvole Bianche by Ludovico Einaudi, and Always by Peter B Helland.

    Musical Instruments: Piano, cello, lyra, acoustic guitar, music box, and 8bit synth.

    Miscellaneous: Weightlifting/Powerlifting, arm wrestling, martial arts (mostly empty-hand, but also including historical weaponry), writing and literature, Markiplier, JonTron, SCP Foundation, and chess.

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Meson (3/13)



  1. Some food for thought.
  2. There are many different kinds of mercury amalgam, so you'll have to specify. Even so, it may depend on environmental factors; after all if it were only mercury, another metal, and an alkali halide involved, where would the carbon come from?
  3. Regarding the gelatinous sacs encasing kiwano seeds; biochemically speaking, what exactly are they made of and how are they formed?
  4. He is, indeed, the most meme-able man in U.S. history. On another note: Not sure if this should be here or in the chemistry forums, but I'll assume that it'd be more appreciated here.
  5. Here's a brief analysis of proteolytic mechanisms: http://www2.csudh.edu/nsturm/CHE450/11_Enz. Mech.-Ser Protea.htm I'm hoping differences in individual biochemistries won't contrast greatly enough to make an average ratio impractical. I would imagine it would be greatly helpful for someone unable to produce proteolytic enzymes themselves, but I can't say I've seen this happening at the time of writing.
  6. I would indeed be very interested.
  7. Because it helps our own proteolytic enzymes in their job. When one has a diet consisting majorly of protein, the body doesn't usually produce enough of them to process all of it, which is where bromelain can help. My question is, per 100 grams protein, how much can the body digest on its own, and how much bromelain should be taken for optimal nutrient absorption? Simply put; generally speaking, what would be the optimal ratio of bromelain to protein?
  8. I've been saying something similar: whether or not vacuum decay or anything else listed in my proposition would actually happen, depends on the nature and properties of the unforeseen influence. Have I made myself out to be one that would?
  9. What is it you propose would happen, if not vacuum decay?
  10. That, is actually brilliant. Maybe tomato-hachiya sauce with a little corn vinegar.
  11. I thank you for your help.
  12. Looks like a 404, unfortunately. : (
  13. There is a reason for it to happen in this circumstance. The Higgs field is in a false vacuum state: that is to say, it mimics the effects of being in the lowest energy state, while what it's really doing is building up potential energy. When if there were to be a sudden spike in the Higgs field's energy distribution, for example a sudden surge of mass and the energy that would need to come with it, all that potential energy would be released as kinetic energy, hurling everything that has mass into its lowest possible energy state. However, as I've said, this might not even happen depending on the properties of the unforeseen influence. "I lifted 85 kilos at the gym yesterday." "I just ran 7 kilos this morning." Both of these sentences make sense, and it wouldn't make much sense to assume the former meant anything other than kilograms, or that the latter meant anything other than kilometers. Likewise, it isn't really reasonable to have assumed I meant anything but the Planck length. Doesn't all theoretical physics begin with imagination? Granted, if nothing like this were to ever happen then it might be more aptly described as "Philosophical Physics", but the principle remains.
  14. Could you direct me to some of these?
  15. I do, do not worry. Ahhh, I see, this makes a lot of sense. I thank you for explaining.
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