Hi everyone
I have a chemistry homework but I couldn't solve these questions.Can you help me?
1)As a result of the reaction of 2.08 grams BaCl2 and 3.48 grams K2SO4, 2.2 grams of BaSO4 was obtained. Write the equation for this reaction and calculate the percentage yield. (BaCl2:208.23g/mol ,K2SO4:174.26 g/mol,BaSO4:233.39 g/mol)
2)Calculate the amount of precipitate (AgI) formed when 3 milliliters of 0.1 M AgNO3 reacts with 12 milliliters of 0.1 M Kl and the concentration of ions remaining in the solution. (AgI:234.77 g/mol)
Thanks a lot!