Markus Hanke has applied classical commonsense to interpret pseudo Riemannian geometry. when he talks of the projection issue
Markus Hanke claims
"This is meaningless. If you are projecting a shorter 4-vector onto a longer one, the result can never exceed the length of the longer vector, that’s just basic geometry."
Classically if the norm of a vector is zero its components are individually zero. But this is not true of the null vector in pseudo Riemannian geometry.. Its norm is zero but the components are non zero. The null vector for the pseudo Riemann case,is parallel to itself and perpendicular to itself simultaneously[remember , the components are in zero in general].Can you prove mathematically the claim staked by Markus v1.v2<c^2? On the contrary the paper has derived mathematically v1.v2>=c^2; v1=v2 corresponds to the case v.v=c^2 have
Next: It has been proved mathematically in the paper:
Four dot product of momenta p1.p2>=m1 m2 c^4
Pl note (E/c)^2-|p|^2=m^2c^2 [implies E^2-|p|^2 c^2=m^2 c^4].
We do have from the above that is from (E/c)^2-|p|^2=m^2c^2, p.p=m^2c^2
In the paper we have derived
That again leads us to v.v=c^2[gamma^2-1+1/gamma^2]
Formal consideration of photon momentum [as in standard theory]
Now p.p=E^2-c^2|p|^2=m^2 c^4
Setting rest mass= zero on the right side only we obtain:E=pc
[NB:On the left side of the last equation,with the rest mass tending to zero and gamma tending to infinity for the photon , the product m=m_0 gamma matches with the finite value on the right side]
But from quantum mechanics: E=h nu=hc/lambda or pc=hc/lambda or p=h/lambda not equal to zero.
[nu=frequency,h:Planck's constant, lambda=wavelength]
For my derivation Markus thinks momentum of the photon = zero why?
It is important to keep in the mind that the results derived in the paper have finally led to a discrepancy:
It stands in contradiction to conventional results which require v.v=c^2. The very intention of the paper is to highlight this contradiction in the theory.