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Everything posted by Fab1976

  1. thanks you all for your reply and I am sorry of the question was not that clear. Let me try to make my point differently: besides the healing of skin and/or other biological tissue are you aware of some inorganic or non-organic healing processes. For example, can a stone or a mineral repar its surface? Or how the hard body (outside) of crabs and other marine invertebrates heal? Vanitas is bring a very interesting man-made example: self-healing polymers. Do you have more info about that (e.g. articles, names, etc.)? I hope that the question is a bit clearer now. Fabrizio
  2. Dear all, I am posting to ask you a question: We all know form our direct experience that upon a scratch on our skin, our blood is well equipped to heal the skin surface. However, I do believe that this is not the only “self-healing" process taking place in nature, isn't it? My question is: Do you know other examples of self-healing surfaces? If yes, can you please give me a few more examples? Thanks! Fab
  3. My question is: Can an Fe(III) cluster type [Fe(III)3(mu3-O)(O2CR)6]+, where O2CR are monocarboxylic acids groups, react with dioxygen to produce a radical species able to initiate radical reactions, such as polymerization or else? I have been browsing the literature but besides the reaction of Fe(III) ions with peroxides yet no answer to my question. I thank in advance for any suggestions Regards, Fabrizio
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