Just FYI, you people are wasting your time with this guy.
He has been shown the math for the double slit pattern several times but he can't understand simple high school math, so he ignores it and keeps repeating his word salad in a desperate bid for attention. He keeps making the same video over and over again, repeating his word salad and "you can kind of see that it works" without providing any math to support his claims. When someone asks him for a proper math derivation, he bans them from his YouTube channel.
Recently he has been claiming that momentum equals energy (he understands neither) and the 1/2 mv^2 is a bogus formula not needed. When I showed him the math behind a trivial example of elastic collision of a mass 2m at velocity v hitting a stationary mass m, he did his usual word salad of backtracking on his own claims, shifting all over the place, and confirming that he lacks the intellectual integrity to stand behind his own claims when confronted with facts. To top it off, he deliberately misquotes mainstream physics educators on YouTube, flat out lying about what they say in their videos. Straight up lies.
On a side note, you people are far more generous to him that he is to his critics. He immediately bans anyone from his YouTube channel who points out his idiocy. He banned me just for showing the math for an elastic collision, proving him wrong. It's a trivial experiment that millions of high school students do every year around the world, albeit with blocks or balls instead of trains, to learn about elastic and inelastic collisions, but he lacks the skills to understand basic high school algebra or mechanics.
His "physics" assertions are just a way to pass the time and get some attention since he has nothing to do all day, living on welfare for 32+ years. I am not disputing his welfare status, simply point out that he has a lot of free time which he spends all day watching physics videos and then plays pretend physicist by regurgitating poorly understood physics jargon in his own videos.