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David J

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Quark (2/13)



  1. sorry for the double post, I don't have that much time. I had to type this new information about the 3 keys. I checked my email from http://www.abovetopsecret.com but I don't see a activation link. I'll have to keep trying, I'll check tommorrow.
  2. EARTH (the first key) Revelation 14:3 "...No one could learn the song exept the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth." Revelation 13:11 "Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon." Revelation 10:2 "He was holding a little scroll, which lay open in his hand. He planted his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land." Look in revelation and find the scripture about the harvest of the earth. "Worldly things" referring to earthly (first key) things(?). Explaination needed. Missing events, explaination needed. _______ HEAVEN (the second key) COMMUNICATIONS ENTRANCE Revelation 15:5 "After this I looked and in heaven the temple, that is, the tabernacle of testimony, was opened." Revelation 20:1 "And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the abyss and holding in his hand a great chain." Revelation 21:22 "I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple." This verse in Revelation is referring to the new and final heavne. The previous heaven contained a temple which is the temple|communications of God/feeling. The term "city" is an encryption according to communicaitons support for "ability", "choice of ability". A city contains small buildings(20-60%)|temples, large buildings|temples, roads(10-60%est.)/paths(20-60%est.)/efficient enactment(100%). City/ability of God/feelings. Once the understanding of heaven is perfected by study, the ones who overcame earth (first key), will be aware of communications support. This will fulfill this scripture. Heaven [place/awareness] is where you are able to see/understand the temple|communications. Heaven is also known as Gods Kingdom. According to the communications support, God(100%+) would be interpreted as feelings(100%+). Decrypting the word "God" encrypts the word "Kingdom"(20-30%). To enact this event efficiently according to the communications support, "Kingdom" is interpreted as "choice of ability"(90%). The gates of heaven is the entrance to heaven. Once the earth (first key) is overcome(20-60%)|completed(100%) then the Turquoise [i think this is the correct stone] gate will be opened. Book Unknown ?:? "I will build your temple of turquoise" ^^this was written for david i think some where in the bible, this is why I believe the communications entrance to be turquoise. Look up how energy(?) stones are assigned to specific energy[(?)90%?]/feeling(?%). Communications energy(?)/feeling. The relation(?) of energy(?) to feeling is unknown, so percentages cannot be correctly assigned. Chakra's(?%) <--I don't like that word... I have found the connection(?) of the colored stones normally associated with astronomy or metaphysics(70%est). Each stone has its own energy(?) and its own gate to the kingdom of heaven (second key [choice of ability]). The communications has its own stone. The energy(?) of the communications is the resistance felt when identifying a word. It would benefit(?) you to develop the communications grid and complete communications support to structure the understanding(?) of other abilities. KINGDOM'S(20-30%)/ALL ABILITY'S(100%) MEASUREMENTS 12,000 stadia in length 144 cubits thick This wall is made of jasper. The purpose of jasper is not known right now. Missing events, explaination needed. ______ THE SEA (the third key) Revelation 9:14,15 14..."Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates." 15 And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind. Revelation 13:1 "And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each a blasphemous name. Revelation 10:1,2 1 "Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven. He was robed in a cloud, with a rainbow above his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs were like fiery pillars. 2 He was holding a little scroll, which lay open in his hand. He planted his right foot on the sea and his left on the land." Revelation 21:1 "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea." This key is the purpose of the angels or other beings. According to Revelation 21:1, changing the conditions of the earth is unneccessary after the second key has been popularized (Revelations 21:22). Ridding of the sea could cause problems on earth. According to the first and second key. If condition of the earth, hesistation of people that possibly have already had knowledge of these keys, The possibility of those that would claim that pain or global confusion is the only way to the kingdom of heaven [(second key) choice of ability]for humans if asked the question, the comments(?) that population control by death is the(?) only(?) way(?).(and anything else controlling this world which is inefficient to normal human life on earth[first key]) Missing events. missing events, explaination needed. ______
  3. yourdadonapogos the efficiency is not of communications, they are both of creation. If I only gave them 100% then that would be of communications only. they both are capable of creating more(?). 50 seconds left. I'll post later. I'll check that site tommorrow.
  4. yea... I know its not a game Dak... Another mistake I made was "guess"ing and beginning to prove a situation in question form when I shouldn't have. I am aware enough to not write like this, but this is unacceptable... I am not completely aware of the events of argument. It would benefit me if negative words were never created. They cause me to lose awareness. but can you prove that I'm wrong... I can't prove what i'm saying yet. I will eventually by identifying the governing(?) events of my studies. Once I structure my studies with the events of creating a language, it will be impossible to prove me wrong. I can't estimate how long this is going to take. _____ RESISTANCE AND AWARENESS Awareness meter(?) also a component(?) of the communications grid. As you become more aware of a word identifying it within any event, then resistance could be reduced to 0% to 100% increasing your awareness of that word to 0% to 100%. If a position/term/word|pillar has not been identified or you have a low percentage of awareness of the position within the event then the event will not be structured. It is recommended that awareness of a word is above 90%. When awarness of each position of the event is above 90% then a section(?) of the communications|temple is structured. After all events of communications support have been identified efficiently then other studies can be identified as quickly as the communications grid allows. If resistance is 100% then awareness is 0%; resistance 90%, awareness 10% resistance 75%, awareness 25% resistance 30%, awareness 70% resistance 5%, awareness 95% ____ I don't have much time again... I'll post more later.
  5. I felt that since your feelings can create and god can create anything they both should be assigned efficiency beyond 100%. "...anyone who has done evil has not seen god" "...anyone who has done good has seen god" there are no "if"'s and possibilities.
  6. INTERPRETATIONS FROM NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION OF THE BIBLE. Revelation 2:5 "Remember the heigh from which you have fallen!..." This verse was written for the ones that it applies to, that belong tot he church of Ephesus. The verse is encrypted and can be interpreted by associating "height"(30%) witht he temple(30%). The height is an encryption for the amount of events identified and sccessfully structured. When an event is identified you become aware of the event, which structures the communications. The interpretation for "falling" would be that those this scripture is referring to neglected(?) their awareness of their previous efficiency and began communicating with less efficiency and less awareness of their true structures. "Height" (30%) when associated with communications structure, is the accumilated(?) awareness displayed on a communications grid. Revelation 3:12 "He who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my god." E. "He who overcomes I will make a word in the communications of my god/feelings" The verse indicates that he who overcomes will have their own pillar structuring gods temple. Names, which are words must be used to determine the owner of the pillar. Temple(20-30%) is an encrypted word for communications. God (100%+) is an encryption of the feelings(100%+). The interpretation of the word pillar which is interpreted as "word" enacts with the interpretation of temple which is communications efficiently. the interpretation of pillar which is word, verifies the interpretation of temple which is communications. Revelation 15:5 "After this I looked and in heaven the temple, that is, the tabernacle of the testimony, was opened." E. "After this I looked and in heaven the communications, that is, the tabernacle of the testimony, was opened." Heaven [place/awareness] is where you are able to see/understand the temple|communications. The temple in heaven which is interpreted as communications, is referred to as the tebernacle of testimony. with the interpretation of temple which is communications, the word testimony verifies that the interpretation of temple is correct. Revelation 15:8 "And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power, and no one could enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed." (See Veri Chip information and efficient proof of its enactment with the scriptures: Revelation 4:6 (New International Version) "Also before the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal." Revelations 15:2 "And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire...") The temple|communications will be filled with smoke. The word "smoke" then becomes an encrypted word. The word blindness(80%) can be used to interpret "smoke" to enact this event of the communications. The word "enter" also becomes an encrypted word. According to the communications enactment of this verse, an efficient interpretation of "enter" would be "cannot use" or "restricted". Revelation 16:1 "Then I heard a loud voice from the temple..." E. "Then I heard a loud voice from the communications..." Temple is the encrypted word for communications. From the temple(20-30%)|communications(99-100%) came a voice(100%). The word voice verifies the interpretation of the word temple which is communications. ___________ CONTRADICTIONS IN SCRIPTURE 3 John 11 "...Anyone who does what is evil has not seen god." The interpretation is, if you do good, then you have seen god... 1 John 4:12 "No one has seen God..." Revelation 18:23 "...The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again." Revelation 19:7 "...For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Revelation 3:7 "...These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David..." Revelation 22:10-11 10 "Then he told me, "Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, because the time is near." 11 Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy." _______ EARTH (the first key) Revelation 14:3 "...No one could learn the song exept the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth." Revelation 13:11 "Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon." Revelation 10:2 "He was holding a little scroll, which lay open in his hand. He planted his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land." Look in revelation and find the scripture about the harvest of the earth. Missing events, explaination needed. _______ HEAVEN (the second key) Revelation 15:5 "After this I looked and in heaven the temple, that is, the tabernacle of testimony, was opened." Revelation 20:1 "And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the abyss and holding in his hand a great chain." Heaven [place/awareness] is where you are able to see/understand the temple|communications. Missing events, explaination needed. ______ THE SEA (the third key) Revelation 9:14,15 14..."Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates." 15 And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind. Revelation 13:1 "And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each a blasphemous name. Revelation 10:1,2 1 "Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven. He was robed in a cloud, with a rainbow above his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs were like fiery pillars. 2 He was holding a little scroll, which lay open in his hand. He planted his right foot on the sea and his left on the land." This key is the purpose of the angels or other beings. missing events, explaination needed. ______ While identifying events, keys can conflict with following keys when they have not been each assigned their own structure or structures. If key 1 has not been assigned to a structure then it could conflict with key 2 and key 3. The keys I have been developing are biblical keys for now... ______ ACCELLERATION(?) BY ENACTING 2+ EVENTS SIMUTANEOUSLY (advanced ability) the communications support and grid are possible connections(?) to this ability. Communications support and grid must be completed. Awareness of communications support and grid must be activated(?) the effects(?) of this is a controllable(?) flow of unidentified energy(?) through the mid section of the brain. Accelleration(?) can be controlled(?) by accellerating(?) the speed at which the events are enacting. Enhanced visual focus (not for communication). Missing events. Effects(?) and activation(?) must be identified. _____ I don't have that much time left, I'll post more later.
  7. If I have to I will. and reverse no I was never autistic but I was in special education though No I can't write music. If you understand how to interpret the bible as I do after giving these definitions and explainations, thats fine... Keep it to yourself, its a possibility that you will be in danger if you post interpretations according to my information. If not, then I haven't identified enough for those who haven't over come the first key to see/understand my information. Nothing has happened to me yet, perhaps because of me and my connection to god or maybe because I haven't identified enough yet. A friend told me that there are people that are afraid to do what I'm doing. They know that all they have to do is combine all known organizations in the world that are suspicious of threats against the perfection and well being of humanity into one organization. Then begin a world wide riot, which would possibly cause the New World Order. I am sure there are enough people that are as suspicious as us. Its alot better than giving alittle bit of the truth thats still apart of the lies. Conspiracy theorists know this, that is if they are actually true conspiracy theorists... Truthfully, I don't think the counsel of your organizations are. It seems like they work for the government and those who have submitted themselves to the organization have submitted to the councel of that organizations desires. There is no excuse for this. Its hard to explain how I really feel about how the theorists are handling this, its too much resistance. I am beginning to suspect that god is our feelings and not the being we know whatever the being is, to be. This is according to my interpretation of the bible, but I am not completely sure of this yet. It could cause conflicts with my other interpretations if not explained efficiently/accurately. I'll post more later.
  8. Here is some information that I should have posted before my last post. I don't think I posted this information before... sorry : p , my spelling isn't perfect. I'm still posting here because I'm not finished with my studies. When I'm finished, I will do what is necessary to be able to contribute my information publically, on T.V or where ever possible. _____ COMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT The creation(/) of a human key(20%) is needed only if there are unidentified words and events. These words and events are the structure itself. After all words and events are identified efficiently then the key will be used(/) on the structure. A key(20%) is the encrypted word for required memory, required efficiency, required communications experience. My terms/words and their definitions according to my studies. The definitions might not be perfect but its the best of my understanding of my definitions as of now. Event: A phrase of words that are apart of a situation that have or have not been identified. identification: The act of identifying a word from your feelings within an event or a situation. base structure: A series of events that is complete and have been identified with acceptable efficiency. (If it has been complete, but there are words that need to be replaced with words of higher efficientcy then there are more events within the base structure to be identified.) efficiency: How accurate a word is to your feelings according to an event or situation. structure: A complete event or situation in communications form. Awareness: Not defined yet Feelings: In this situation, what is needed to create a language. : p (?): Indicates that I am unsure of this word according to the situation or I am settling for this word until a more efficient word can be identified. (!): Indicates that I've identified a new word within an event or situation. (%): Indicates the percent of efficientcy of a word according to a specific situation or identifying an event within a situation as efficiently as possible. (/): Indicates that the word is being enacted despite its efficiency according to the situation or event. [see: Samson explaination, Judges 16:26 (International Version)] (can be compared to the effects of slang, but DO NOT let the experience of slang overwhelm(?) the study of this definition) Revision needed ____ Judges 16:26 (International Version) Samson said to the servant who held his hand "Put me where I can feel the pillars that support the temple, so that I may lean against them." The scriptures then explains that Samson pulls the pillars that he feels, collapsing them which destroys the temple and kills more people than he killed when he was alive. The pillars mean words, the support means the structure and the temple is an encryption of the word comunications. First Samson said he wanted to feel the pillars which is interpreted as he wanted to feel the words. He said the pillars|words support the temple. My interpretation in consistency with the explained event that Samson destroys the temple, is that Samson feels the pillars|words that support|structure the temple|communications and destroy the temple|communications. To enact(?) the destruction of my terms/words according tot he event in the bible, this would be feeling for exploits(?) to destroy our communications structure, which would then destory structuralized communications. With this interpretation, this would cause Samson to be an evil human being or whatever he was. ____ VISUAL EFFICIENCY SUPPORTED BY THE GRID(?)/FORMATION(?) I've identified the connection(?) of the vision of the eyes to thoughts. This explaination will need to be revised. You must have awareness of your feelings then have awareness of your thoughts, which is then connected(?) to your vision if you focus with your eyes. When the first key is aquired and you have been progressing then you will eventually become curious of the grid(?)/formation(?) of the connection(?) of the feelings, thoughts and your vision. Since a majority of us have not been given understanding that is not structuralized to the awareness of your feelings then the phrases we speak are unstructuralized. since the order is feelings, thoughts then vision and that awareness governs al 3, the efficency of your words is equal to the efficency of your vision. These seperate efficiencies do not need to be equal. For example: buildings that have been built today are inefficient. The cars are inefficient. In order to see earth as hell (which are its visual inefficiencies) you would need to be aware of the connection(?) of feelings, thoughts and vision within the grid(?)/formation(?) from(?) the feelings. Revision needed _____ The explainations I have been writing and posting are providing me with the words to revise the most important explainations which are about ourselves. If I tried to explain those right now, I wouldn't be able to because the resistance is too great. Its not like the resistance of trying to explain my where isn't going to be a temple in heaven or explainations about the definition(?) exploit of the sith sense game. The resistance causes anger as soon as I try to begin trying to identify the events. I'll have to wait and explain other problems first and then use the words that I identified from those problems then see if that would decrease the resistance of explaining the problems about ourselves. I will explain all problems eventually. The information of the bible is consistent(!) with its own efficiency, not the efficency of my interpretation. In our situation, the consistency of my interpreations would be efficent to reality, while the consistency of the efficency in the bible have been found to be incomplete encryptions of our reality. The bibles encryptions are only true if they can be interpreted completely according to our reality. If there is a missing encryption in consistency with the event then it is incomplete. (i.e Solomons wisdom above wisdom [i will explain later]) ____ COMMUNICATIONS GRID acquired by completing communications support This information will identify the remaining events and situations of the first key. The events and situations are known as the effects of slang and inefficient words [see definition for (/)] I have not efficiently identified communications support I still have work to do before I can begin writing how to establish the communications grid. After I have finished the first key I will write how to establish the communications grid.
  9. I've found a website that can support my explaination that they replaced the word spirit with feelings. http://www.sithsense.com/flash.htm?n=GAMER ^^ after the page loads up, challenge vader. Imagine your feelings and what I have told you they are, then choose the corresponding choice that will be most accurate in leading the possibility(?) eliminating(?) program, thats characterized(?) by darth vader to tell you what you are thinking. CHOOSE ACCORDINGLY or else you will not recieve the desired list of possibilities after 30 questions. after answering 20 questions as specified by the programs primary limit(?) the answer should have been determined, but this possibility requires more questioning so 20 is not enough to determine your thought (due to the programs restricted inquiry range beyond 20 questions which is based on the type of answers a majority of the people participating in this game would like to be determined) These are some of the possibilities determined by the program, I closed the page but I remember some of them: knowledge the human body a spirit a brain Notice on the list it says "A SPIRIT", this is the most accurate interpretation of the feelings on the list. And what are the things I've said about "spirit"s? and all the possibilities determined that I didn't write down from the list were all about the same subject. Try it for yourself. Here is proof of their corruption. _____ I've identified the events of the execution altering exercise. It will need revision but I am sure the explaination is efficient enough to understand when read or if practiced. Unfortunately, I forgot my composition book in my fathers car so I'll have to post it later. I can only access computers at the library still. With my last post, I had to hurry up because someone else wanted to use the computer I was on, so I didn't have enough time to write what I was feeling as efficiently as possible. I couldn't finish the rest of my explainations. ____ SECOND KEY There are some of you that believe my interpretations, which you are correct for believing. Then there are some of you that don't believe my interpretations of the bible. To those that don't believe, you shouldn't believe my interpretations until I can prove it even though they are consistent(?) with the scriptures. I've become aware of events that will lead me to identifying the complete base structure to prove my interpretations. I will have proof eventually. I've identified the formation/grid(?) of the structure of the second key. Its unlike the first key, which is the key of communications structuralization to feelings. It has a less complex(?) formation. The key consists(?) of more than 2 base structures as opposed to the first key which consists(?) of 1 that I've identified so far. I suspect the key to consist(?) of more than 3 base structures. The second key must be structuralized to the first key in awareness of structure. This may seem like phenomina to you but, the base structures of the key and how I am aware of their position resemble a 3+ structure that could be compared to the locked pharoah, mummy or treasure coffins presented in movies that occur in egyptian pyramids. I have identified 2 of the base structures of this key. The name and requirements of the base structures will need to be revised. 1. It is required that you identify the governing(?) events of the proof of efficient interpretation structure (my first few sentances in what haywood quoted in the post before this one) as efficiently as your language allows. 2. It is required that an efficient explaination of god's existance or non existance is written or given. its been about a week identifying the base structures of the second key although I have not perfected my awareness of the first key. I've always thought to myself that if I became aware of my communications structure as a grid(?) or formation(?) then I would be sacrificing gaining awareness by resistance. I've discovered that the grid(?)/formation(?) would be recommended after all structures have been efficiently identified. I was walking outside thinking and I was curious to the formation of the second key, so I focused and thought then I became aware of it after a few thoughts later. You might not believe this, but I felt the back-left 45 degree angle part of my brain and back-left 60 degree (est.) compress and it felt like 2 orbs were present in my awareness of their location. I heard this screech sound, then both of my ears started making these chirping sounds. It was like a tweaking noise and I could feel it. There were no thoughts caused by this. Everytime I sustained my awareness it felt like the orbs reacted, then the tweaking noise started again for only a few seconds. I'm telling you the truth. ____ AWARENESS OF THOUGHT AND VISUAL SENSE GRID(?)/FORMATION(?) I've identified the connection(?) of the vision of the eyes to thoughts. This explaination will need to be revised. You must have awareness of your feelings then have awareness of your thoughts, which then is connected to your vision if you focus with your eyes. If the first key is aquired and you have been progressing then you will eventually become curious of the grid(?)/formation(?) of the connection of feelings, thoughts and your vision. Since a majority of people have not been given understanding that is not structured to the awareness of our feelings then the phrases they speak are unstructuralized. Since the order is feelings, thoughts then vision and that awareness governs all 3, then the efficientcy of your words is the efficientcy of your vision. These seperate efficienties do not need to be equal. for example: the buildings that have been built today are inefficient. The cars are inefficient. In order to see earth as hell (which is its visual inefficientcies), you would need to know the connection of feelings, thoughts and vision as a grid(?)/formation(?) The conflicts(?) that restrict the efficientcy of vision and the efficientcy of words to be equal has not been identified yet.
  10. I had another dream that applies to our psychological situation that could be something that is similar or is exactly whats going to happen in the future. Similar or exact depending on the events in the dream. Metaphorical (less efficient to the feelings) or actual (most efficient to the feelings). This dream did not seem as if I was seeing it as a movie, I was IN the dream. I appeared in malle'te mall wondering how I got there and what I was doing there. I could say it was real, I actually thought I was awake. There were the usual amount of people in the mall while I was walking around, puerto rican, caucasian, I can't remember seeing any african american(/african) people. I was looking around at the stores, I came to the water fountain found at the center of the mall each hall meeting with the fountain like 4 intersections(?). Around the time being around the fountain, I was sent to a part of the mall which I was not familiar with in an instant, this is an event normally experienced when seeing the dream like a movie. Since that event happened, the event itself canceled(?) the feeling of the dream seeming like I was actually there in reality to it seeming like [ partially reality(est. 70%)] and [partially seeing it like a movie(est. 30%)] The part of the mall I was sent to was a light brown balcony above another balcony of the same color. the balcony I could see below me was high from the malls main floor, so I suspect there were lower balconys or possibly stairs that reached the main floor. While I was looking at the balcony below me there were a few black people lying on the balconies unconcious. I looked on my balcony and there were black people lying unconcious. I began to walk forward and my throat began to tighten and I couldn't breathe. I held my throat with both my hands and I fell on the floor of the balcony I was on. Then I woke up and then there was this plus sized black girl bending over looking at me. I could hardly speak and my vision was "in a haze"(?) as a symptom of this strange unconciousness when waking. I asked the girl if jesus was coming and I said something else I can't remember. She shook her head no and said "no." I said something after that and she responded but I can't remember that either. I was viewing this having the feeling it was 70% reality and 30% as a movie and this is apart of why I couldn't remember exactly what I said along with struggling to speak. I don't know if I went(?) unconcious again or if I was instantly sent to another scene. But after I talked to the girl there was then blackness and an owl appeared and then red light shown out of the outer lines of its eyes and then it spun around and transformed into a monster, in the dream I felt it was the beast because of my understanding. The word "beast" in the bible, and its inefficiently expressed associations needs to be interpreted with efficient/accurate words. Then I was instantly sent to another place of the same darkness. I was in front of a gate and it opened up then that woman that plays "M" in 007 james bond movies (she looked alot like her and I think it was her) was above the castle as large as a cloud in the sky telling me to "go in". Now est. 20% partial reality and est. 80% like a movie, I went inside and then I began controlling a similar monster that the owl had turned into, fighting it like a video game. I was on a balcony and I was looking down at them and the monsters looked like playstation one graphics and they had yellow indicators in the shape of squares on the ground where they stood representing them. They both had yellow square indicators. I didn't have a joystick but I was witnessing the 2 monsters that looked the same fight each other. It seemed as if I was controlling my monster with my feelings, I was making it fire yellow thick lines either from its mouth, eyes or hands I couldn't tell. I've never played this game before but they were hitting the other monster and it seemed like he didn't know what he was doing like he had no experience with video games. I don't remember the other monster attacking, I was hitting the other monster successfully and at this point is where the dream ended. I didn't kill it and there was no life bar. I was thinking of going to the mall today (a different mall in akron), but when I arrived at this mall I remembered that scene in my dream. I'm never going into the mall again and I wouldn't advise any of you to go in there either. It made me realize besides me dying in it what a mall is meant for. But I can't identify the words to explain it right now. With only black people going(?) unconcious around the same time and seeing no other race going(?) unconscious and with the owl transforming into the beast in this dream, we are very close to something horrible. ______________________________ A Dream does not lie from all of my experiences having them. These are the interpretations according to the condition of our world: only seeing black people unconscious is a representation of what those that control this world will do to us, it might not be the exact attack but it will be some form of attack on black people. I woke up from unconsciousness, so that would mean other blacks could wake up from unconsciousness or only I will. I don't know if the girl over me woke from unconsciousness so either is possible. She whispered and shook her head "no" to me when I asked if jesus was coming back so revelations is lying. But I question her answer because I couldn't see her face, she was african and her face was dark and I couldn't see her face - that seems kind of strange and malicious. Now I'm thinking of what I thought weeks ago - if satan is the father of all lies, he would lie through the whole bible regardless of what god tells him not to do. It says in Revelations 22:19 - And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. Satan and his followers are going to hell anyway for the things he's doing aready, so it wouldn't matter what god said they are going to change even revelations. It say in the bible that "those that say they are jews, but do lie" would mean in our reality - that the race we would normally identify as a jew, is not actually a jew. the ones in control of this world gave them the inefficient identification of gods people A PROPHET IS NOT someone that has messages from god, you have to understand your feelings to get a message from god and you SHOULD NOT identify your people with tribial terms or with any term! THE CHURCH IS NOT the ones that worship god, thats an inefficient identification. WITCHCRAFT is explained to be a practice of satan by the bible, but in reality it is not. Witchcraft is an malicious inefficient identification for another practice. That is the " practice" of using your feelings. There is no TEMPLE, that is an inefficient identification for the place of our people, THERE IS NO TEMPLE and it says that in Revelations 21:22 - And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it. These few terms applied to the life of someone without the correct understanding would cause a tribial perception of inefficientcy. The owl is a masonic "mascot" and is supposedly worshipped. http://www.prisonplanet.com or http://www.infowars.com has evidence that george bush and other government officials are members of the bohemian grove who openly sacrifice babies, preform 1,000 year old idolistic rituals and worships an owl statue which has a unignorable resemblance to the masonic mascot. The eye on the back of the dollar bill is also associated with the masonic organization. The governments absence in addressing why there is confusion is proof of their corruption. I don't want to say it like this but... Their corruption is "silenced" by what we believe the bible will offer to us because of this which is heaven and then we are satisfied. There aren't any words offered in any way ( school, t.v, etc.) from the government to the public for anyone to become suspicious. (Owl Mascots and all seeing eyes are not enough) This eliminates any suspicion, but does cause curiousity when the government isn't eliminating the problems completely. Their corruption must be seen, heard or written accurately or it will be very hard to react against them without ridding of your curiousity of them. This is how they control you, it must be written or said or heard. And its a very hard thing to do for some reason. I know the words but I become fusterated and unmotivated for some reason when I try to write them down like my anger is actually being controlled. Everything else I have no intense problem of explaining. The masonic owl turning into the beast/monster is possibly the representation of the owl will no longer be as what the masonic organization represents which is secrecy and hidden control, but then transform into the beast which is interpreted to be publically destructive from the information the bible provides. "M" the woman in the 007 james bond movie is the president(?) of james bond's secret organization. I could compare "M" in my dream to reality as being god, because this god is secret and only a few people know of him/her (I had another dream that god spoke to me about a week ago in a male voice telling me I still have a chance). Since the girl in my dream whispered "no" to me asking if jesus was coming back, I'm suspecting I'm 007 or someone else is. Or maybe I'm another "agent" sent to battle the beast. I went into the large castle like gate, but there was no castle. I can agree with the dream that me battling the beast in a video game would be easiest for me because I am aware of the basic functions and tactics of fighting when in video game form even if I haven't played it and I believe most people that play video games alot or can adapt to the game quickly would have this skill also. The beast that was the owl could not fight that well in the video game. It was very easy to gain an advantage. I believe the beast will suffer from the things we are skilled in since we suffered from the things the beast was skilled in, for example: they have perfect explainations we will never hear or see but have to write, confusing us, teaching us lies, making it seem like the countries are against each other but in reality are being controlled by the masons for their own aimless purposes. This is what they are skilled in. This part of the dream gives me an advantage I never thought I'd have against the owl. I thought I would have to fight him physically. Not digitally. Or the interpretation might not have a specific method of how the attack of the beast will be done - interpreting it as: its going to be easy to harm the owl that is now the beast. I did not kill the beast, I had an advantage over it because I was good at fighting games. The bible doesn't say that the beast will be killed, he will be sealed for 1,000 years. Revelations 20:3 - And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. One of my friends I chat with on yahoo messenger told me that a psychic said the end of the world will be around 3264. so 3012-3015 will be the end of the reign(?) of christ approximately. Subtract 3012 from 3264 and you should get the number of what the bible calls a little season of how long gog and magog will decieve the nations again. Approximately... Dreams DO NOT lie. hopefully not... x100 if it is its not my fault. I am still not sure about the girl saying "no" about jesus coming back, everything else I am absolutely sure of because it applies to reality by my current efficientcy. But we would have to wait and let the events revelations says will happen become reality and then see if jesus comes or not as it says he will before the complete new world order. Since the girl seemed malicious, I couldn't see her face. Her face was almost complete blackness she might be lying about jesus not coming back, I don't know. I can't tell. We'll have to wait. Since the girl in my dream's face looked malicious, that would mean that she lied about jesus not coming back which would mean HE IS coming back. this would also cancel(?) me walking into the gates with no castle. Her lying would not cancel(?) the owls transformation though because there is established proof not in the dream but in reality that the owl is the representation of the masonic control that rules this planet. __________________________________ WE ARE TEMPLES UNTO OURSELVES... Gates with no castle means that I walked into heaven, but it didn't seem like heaven it was dark. And "M" which is a representation of God, does not exist which means god does not exist or "M" is the god of the dark heaven, I'm not sure which one. It does say in revelations that there will be NO TEMPLE in heaven but there ARE gates. Because the gates are psychological. "M" would then not be a representation of the true god, but another idol god worshipped just as moloch. This means I will not enter the dark heaven after death and battle the beast while I'm in the dark heaven and the beast is on earth. I am aware that that would be illogical and for the intentions of the beasts people, in revelations it says that the beasts followers will remain and not be raptured with gods people, so this information would be eligible due to her lie to disprove(?) that I enter the dark heaven. Her lie would also cancel(?) me battling the beast after walking through the gates. I'm sure that it is believed that jesus or one of the arch angels (an alien) are going to kill the beast. Not me, which can compare to what it says in the bible. Due to her lie, "M" becomes a false god. Right now I have no confirmation that god exists, only jesus. Jesus is coming back... I have confirmation now, this is good. Because of the confirmations I have more events to identify and I can feel that they will be of very useful efficientcy in explaining whats really going on It says we are our own temples in the bible. Our temples are in reality our confinement(?), walls(?), or jail(?), this is what the bible does not explain so we will not understand, but only know of so when we speak of it we only know of it(?) as reference or when we are suffering we can only wonder. Most people do not use the phrase "temple unto ourselves" in association with our suffering. "Blindness" and "sight" are most associated with suffering. This is due to lack of understanding and participation amongst those that have the understanding that the government has given us or has given to another person who has given it to you. "We are our own temple's" has not been associated with blindness or sight to protect the corresponding scriptures of the bible. This is why this phrase is not popular/commonly associated with " blindness" or "cannot see" which means lack of understanding. There will be no temple in heaven because a temple is the representation of suffering. Right now most of you may be suffering this representation, which is a temple/cell/confinement/psychological control. You must have the key(20%) to enter the gate into heaven out of your temple(20%). There is no temple in heaven, or you would not be free and it would NOT be heaven. Temple= 20% efficientcy Confinement= 70% efficentcy Cell= 70-90% efficientcy Psychological control= 100% efficientcy - Key= 20-70% efficientcy
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