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Mina Morcose farage

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  • Location
  • College Major/Degree
    Electrical Engenering
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Electrical Enginering , Physics , Mathmatics
  • Occupation

Mina Morcose farage's Achievements


Lepton (1/13)



  1. thank you for explaining to me i just didn't wanted to use any water based cleaner because i wanted to clean electronic board too but i will try Isopropyl alcohol next time Thank you Very Much For the explanation
  2. I do not have any major in chemistry but I think I can help you search until someone with experience answers. after a small search I think this search will help you https://www.quora.com/What-kinds-of-books-will-help-me-learn-chemistry https://www.campuscareerclub.com/best-chemistry-books-for-beginners/ and you can ask google as you ask on post and google will show you similar people who asked your question like this https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-e&q=how+to+learn+chimestery and maybe you want to look for more books so we can use a search term like that https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-e&q=best+books+to++learn+chemistery try to manipulate the arguments in google and then defragment all data you got and I recommend using a tool like calibre to manage your books https://calibre-ebook.com/download and of course, use youtube to understand hard topics that may be not clear at first but with some videos, it would be easier I highly recommend starting with khan academy https://www.khanacademy.org/science and read books with it and remember learning from a book may be harder but the data will be more condensed and it will give you more understanding I hope I helped you and to boost you're learning you may try to read books about learning itself because it has strategies to boost your memory and so on. I love books from Jim Kwik you can check him in this link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpZ6j5f_Fsc as for courses name you can find that in colleges site like MIT for example and there is some college which put there lectures on internet https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/chemistry/ and you can search on youtube and google for different lectures from different universities I wish you Best Luck
  3. Hi i am not sure if this the Right Place to post i hope if anyone can help me plastic deformed when trying to clean it with gasoline with octane number 95 I thought it would be an alternative to isopropyl alcohol but I think I got it wrong I cleaned an old remote with gasoline I put all the component and I left it for maybe an hour and when I came I found very sticky layer on the top of the plastic and the structure of it changed it's more flexible and not only that the buttons have been expanded too. but after an hour it shrank but not to the original size i hope if some one could explain to me what happened ? Thank you in Advance if you want mot set of photos you could see this links https://ibb.co/album/FqMxM1
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