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  1. The problem with that is that we are supposed to look at the world through relaxed eyes. I can force focus on something without my glasses, but a whole day of that would give me headaches and eye twitching At least thanks to my OCD I don't need to look through the window to relax my eyes, since I can unfocus them at will. Regular loss of vision focus during rumination will do that to you
  2. The breathing affects how easy it is to ramp up to high intensity and keep up, but I can trigger it at will regardless of what I am doing or not doing with my breath. It does feel like flexing a muscle or relaxing a sphincter very intently As for the ear wax I've had it dissolved with drops after and infection and it had no effect
  3. Is there anything in the ear that could rub against it or cause it to move around when exerted? It also kinda sounds like a membrane being vibrated
  4. More ragged, irregular. A bit like many pieces of short fabric flapping in the wind but muffled. It's a difficult sound to describe. If the noise from cupping your ear is like running your hand through satin, this noise is more like corduroy.
  5. This is not easy to explain, and every time I do I get looked at like I'm either an alien or talking bollocks I have the ability to move something inside my ears that causes a hum and a vibration. The sound reminds me of the way wind sometimes sounds through the phone, and it tickles a little bit. It happens exclusively when I want it to, and I get tired after about a minute. The intensity is affected by my breathing, but it can be done while holding my breath with either full or empty lungs. After a minute or two I get tired. I learned to do this when I was trying to learn to move my ears like some people are able to I would appreciate any clues as to the underlying mechanism of this. I always forget to ask the ear doctor to take a look when I'm at the office, since most of the time I forget I can do this
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