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Prof Reza Sanaye

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Everything posted by Prof Reza Sanaye

  1. So therefore , let us not limit them into phase spaces . . . .
  2. The way Studiot propounds stipulations and modalities, then such waves can occur ONLY in a phase space rather than in physical space. What is the probability of actually finding out any physicalistic merger of waves if they are to be still named "Solitons" ?
  3. A 3-D soliton, micro (atomic level ) or macro (a tsunami) , may be planned on a 2-D plane with incoherent spatial intensity distributions. All The external control offers great experimental possibilities to control the lateral orientation of the feedback solitons both statically and dynamically. These instabilities play a crucial role in determining soliton existence's static and dynamic circumstances.
  4. By turning the temporal Script (fractals) all but continual . . . . .
  5. The ongoing flow of information makes memory distinguishers impossible the more we fracture time into Nano- and Femto-seconds . ... . . . . .Background (echo) vibration is thus the distinguishing motor . . . . . .Because memory signals ought to go on a differing time-scale vibration . . . .
  6. They become bigger at Angstrom levels , thus rendering them not able to pass on/out . . .
  7. Because , Very Dear Studiot Supernerd , any concept of Being/Existence is in fact dependent upon human Beings themselves. A Self would otherwise have no reliable grounds of existence. Imagination is thus Carnal ( Corporeal , so to speak ). As a psychological conflict with the opposition of my own body against the self-distancing objectifications by its own Imaginative FACULTY, the Other as a collective confrontation between bodies has been made simultaneously—but incommensurably— intelligible by an isolated and rational reaction on the one hand AND by a sense of mutual and subjective obligation on the other; these two instances foreground the superiority of the simply observable and a consequent impoverishment of Creativity in contemporary post-industrial digital society. This is notwithstanding the fact that these incidents of Entities arising from a posteriori IMAGINATION may appear worlds apart and definitely are not reducible one to the other. 🙃 🙃 Because , Very Dear Studiot Supernerd , any concept of Being/Existence is in fact dependent upon human Beings themselves. A Self would otherwise have no reliable grounds of existence. Imagination is thus Carnal ( Corporeal , so to speak ). As a psychological conflict with the opposition of my own body against the self-distancing objectifications by its own Imaginative FACULTY, the Other as a collective confrontation between bodies has been made simultaneously—but incommensurably— intelligible by an isolated and rational reaction on the one hand AND by a sense of mutual and subjective obligation on the other; these two instances foreground the superiority of the simply observable and a consequent impoverishment of Creativity in contemporary post-industrial digital society. This is notwithstanding the fact that these incidents of Entities arising from a posteriori IMAGINATION may appear worlds apart and definitely are not reducible one to the other. 🙃 🙃
  8. Imagery of imagination has gotten some creative power with it. This , however , depends upon repetitive differentiation(s) that there are amongst imaginative instances,,,,,Gaining existence under the auspices of imaginative faculty can only occur when a Hyper-imaginary number of transactions take place between any pair of two differences in possibility of even daydreaming. Then how you measure Existence will NOT matter , in this way . . . .. . The real purchase will go to those Repetitive Differences that are less and less new in units of Differenciation . . . . .. . When the imaginative faculty itself collapses , then Being is quite prone to collapse , too . . . . . .
  9. remember earliest "Computers" ??
  10. Appreciations for taking your time to offer me and others comment(s) on my views . . ..
  11. Thanks for your comment , Dear friend . . . . . .
  12. I might go so far as to guess that Studiot can talk and write on her own part. I also suppose that dealing with a crucial philosophical topic does vitally necessitate writing in non-sloppy technical terms that philosophers themselves( Either in the Most Respectable American Pragmatism or in Continental European Philosophy ) apply.
  13. So , why do you start your statement with the word "No" ??
  14. You mean all those words mean Nothingness ?? !!
  15. Words such as 'exist,' 'real,' etc. (generally referred to as 'ontic terms') are recognized as having applications that are not metaphysically dedicated, in addition to the normal custodial uses. (Consider, e.g. Platonic and neutral writings of 'There's an even prime.'). It is entirely possible that Being is a definition of pure fiction or illusion—a surplus constructed through imagination in order to suture a pervasive loss of sensuality with some greater significance. When one imagines throwing the dice, for example, the aleatory point names the position of the multiplicity of every possible outcome, governed in turn by ontic rules. This interaction often encompasses the ontological requirements of all possibilities with respect to frequency role of pure potentiality thinking as an imaginative actual. The governance of the faculty of the imagination births the concept of the world as infinite time by suturing partial ontic determinations into a cohesive ‘whole.’ In a word, the interpretative idea is a representation of the imagination, associated with a particular construct, which is merged with so many partial representations in the unrestricted use of another imagination that it is impossible to find any expression that designates a determined concept, which thus requires the addition of a framework of much that is unnameable, a sense that animates the cognitive imagination in the format of Being .
  16. Because random number creators are in fact mostly Pseudorandom , it appears we have to modulate our definition of sheer "randomness". As for radioactive emissions , we had better name them Complexity or Chaos rather than Randomness . . . . . . . ..
  17. I should hardly think life has gotten any specific "purpose" to it . . . . . .
  18. Very Dear Phi ! Cannot really make out what OBVIOUS CONDESCENDING I have committed ,,,,,,,,,,,,, A member has simply asked me for the meaning of a word . . .. I have given him/her the exact lexicon reference . . . .Please make it clear what is so wrong with this : so that I can possibly correct my writing(s) . . . . . . Very Dear Phi ! Cannot really make out what OBVIOUS CONDESCENDING I have committed ,,,,,,,,,,,,, A member has simply asked me for the meaning of a word . . .. I have given him/her the exact lexicon reference . . . .Please make it clear what is so wrong with this : so that I can possibly correct my writing(s) . . . . . .
  19. emotivity Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical. e·mo·tive (ĭ-mō′tĭv) adj. 1. Of or relating to emotion: the emotive aspect of symbols. 2. Characterized by, expressing, or exciting emotion: an emotive trial lawyer; the emotive issue of gun control. e·mo′tive·ly adv. e·mo′tive·ness, e′mo·tiv′i·ty (ē′mō-tĭv′ĭ-tē) n.
  20. And we also have gotten "Authority_Awe_Award" ( AAA ) syndrome as a result of which some people are scared to death if they ever find themselves faced with smallest scent of Anti_Establishment traces , , , , ,,
  21. I can clearly see how primed and well-weathered you are with your obvious emotivities on Marxism , , , , ,
  22. It is not gibberish. . .No . . No . . https://www.jstor.org/stable/25660634?seq=1 https://www.marxists.org/archive/corey/1934/decline/ch03.html https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2019/oct/31/us-city-preparing-itself-for-the-collapse-of-capitalism https://time.com/4327419/american-capitalisms-great-crisis/ https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1996/07/the-forces-making-for-an-economic-collapse/376621/ https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/long-term-capitalism/rethinking-the-future-of-american-capitalism# Just prime yourself on the topic on theses , Dear Friend , so that i may be able to introduce even yet more in-depth material ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  23. You read a little bit , Please : https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/124107-blow-to-us-democracy-split-from-us-presidential-election-modelling/page/9/?tab=comments#comment-1169650
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