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Biological Combination

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About Biological Combination

  • Birthday 01/01/1976

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  • Interests
    Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Physics
  • College Major/Degree
    Bachelor's degree
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Physics
  • Biography
    The biological combination theory is mine.

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  1. I will no longer post on your forum for the following reasons. 1-) Forum rules that vary by person 2-) Moderators scolding members like children 3-) Excessively prejudiced attitudes 4-) Hostile collective attack on different ideas 5-) Members afraid to support new ideas 6-) Members who can't comment without using words like bullshit and stupid thoughts, trash can. 7-) Other theories and assumptions are directly accepted as correct and science. My theory is expected to be proven immediately. Someday you will realize the accuracy of the Biological Combination Theory.
  2. Viruses that have been inactive since the formation of the earth can occur in 4 ways. I explained this in the topic below. I have said that the most primitive viruses in the world transmitted from soil to oceans, seas and waters. The cause of the coronavirus: Oil and natural gas exploration works in the seas and Deep earthquake cracks in the sea bottom layer. Viruses that interfere with seawater infect sea creatures. It is also transmitted to humans from sea creatures. It is especially transmitted by sea creatures that are eaten without cooking. Like sushi. WHO will explain the cause of the coronavirus soon. We will wait together.
  3. It's nice to see people like you in the forum. Thank you very much. I like to come up with new ideas. I hope we can benefit humanity.
  4. Is time travel really possible? Does the time exist? What we call time is actually a periodic counting system. When we count from 1 to 60 at certain intervals, we call it 1 minute. Time is something human made up. Time in the universe is zero. So there is no such thing as time in the universe. For this reason, it is not possible for time to go backwards or forwards. The assumptions made, such as time travel or twisting of time, are wrong. Everything happens and ends in the earth and the universe. So the video doesn't rewind or fast forward. While the water in a container boils for 15 minutes, this boiling time decreases to 10 minutes when we increase the heat. This does not mean that you advance time or withdraw time. The situation of slow aging of people who go to space is like this. Depending on environmental factors, the condition of the substances and the lifetime of living things vary. Daylight, night and seasons are an exceptional situation that occurs in the solar system. The universe is dark and cold. Non-dominant elements or compounds resist not to disappear. This is also the case in living things. It consists of elements in living things. The weak living things resists not to disappear, but the result is inevitable. The life of living things is as long as they resist the pressure or the existing environmental conditions. Body resistance varies from person to person or from living thing to living thing. Environmental conditions vary according to the atmospheric and climatic conditions ofthe place where they live. Does the reincarnation exist? Does the soul exist? Throughout history, human have believed in the existence of the soul. They thought the last breath of human before their death was the soul. Human did not accept extinction. After he died, he wanted to see the human he loved. So he began to believe in the existence of the soul. In fact, what they think of the soul is consciousness. We have five organs that constantly transmit data to our consciousness. These; eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. It is wrong to say five sense organs. Indeed, it is the Five Consciousness Organs. Consciousness is the ability of human to recognize, perceive, grasp, realize itself, its environment and what is happening. After the data obtained by the five organs of consciousness are transmitted to the consciousness section of our brain, they reflect as emotions such as joy, sadness and fear. Human is like a live broadcast television. The human moment is living. This is called consciousness. The heart is the blood pumping organ. Emotions such as joy, sadness, and fear are formed in the brain, ve Then the central nervous system changes the speed of blood flow. Changes occur in the heartbeat. Due to these changes in the heart, it is believed to be the soul in the heart. Since there is no soul, there is no Reincarnation called soul migration. The migration of consciousness is not scientifically possible. How many dimensions does the universe have? There is no other dimension above the three dimensions we live in. Our perception of three dimensions, namely height and depth, is valid for the objects in the universe. Theories like the parallel universe are mistaken. Invisible objects or living things can be evaluated on a micro or macro scale. For example, bacterial viruses can be evaluated on a micro scale, and the world we live in on a macro scale. We cannot see bacteria and viruses without a microscope, we cannot see the world without going into space. Just because we can't see bacteria and viruses doesn't mean we live with them in different sizes. Our failure to see the earth does not mean that we are not living in the earth. We live in the same dimensions and in the same world as bacteria and viruses. Likewise, in order to see the space, we have to go out of the space, and in order to see the universe, we have to go out of the universe. However, since the universe is infinite, we cannot go out of the universe. Not being able to see an object or an alive does not mean that they are of a different dimension. Just because we can't see the sun because of the clouds doesn't mean the sun is of different dimension. Our inability to see fish due to sea water does not mean that we live with them in a different dimension. Our inability to see beings because of the fog does not mean that they are of a different dimension. Our inability to see worms due to soil does not mean that they live in a different dimension. Are there any invisible imaginary beings? Objects and living things reflecting light appear. The visible region is a situation that occurs with visible light. In dark environments, all substances are colorless. To be a visible or invisible entity, that entity must consist of elements. In addition, it is necessary for the elements to come together and form a volume. 99.1% of the human body consists of Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Calcium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulfur Compounds (Sulfur) and other elements. In order for the invisible entitty being to form, it must consist of invisible gas elements. Gas state is the most irregular state of matter. Gases are volatile and spread to the environment in which they are located. Gaseous substances do not have a specific shape and volume. It takes the shape of the container they are in. Chemical Reaction is when elements or compounds undergo chemical changes to form new substances. Compounds are pure substances that are formed as a result of two or more different elements losing their properties and forming a chemical bond. Metal elements are present in solid state in room conditions. Mercury is only liquid. They form ionic compounds with nonmetals. They do not form compounds among themselves. However, they form alloys. There is very little in the structure of living things. Nonmetallic elements exist in solid, liquid and gaseous form under room conditions. Nonmetals form covalent (such as H20) with nonmetals and ionic (such as NaCI) with metals. It is found in large amounts in the structure of livingthings. Some properties of semi-metal elements are similar to metal and some properties are similar to nonmetals. All room conditions are strict. The noble gas elements are in gaseous form under room conditions. They do not reaction. Therefore, they do not form compounds. They do not exist in the structure of living things. Types Of Electromagnetic Wawes • Visible lights; is the light perceived by the human eye. • Radio waves; It is used in television, radio and mobile phone technology. Invisibletothe eye. • Microwaves; It is used in bakery, television, radio, satellite, telephone, telegraph, astronomy, computer data transfer, radar system of planes, viewing the earth from space. Invisible to the eye. • Infrared waves; It is used in night vision glasses and television controls. Invisible to the eye. • Ultraviolet rays; It is the sun's rays reaching the earth. Invisible to the eye. • X-rays; It is used in viewing in medicine. Invisible to the eye. • Gamma rays; It is used in the treatment of cancer in the medical field. Invisible to the eye. It is not possible to formation an entity from these invisible rays. Various diseases occur due to problems occurring in brain cells. People with some brain disease can see imaginary beings that no person else can see. They may hear some voices. These imaginary beings have not been proven to be seen or heard by two people at the same time. It was believed that it was caused by invisible beings until the cause of epilepsy was understood. There are many brain diseases in the world, such as schizophrenia. As our knowledge about the human brain and its functioning increased, the reason for the imaginary beings began to emerge. As a result, there are no imaginary beings that do invisible.
  5. Thank you so much to all who commented without using bad words like bullshit and stupid. I love science. That's why I'm on this forum. However, the moderators only allow me to write in the speculations section. Hope this gets better.
  6. By saying "argument is silly " you are insulting me. Don't comment if you don't like it.
  7. Is the earth really our planet? Or the planet of fishes? 4/3 of the earth’s surface is covered with water. Only 1/4 of them consists of land. About 1/4 of the 1/4 land portion is entirely mountainous. In addition, there are deserts and poles that are not suitable for humans to live. There are also storms, earthquakes, volcanoes and predators. Only 3% of the water on Earth is made up of sweet water that people can drink. 97% consists of salt water. Is there a balance in nature? It is wrong to say that there is a balance in nature. Equalization of the power of two mutual forces is called balance. Whereas in nature, the strongest always wins and survives. This is not an balance. This is the «Layout of the Stronger». Classification of Living Things. There are two species of living things on earth. Moving living things, non-moving living things. Then we invented the third species of living things, the human. We are shaving and we try to wear clothes and behave differently. Do animals accept people as superior? Animals do not see humans superior to themselves. Animals see humans as hunts as they see other animals. They attack and eat or posions. Human Oddities. Humans so weird. He is surprised by what is different and surprised by what is the same. For example, people are surprised that fingerprints and DNA are different. They are also surprised that twins born are the same. The claim of: It is very difficult to formation spontaneous of life on earth; One in a million a possibility. Some people say that it is not possible for the earth to spontaneously form in an orderly way, but a possibility of a million. Only one of the millions of sperms reaches its address and the pregnancy takes place. If it can not reach, it is not pregnancy. This example shows how a probability of a million happens. Octopus drops thousands of eggs but only a few live.
  8. Religions have been used as a tool to control and exploit people throughout history.
  9. … AND HUMAN LIED TO HIMSELF. - HOW DOES THE HUMAN BRAIN WORK ? - WHY DO WE DREAM ? - HOW DID RELIGIONS START ? - MYTHOLOGY: RELIGION AND EVOLUTION HOW DOES THE HUMAN BRAIN WORK ? In humans, the soul is actually consciousness. There is no soul. The organs of consciousness are the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. The brain is like television broadcasting live with these consciousness organs. Consciousness System; Consciousness Organs, Subconscious and Inquiry Section. The Consciousness Organs and the Inquiry Section are connected to the Subconscious. The subconscious has a duty to manage and decide the body. The shape below shows the Consciousness System. (1) Consciousness Organs, (2) Subconscious, (3) Inquiry Section - Consciousness Organs send the data to the subconscious. - If the data is defined after analysis, it means that it requires a previously learned behavior. It makes the subconscious decision and manages the body. The data is not sent to the Inquiry Section. For example, while walking on the road, we do not thinking to take a step again at every step. - If the data cannot be identified after analyzing, it means that it requires un learned behavior. In this case, the Subconscious tries to get ideas by sending the data to the Inquiry Section. The subconscious tries to choose the most appropriate form of behavior. Then the Subconscious makes a decision and manages the body. The Subconscious is shocked when it cannot choose of behavior. The body remains immobile for a while. This is why the shock effect experienced with unexpected situations. WHY DO WE DREAM ? The subconscious closes the flow of data from the Consciousness Organs and the Inquiry Section for the body to rest. Thus, sleep state is initiated. The subconscious begins to be drool when it is left alone. In this case, the dream event occurs. The dream has nothing to do with the eyes or other consciousness organs. The dream is the reflection of the data in the subconscious. FUNCTIONS OF THE HUMAN BRAIN 1- THE BRAIN’S INSTINCT TO PROTECT THE BODY: 1) Coma : Due to subconscious, trauma or various diseases, it closes the data flow from Consciousness Organs and Inquiry Section and coma occurs. 2) Fainting : For reasons such as subconscious, fear, extreme excitement, heat, and fatigue, it closes the data flow from the Consciousness Organs and the Inquiry Section and fainting occurs. 3) Sleep : The subconscious closes the flow of data from the Consciousness Organs and the Inquiry Section for the body to rest, and sleep occurs. 2- THE BRAIN’S INSTINCT TO SELF PROTECTION: 1) Infinite Learning Passion : The desire of the human brain to learn is infinite. He wants to learn more as he learns. He wants to learn what will happen in the future. Desperate in the face of death and other unknowns, the human brain started producing lies to protect itself. Because the brain's self-protection instinct has to find a reason. The first humans produced lies in order not to lose their sanity in the face of death and other unknowns. … AND HUMAN LIED TO HIMSELF. - This is how mythological stories such as religions and the theory of evolution emerged. The brain has found solace in this way. Sometimes, the brain produces partial lies, solace itself with small things. Like the Pollyanna Story. - When the brain loses its instinct to protect itself, human mental health deteriorates or commit suicide. As the human begins to solve the unknowns with the developing science, he will get rid of the situation he falls into. The brain will be convinced by living with science. 2) Infinite Superiority Passion: After learning to use his human mind, he started to see himself superior to other living things. He then began to see his own race, own religion, own tribe and own family superior. He began to see himself as someone chosen by supernatural powers. There are some people in history who declared themselves to be the god, the messenger of the god, or the son of the god. The brain wants to be liked and cared for all the time. MYTHOLOGICAL STORIES: RELIGION AND EVOLUTION - With the development of science towards the 19th century, the correctness of religions began to be discussed. Darwin, who was educated in religion, put forward the theory of evolution by being influenced by mythological stories and religions. Many mythological stories also claim that living things were created from water. Darwin developed a new mythological story, claiming that the beginning of living things started in water. Darwin also had an interest in science. Darwin developed the theory of evolution by adapting the mythological story to science. - Evolution is not a proven scientific fact. Science is concrete information obtained as a result of observations and experiments. It is impossible to prove the theory of evolution. It is not possible to observe and experiment with living things by waiting millions of years. - The ideas put forward by the Biological Combination Theory can be proven even today. For example, the origin of humans and living things is coal, the origin of oil is coal. -There is no conscious power controlling the universe. The universe is formed by random biological and chemical combinations and continues to form. -God has no difficulty creating millions of living things. God has difficulty when it comes to creating human. He was only able to create Adam and Eve. Then they tried to reproduced by forcing methods. -The same forcing method is found in the theory of evolution. It's like waiting millions of years for a single-celled creature to turn into millions of living creatures. -Why are impossible or difficult conditions necessary for the formation of humans and living things? -God, satan, lucifer and angel are mythological story figures. I told you how the human brain tends to believe in mythological stories such as religion and evolution. Deists, Agnostics, Pantheists and Intelligent Designers are people who cannot get rid of the influence of religions. Atheists are those who have nothing to do with religion. Atheism is not a belief. -Religions have been used as a tool to control and exploit people throughout history.
  10. The theory of evolution, which is the basis of the science of biology: The basis of today's science of biology is based on Darwin's theory of evolution. Darwin, who was educated in religion, put forward the theory of evolution by being influenced by mythological stories and religions. Many mythological stories also claim that living things were created from water. Darwin developed a new mythological story, claiming that the beginning of living things started in water. Darwin also had an interest in science. Darwin developed the theory of evolution by adapting the mythological story to science. Evolution is not a proven scientific fact. Science is concrete information obtained as a result of observations and experiments. It is impossible to prove the theory of evolution. It is not possible to observe and experiment with living things by waiting millions of years. The ideas put forward by the Biological Combination Theory can be proven even today. For example, the origin of humans and living things is coal, the origin of oil is coal. The cause of the coronavirus: The cause of coronavirus was not found. Viruses that have been inactive since the formation of the earth can occur in 4 ways. I explained this above. The cause of the coronavirus: Oil and natural gas exploration works in the seas and Deep earthquake cracks in the sea bottom layer. Viruses that interfere with seawater infect sea creatures. It is also transmitted to humans from sea creatures. It is especially transmitted by sea creatures that are eaten without cooking. Like sushi. WHO will explain the cause of the coronavirus soon. We will wait together.
  11. “What a sad era when it is easier to smash an atom than a prejudice.” – Albert Einstein
  12. According to 19th century German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, “All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as self-evident.”
  13. Most information you see as science is only assumptions. It has not been understood where the Coronavirus is transmitted from. Look, I'm explaining where you got it. Do research on this and debunk my theory. There has been research about viruses in the seas and oceans recently. Do not deny my theory from where you sit. Oil and coal are not the remains of ancient creatures. There is oil and coal 10 km below the ground. Is it possible to live 10 km below ground? It is very sad that you do a lynch campaign using the forum rules as an excuse. It seems that you are connected to the theory of evolution in the form of belief through an emotional connection. But there can be no sentimentality and faith in science.
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