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  1. With all these new developments happening and plans for developments cropping up all over the UK, I have started this fourm post just to further understand peoples feelings on the statement 'net biodiversity gains.' Each new development is now under the environmental bill 2020 required to achieve net biodiversity gains. This would require developers to leave the biodiversity in an area they plan to build on to be in a 10% better condition to when the area was initial there. I have a understanding of biodiversity and ecology having studied Environmental Science at University, and for me personally I feel this is unachievable. A developers main focus is profit and the achieve a biodiversity gain long term management and long term studies of an area would be required, and that is without the costs of potentially moving ecosystems to different areas. If we was just to consider the soil alone in the area the years of building and the plants and soil biota involved in soil ecology it's not as simple as just remove and move it elsewhere. These are just a few of my thoughts and my understanding of net biodiversity gains. I am really keen to here others opinions on the matter and look forward to hearing and engaging with you all. Regards Billy
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