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Conscious Energy

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Everything posted by Conscious Energy

  1. If evolution of time has a beginning, the system could not grow to infinity as it has limited Time to evolve. I think there is also an other limit on time (and so space) which is the current moment of Now. Or in other words the future yet not happened. If the system is Finite I think it is a Universally true so it is true for every physical entity in it meaning Enegy and Matter is not infinitely present in the system. If Space and Time would be infinite so should be Energy and Matter as well since There would be already infinite time for it to evolve if energy and matter formation would be also a causality. I.e a physical function explains its presence. If there is exactly the same amount of energy since the beginning there would be already infinite time passed to have infinite space between the finite amount of energy we suppose now is present in the system. I say there is absolutely now sign physically that there is infinity, So I would say that the universe most likely Finite Now. Infinity is the Potential of Time to tick towards the Future.
  2. You asked for a cup of space which I can give you. It is some* space not the same space. *a different empty (or filled) part of space. Still, for sure, the cup will have space at any time and I can not give you one without them. They are not equivalent.
  3. Thinking a bit of it, any cup will come with some measurable space in the moment of the observation (time). Or in other words: one part of space will be in the cup, it is mathematically expressible and physically measurable information. Why can’t we count information with such properties as a physical entity? Which law says space(time) is not a physical entity? Can you give me a cup without space and time?
  4. What about taxonomy? You can not just start a new subjective organisation of species, because you think the others will not understand it as it is today. The current Taxonomy started ca 300 years ago by Carolus Linnaeus in 1735 in the Systema Naturae.
  5. If you want to create the tree of knowledge it has to based upon reality, so you can not determine, that the Set can have just x subset, when it has y. For example, I have a veterinary software development project where we structure medical knowledge as well. If Internal medicine has 17 sub-subjects(subsets) I can not comprise them to 8. Why would you want an unnatural limit on reality? Science. Religion is important since almost every human being believes in something. Religion on the other hand supposed to be: Logical Philosophy.
  6. For me it looks like the rod would be chilled with liquid nitrogen (or something similar) and the boiling water turns to an ice rod which came up because of the increased pressure, the volume change causes during the water < ice “development”
  7. That is what I doubt, since there is always a boundary:time now which gives space now (the empty set) and for me it seems strictly mathematically expressible (graphically, informatically).
  8. Your believe is a subjective perspective of something which might not be true just for you. I recommend to speak your mind (say your truth) or say nothing. I think lyings takes too much effort to maintain and pushes every participant of the conversation away from reality.
  9. Thanks, you are right. I was lazy to read it and too sure about my right with a bit of arrogance. I am Sorry. At least now we know.
  10. Didn’t dig that deep since the topic is not that interesting (already known by empirical evidence) but have fun: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21667234/ maybe you should give a list of publishers you accept to make it easy.
  11. Minimal info about the correlation between masturbation and cheating, they mention a study but no link. They show a lot of factors of cheating: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/relationship-expert-reveals-the-men-most-likely-to-cheat-on-their-partner/AUBMU6BGVZHC6X3I4S5F27S5DU/ The info about the correlation: “Other research has found people who watch porn and masturbate are less likely to cheat than those who don't.” A positive aspect of masturbation: https://www.menshealth.com/uk/health/sexual-health/a37167845/men-should-ejaculate-at-least-21-times-a-month-to-slash-their-prostate-cancer-risk/
  12. If you haven’t been lucky enough to be married and faithful, You could ask the right questions from the right people, and you have Empirical evidence. In case you have no one who you can honestly speak about this topic, it can be just anecdotal
  13. Practice makes the master. Communication works for those who work at it. I will try to find some study if there have been any executed on this exact topic. Until that, I only can share my empirical evidences. Maybe if you know anyone who did not cheat, you could ask, did masturbation helped not to cheat.
  14. In some cases, yes, masturbation is helping to avoid cheating. (The ppl who masturbates but DO NOT cheat.) Yes, you are right that not every single human being will be able to avoid cheating by masturbation.
  15. In some cases you can have a thrombus in some of vessels (previous clot), while you have a current low platelet count (thrombocytopenia). A thrombus is coagulated platelets, which will not form in heparin induced thrombocytopenia. Maybe you are thinking on IMHA (Immune Mediated Haemolytic Anaemia)? In this case, the red blood cells attacked by the individuals own immune system. There is another condition, DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation). In this case sepsis, surgery, trauma cause coagulation in smaller vessels all over the body, creating a lot of small thrombus, using up all factors of the coagulation cascade and so creating thrombocytopenia, what can be the reason for different types of bleedings.
  16. Interesting. I know a number of ppl who masturbate but don’t cheat. I think almost every cheater will masturbate too. 100% from those whom I personally know they cheat.
  17. Some benefit of masturbating is to avoid cheating and ease unsatisfied sexual needs, and so save a lot of unnecessary stress and lying, what otherwise would give a significantly negative impact to someones everyday family and work related performances. This article pretty good sums the topic https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326518
  18. Dogs doesn’t have sweat glands on their tongues just on their feet pads. That is why panting is the main form of loosing heat for them. They are also able to sense the minimally better physical circumstances in front of the fan, which helps to redistribute the exhaled moist and heat from around the dog and help a little the surface evaporation of the feet pads.
  19. “I may have missed some of the details, but is this essentially a three page discussion between those ho think nothing moves and those who think "The nothing" moves?” No. This is a discussion about: can you move a part of space(time) or not. Can you quote please the section, where from you got the conclusion, that somebody think, that nothing moves. Everything is in progress, even space(time)…
  20. I haven’t been specifically religious until I turned around 30. Coming with the heritage of Luther, today I am a strong believer of, that Nature is One entity and it is fundamentally lead by information. I can not grab this information exactly to understand, so there are some beliefs around it. I could call it fate, that Nature is Real. I call myself today a strong believer, which changed significantly in the past 13 years. Would be interesting to see scans of my brain from 15 years ago and today. Would be there different brain areas active during religious thoughts or the same area but more active? I build my believe system by observing Nature, learn our best understanding of it and evaluate the whole by logic (I liked to think). It would be interesting to see, that is there different brain activity, compared to an individual, gained strong fate, through learned religious dogma.
  21. 1: Not a thing (no-thing) is better than eternal happiness, so eternal happiness is the Best. 2: A ham sandwich is a thing, it is better than nothing, but it is not the best. 3: Therefore a ham sandwich is better than nothing, but it is not better(less), than the best eternal happiness
  22. Time is a boundary point. The moment you recognise the 0 set (space now). Why? How? What about this:
  23. One empty set with a finite number of members. I tried to visualise what I mean:
  24. 100%. There are a very large number of fundamentally empty dots of space out there. Still finite if it starred by Time. I imagine it as a 4D matrix. Basic information. True from every point you observe in it, that it’s physically value is 0. Just information.
  25. Yet that something(basic information) is physically nothing. 0. You can not hand a bucket of it to me. That is why I think the nothing in the box, the empty part of space, does not move when the box moved. When I move the box, the emptiness will move with it, but the new empty space is a different part of the universe than the space of the original position. If you look at the atoms of the closing electrodes, do they fuse or they still maintain some “quantum” level of space in between one another? I think Space is continuous because of Time (1D vector pointing strict to the future in every point of existing space)
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