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Everything posted by Mag

  1. YT, hook up an old CD laser (and turn it on) - take a picture and see what you get
  2. actually, I think quite the opposite. Its fairly recently that we've been going away from the "save sex until marriage" (which I suppose is a fairly "modern" thing though if you choose to include all of human history...) But then again, marriage is also taking place later in life nowadays, as opposed to the early 20th century. and to the OP, I will post something here if I come across one, granted by the time I come across it I remember about this thread
  3. Im sure there are. I wouldnt be at all surprised if there are cases where the adolescent begins a sexually-directed conversation. But whether those people (the adults) are arrested for it, is a different story. And yeah, I think you can find articles on that fact that kids are, at least physiologically maturing faster than previous decades.
  4. The question says it will take an hour to go from A to B, but it does not say how fast it will take to go from B to A. The professor just needs to step up his game on the way back to A, with total disregard for the speed limit, and go 90mph so that he may have his average of 60.
  5. yeah, learn to use inflection on the internet, will ya?
  6. seems like the regular website is down...
  7. you're not mad, its a good question, this is called Labeling Theory.
  8. I should have been more clear. Its not that its not bad that its there, its that it was there for every question (as far as I saw). For example, one of the questions had to do with sexual experience before marriage. Whether its good, or whether one should wait. Personally, I dont care. Whether you do or dont before marriage, it doesnt bother me either way, and I don't have a preference for it. So by forcing me to choose, the results may be skewed. because say your current results are: 2 for yes, 2 for wait. if I had the option for "no preference" it would then be 2:2:1. but by forcing me to choose its now 2:3 or something - when really, it shouldn't be. I hope Im making sense, as its 1:09am... lol
  9. I stopped in the middle of the survey - the questions were too forced. There was no "I have no opinion on the subject" or an "I dont know" option.
  10. Maybe IQ is going up because they are dumbing down the IQ Tests, eh?
  11. whats the big deal with the square root of two?
  12. yeah that is good. So its kinda like a Defeatist-Apathetic approach....
  13. Yeah, I think apathetic is it
  14. Im trying to think of what you could call this kind of thinking: "whatever, we're all going to die anyway" Its not necessarily pessimistic (well, sorta, but an extreme form), or nihilist... I was wondering, because if any of you have seen ATHF, there is one episode with the dolls, and Meatwad takes on the depressive doll's character. Frylock comes in and says something, and Meatwad replies "well whatever, we're all gonna die anyway" - or something very similar. so dont worry, that's not my view on life. lol thanks
  15. Yeah, I dont think it really has an effect on children too much. The only thing I can think of is any video game that gets you aggravated... that may lead to aggression.
  16. In Zimbardos experiment people were given different clothing (to feel more degenerate or more powerful) and different roles. In the school situation, no one has (typically) is purposefully wearing something so that they appear submissive. Also, in a school situation with friends peer pressure can be diffused by disagreeing and trying to rally others to agree with you. However, in the Prison Experiment, although there may be a riot, those in the prisoners situation will remain in their situation, and cannot change the outcome of their submissiveness. In other words, in a friend situation, lets say 5 people - 1 ringleader. The ringleader says "lets do this" 3 people agree, and you say "no, lets do this instead" by playing devils advocate, or by going against the group you may be able to get someone else to join your side, someone else that didnt have the "guts" to do it. In the prison situation however, this cannot happen.
  17. I beg to differ. The Zimbardo Prison Experiment was also based on authority, although this time it was what happens when people are put in authoritative positions, and when people are put in captive positions.
  18. No, because that deals with Authority figures. In this case it sounds like the kid and a few others peer pressured someone. Try looking up things dealing with "group peer pressure"
  19. Agreed. Most people think they're more intelligent than the "average person" - but of course, how can everyone be smarter than the average person? In any case, go to CC, take classes, talk to the teachers, and then see how you do. but dont be discouraged, because, say for example, you did poorly your first semester (as I did) even if you did that you still have a chance to do better. Its all a matter of learning (and, in your case, getting used to the class room atmosphere). Also, buying a book on certain subjects is definitly a good idea. They are typically well written and much easier to understand that certain online articles. Yup!
  20. hahah yup. he could also potentially go in to Quantum Mechanics/Particle Physics...
  21. Point is, Kaytie11, go to sleep when you're tired and all will be well. Now, unless you have narcolepsy (excessive daytime sleepiness), that is something else, but from what you've described you're just tired at night.
  22. True, but doesnt string theory give the possibility of a string stretching into a membrane - which is the size of the known universe? which then gives possibility to other universes, which, unlike other galaxies, we cannot even see or know about. When I said its taken on a life of its own, I mean something along the lines of a snowball effect.
  23. ok, thats what I figured I do believe!
  24. I have to say, although I like the ideas of strings being the interworkings of everything, it seems like its taken on a life of its own, with 11 dimensions, parallel universes, membranes, and whatnot. It seems too -weird- for it to be plausible. I guess we'll just have to wait till CERN is built... but, I do have a question too. Isnt it possible to have Gravitons, and such, without string theory? Because I cant help but think that there's quite possibly another explanation that we havent explored yet.
  25. I havet read the article, but I suppose it depends how they shoot it down. If they just explode it, yeah, I imagine there will be plenty of debris just floating around in space. but if they can explode it and manage to push all the debris into earth, then it will disintegrate.
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