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Everything posted by Axion

  1. @Arete Please open new topic for mRNA risks, saying that such experimental vaccine is ultimate solution is just subjective, only way that your stance would be more logical is if sars-cov-2 is lab retro'virus that have potential to change the dna so lets risk, but even then the m'rna editing risks should be weighed before such immunization is accepted as safe, lets see now there is massive control group so in few years we would know how safe is this vaccine approach! the fact is that the mortality rate is ~2% thus going with experimental vaccine en'masse is more than wrong, especially if we know that those who have gained natural immunity till now their resistance to particular variant is long 6 months to 1 year potentially, so going with wide m'rna experimental immunization is obvious gamble which on top is not insured anyhow by the governments as any responsibility, at least they can offer en'bloc open constant debate between pro and contra m'rna scientists so masses would loosen from any fears ... btw if CBD wasnt effective it wouldnt be used as alternative therapy for cancers, why its not still the same regular prescription ask yourself isnt like that the big'pharma profit is at stake [1][1][1] now, You can spinn my suggestions as the studies dont clearly point what you state, but as I said they are offered just to point the correlation between CBD and 2-AG and exactly we need scientific debate so this could be leveled in right manner, instead like this assuming by me or You how correct is that premise, my intention is not antivaxer per'se but suggesting on caution that if someone have it as norm antivax will that should consider alternative natural immunization through Citric Acid + Zinc and CBD if he can get to it in form of leaf smoothy coz in my opinion concentrated artificially has not such effects as the natural cbd from marijuana leafs ...
  2. look if You are not following what I imply or You are lazy to search google what I imply, then please we are enough offtopic, anyway wasted time to reply so here is it ... https://www.physicscentral.com/explore/action/particle-model.cfm
  3. yeah I am choked by the mainstream exceptional smell, so rather place where I would escape from mainstream lobotomizing!
  4. probably You are ignoring the fact that the standard model is gone? its just possible theory! I am not so insightful to tell to which extent is done, nevertheless my point is simple many things indeed will change ahead ...
  5. @MigL no I dont say that try to revise it, I pointed how other claim is dead! why then is crank to say that the same is also speculation? anyway, my point was how there should be more room for alternative and revisionistic theories, who knows maybe better like parallel sf-forum as alt-copy of this one but only for revisinistic and alt theories, still it would need neat moderation so debate wouldnt cross in spiritual alike metaphysics ... eg. where should be debated aether postulated model long and wide, now just in the specul subforum, even there but there is no neat categorization of the topics even less that to be atractive place for reasoning!
  6. actually not just Tesla but any proponent of the aether theory! He was btw brutally distanced from scientific work when his laboratory was burned and all research seized by fbi, if this is not silencing then what!? but now when the standard model is proven as wrong, now what!? think not just aether but also many other theories should be revisited! in this thread I've just asked simple question what-if ... would-it-be-then-possible ... and again the debate is focused on SM particle physics altho the same is not anymore valid as could be seen from the proposed video of RI and Tara Shears explanation [1][1]
  7. @Phi for All hm, merit to what, I didnt ridiculed noone, nor I posted gibberish theory in case of CBD or suggested fake thesis in case of magnetic monopoles, point me what rule I've broke ... anyway here in this thread we got oftopic from my first suggestion Why There Is No adequate revisionistic and alternative theory subforum in every particular forum board, in that way science can only advance i.e. those alternatives debated and debunked if they are bogus, the science should mosaic of possibilities, especially on popular eForum, I'll understand if this was academic university eforum to be imposed strict rules, but on science waffle forum to dismiss opposition thats wrong, especially now when the standard model is in deep hole i.e. speculation as You would prefer to call all theories that are not experimentally proven ...
  8. yeah throwing the threads in specul subforum its not dismiss its adio greeting!
  9. hm did You understand what those two footnotes imply, I dont claim but scientists claim that the standard model is wrong by their measurement, now good response would be yes it should revision in place how we understand particle physics [1] but telling me You are amateur its just proving that the current scientific dogmatism is even rudely imposed, and why, so You would say for alternative and revisionistic theories there is no room in SF, hm but what now when eg. the standard model became suddenly not empirically proven thus speculation!? how large is large I provided in the CBD thread think enough studies that supports the fact that CBD is T-Cell booster, and still You moved the thread in the Specul subforum!? so You follow in this respect some dogma but elitism, the scientific dogma would be the current standard model and how when is opposed by someone that someone is ridiculed and distanced, as Tesla was in case with his logic about the aether theory,and now what when the same standard model didnt give the expected empiricism, will be the same revisited, if so that means wide room for many alternative theories, but as I can see at least on this forum there is not such will ...
  10. no, I proposed just that the particle physics should be exempt from this topic as rule of thumb that GLW cant be changed, thus see magnetic monopoles as probable force or else, for sure I dont claim that GLW is wrong but that it could be extended and ask whether that is probable if magnetic monopoles exist even as force or any other observed phenomenon except particle!
  11. @StringJunky @Phi for All Please I dont throw ideas but in case of CBD offered scientific evidence, and in case of Extended Field Theory I've asked is it possible the 3rd equation to be extended if standard model is over [1][1] as it could be seen from this I am not inventing new hot water but saying there is big room for revisionism, and this is not negation of someones research over the years nor what I understand what theory is, but definitely says big time People you should open room for skepticism and revisionistic if not alternative debate, tho its not minde to judge why how and when You'll do that, but can just encourage You be openminded not elitists!
  12. probably its easier to say this is not logical as the standard model suggest, but then I posted another link that the standard model is maybe wrong i.e. probably wrong, we need now just scientific consensus by the mainstreamers, but how, that would mean hey yo all you students scientists public we spend so much time money and energy in vain so now You can go and research alternatives too, its almost impossible, unless they dont open the doors for all knowledge eg. that of Tesla and similar silenced scientists, so we can restart the scientific engine on right track! otherwise we will spinn in circles while mainstream scientific elitism is still norm!
  13. Please this is spamming, dont worry I was sarcastic and You drawn to respond to that sarcasm!
  14. exactly but when alternative or revisionistic views are presented and they are marked as speculation then You are selling mainstream truth i.e. scientific elite dogamtism!
  15. didnt expect from offtopic question to start new discussion, but obviously You are drawn to sarcasm more than debating the proposed CBD / 2-AG facts presented in this thread, now maybe You expect I should start bragg here about mRNA risks, for that there is already ontopic thread, sadly closed who knows why, maybe risk of lesser "gmo" profit or smaller volunteer pool for experimentation!?
  16. @Bufofrog if this is scientific debate I am martian! what is your measure of truth? maybe an mainstream news alert!? please check what I propose then judge that I speculate!
  17. first of all I am stating CBD is booster of T-Cells thus immunization booster, I dont even bother to compare it with mRNA vaccines, which as experimental tho are less clever option for immunization, but I cant and dont want to patronize anyone what they should do its their free will, I can just say if You are cautious and dont want to go after mRNA vaccination then consider natural boosting of immunity ... anyway in Your opinion what would be natural substitution for vaccine immunization, maybe lepton tea!?
  18. what to debate about You said "scalar waves does not seem to exist at all in mainstream physics." but my question is not per'se about them ...
  19. no this is on contrary not scientific, how should be skepticism offered if there is no place for alternative theories!? just leveling the current mainstream agreement on the mainstream models!? I know it would be mess f every probable theory is presented, but how so my CBD facts ended up in the specul subforum!? this is not even speculation anyhow but scientific suggestion, still who knows why its thrown there as such!? so its not just a forum but moderated monopoly in wrong way!
  20. yeah but Tesla was complaining, and still He was ridiculed, so elite dogmatism rulz among many ...
  21. I am not complaining but in the way how mainstream theories are imposed as finate simply they are becoming scientific dogmas! so instead in this thread to have discussion on probabilities the same is evaded simply by mainstream fingerprinting, and when I challenged that mainstream notion concerning particles, I was ignored, on top the thread ended up in Specul subforum, so Please tell me how is this not scientific elitism!?
  22. seeing scarcity of revisionist theories or alternative one, think not just as skepticism room but also for greater viewability SF should introduce adequate subforums in the main one, not that like that will pop up many pseudo scientist but if Particle Physics indeed is in vacuum definetily it wont hurt to have alternative views on the mainstream science if not else as fact-check debunking space ... ... Speculative subforum how is piled with topics from all subforums, simply is not usefull as empirical recheck of the mainstream theories, I mean I am not somehow against them but just say without skepticism for what kind of science we talk jere, elitist or arogant, instead Science should be open constantly for requestioning and reinterpretation, puting all alternative theories in bulk in one bunker just above the recycle bin think is just wrong ... ... but its not mine to judge but Yours to see that like this now You are not scietists but elitists who have final monopoly of the knowledge, altho recently that knowledge in particale physics is in question!!! so now what You will wait on new idolisation update of the mainstream standard model, or logically would open room for requetioning!?
  23. @Areteok what are Lymph Nodes if not producers of T-Cells, are You intentionally missing the pint!? btw these are accidental picked studies derived just from random search earlier when pandemic was unraveling [1] when I jumped to suggest to people there is natural T-Cell boosting, You are obviously not aware that I am not any authority, on top I havent researched enough this field, but believe me if I focus I'll find extra amount of studies that suggest the same fact that CBD induces T-Cell boost, so Your remark that in these studies was observed inflammation is just spinn nothing else, the nockout was observed like that target aim was some inflmation, but defacto T-Cells as natural killers of pathogens in the organism strike and fight against any foreign invader ... I suggested in eupedia Yes Zinc is direct annihilator of this virus, but Zinc alone cant do much without T-cells ... and Please dont patronize me about artificial edited mRNA vaccination as more logical proven or needed way for immunization that this natural way, simply many people are not willing to risk with these new experimental vaccines thus they need alternative, so in this thread prime dabate should be CBD as T-Cell booster not provax'agitrop, so keep it ontopic or open other thread for Your pro'mRNA lets say delusional lust!
  24. yes I piled additional info that would be useful for consideration, but defacto I point to simple correlation of CBD as mimetic endocannabinoid of 2-AG, and for 2-AG as T-Cell booster there are three quotes above here are they as footnotes [1][1][1] either intentionally You ignore these facts, or just jumping ahead!? so tell me how so CBD is not natural substitute for vaccination!?
  25. true ... defacto the models are derived from and postulated by some theory, thus the same should be measurable so we would say its law, now, as we can see recently measurements got wrong with the standard particle model, and this completely changes many mainstream dogmas, normally opens door for different interpretations as Tesla said that couldnt be explained mathematically to those that simply dont have will for open mind but just scientific elitism ...
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