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Everything posted by cperkinson

  1. I agree. Time must have dimension. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged AYE MATEY! poor me another one. I concure to any concurements of this device!
  2. Some say (in christianity) that God's power is ever reaching and that we will never be able to grasp the entirety of it. Maybe there's your answer.. But I like to remain undecided so that I can freely study science from a darwinian perspective.... religions; who needs em!
  3. GOOD QUESTION... but i like to dismiss these forms of wonderment for they are unanswerable within our retrospective lives.
  4. I STRONGLY AGREE. I damn near killed myself via mental breakdown because i grasped the entirety of this during my senior year of highschool (worse two weeks of my life)... I understand it fully, the entire realization so to speak. Everything is nothing and nothing is everything. No matter what happens there will be an equal and opposite reaction. So at exactly noon tomorrow everything in an adverse universe will have an equally opposite existance. With that being said i would like anyone reading this to read my thread in the relativity section. GREAT PIECE I THINK. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged nothing is everything... and everything is nothing. They coexist! Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedOriginally Posted by southerncross "O... then more energy is still coming from its original source. From somewhere else? A doorway from some other place opens for an arbitrary moment and an arbitrary amount of energy is sent through then the doorway closes. This creates an arbitrary sized place that expands and becomes less dense over time. Or A doorway opens from somewhere else and stays open letting energy pour in creating space in equilibrium with energy. ... " MY RESPONSE: BLACK HOLES!
  5. This post is an explanation of my understanding to how Einstein's relativity theory works in conjunction with time. Allow us for a minute to reflect upon Einstein's theory of relativity. E=mc². Einstein's theory states that energy equals the product of mass times the speed of light squared. From this very equation Einstein was able to theorize that time is irrelevant.. Irrelevant to everything that exists in it. Allow me to shed some light here. To my understanding (this is simply just my thought process in the matter, hopefully posting this will get me some feedback) since light remains at a constant speed we can conclude that it is essentially a constant figure within the equation and theoretically in actual life as well. The speed of light is "c = 299,792,458 m/s." So after we square this figure we will get "c = 89,875,517,873,681,764 m/s" and this figure will always remain the same no matter what you would plug in for energy or what you would plug in for mass. So in turn, the conclusion that light is constant can be made. With that said, I have also concluded that light is, in its own way, irrelevant to Einstein's famous equation. While it still needs to be there for the equation to make sense we can simply dismiss fluxations in this number. The same goes for time.. While time is still here we can conclude that it is irrelevant in its own sense. With this being said we can then go on to discuss time's consistency within the matter. While light is irrelevant in the sense that it travels at a constant rate, so is time.. In conclusion, both light and time travel in a forward motion making time travel possible, but only forward into the future, not into the past. HOW CAN THIS BE? I'll explain. Einstein believed that the differences in the way people perceive time is irrelevant.. that they are both correct. Watch this video to further explain this concept: . Theoretically, by exceeding the speed of light we would be able to travel into the past. Inversely if we were able to adjust our speed away from that of the speed of light (to reduce the rate at which we travel) we would be able to "jump" into the future. Since the laws of physics forbid moving faster than the speed of light; we cannot travel into the past. Yet, if we move slower than we already are then we would travel into the future. Explanation: Think of a coma patient at a hospital. He's out for 10 years, so when he wakes up his knowledge was absent of the 10 years that he was comatose for. So in essence his mind traveled 10 years into the future. Now, let us say that someone, we'll call him person A, is able to slow down everything about himself (mind and body) by 10 times that of everyone else, we'll call "everyone else" people B. In one year person A will have moved forward in time by 10 years by the standards of people B. Meaning that both his mind and body experienced only one year while people B's minds and bodies experienced 10 years. Vwala! Person A has just experienced time travel. Unlike the coma patient, person A's body will be slowed down equally to the rate that his brain will be slowed down by, were as the coma patient's body remained at it's same rate while his mind slowed down by ten years. This process can be similarly viewed with another phenomenon known, in sci-fi, as criosleep. So let's say we had a form of criosleep so powerful that it slowed us down by 31,536,000x that of our normal rate. This way for every second that we experienced, one year will have passed. So imagine walking into a machine and pressing 20 years.. only 20 seconds would pass for us to travel 20 years into the future. FACT: If I am not misled, I believe that our scientists must move the clocks on their satellites forward by approximately 3 seconds every year.
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