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  1. Disclaimer: This is just a crackpot idea of mine. I am posting this to get opinions and thoughts from others who understand this stuff much better than me. 3D flat 4D universe model To start we know that on a large enough scale the universe is relatively flat. So we imagine the universe in this scenario to be a 3D flat disk that's the universe we occupy right this moment. It has height, width' and length and consists of all points in space. But we have a fourth dimension, time. We experience time as a linear relation of cause to effect essentially observing changes moment to moment allowing the perceived forward progression of time. But what if what we experience as time is simply the fourth spatial dimension. As our 3D disk travels along this fourth axis of space we would see only a 3D cross section of that space similarly to how a 2D person could only view 3D objects in a 2D cross section. A different way to look at it would be if have a flipbook animation. In this example the 2D person would experience the third dimension, height ,as time while still seeing a 2D cross-section. So now our universe is a hypersphere with time being the fourth spatial dimension and consists of everything that has, can, and will exist. Next lets add our elementary particles the building bloks of reality. However we can not think of them as little balls rolling around in the quantum universe. Instead we need to view them as small localized disturbances in spacetime. By this i mean instead of a physical object we are looking at a wave of energy in the fabric of space. Dependent on the properties of said wave, the properties of the particle will change. This was proven due to the discovery of the higgs boson and higgs field. So now we have a 4D universe just like ours with all the building blocks however we are still missing a few things. Gravity, dark energy/matter, and baryonic asymmetry. First lets add gravity to the mix. We know from general relativity that gravity works based of geodesics in local spacetime curvature. In other words the more mass is in a given area the more space curves and the more gravity we experience. So with elementary particles behaving as waves in a 4D environment this makes sense. Lets imagine a full bathtub for a moment. If you drop two pebbles in to create waves the point where the waves intersect will have a compounding effect of interference creating slightly larger waves. I believe the same to work for gravity as the energy of a particle warps space, as more gather space is warped more and more creating a natural curve in reality hence gravity. By looking at particles as 4D waves with 3D cross-sections gravity works with the standard model. The second problem is baryonic asymmetry or in other words why do we observe more particles than antiparticles in this universe? I believe this is due to regions of space having higher concentrations of antiparticles. If such a place were to exist its boundary with a region of matter would have two things 1. A large number of gamma bursts for a specific region. 2. would look like a large concentration of matter as matter and antimatter would be impossible to distinguish at those distances. One candidate i present for this is the hercules-corona borealis great wall. A region of space defined by a large concentration of matter and higher than normal concentration of gamma ray bursts. I believe this astronomical superstructure to be a region of space where our matter region ends and a antimatter region begins. The last problem we have to face then is dark matter/energy. Why is most of the mass of the universe invisible. Well if we go back to our 4D universe we have a 3D disk traveling through a 4th axis(time) with little waves of energy propagating through and distorting it causing energy in local areas to be condensed more. I believe dark energy is a type of particle that exists only along the 4th axis. This would explain why we see evidence of it, as it would curve space still, yet we cannot see it directly because it doesn't have spatial dimensions. Only time dimensions yet it would still affect gravity. We now have built a functional model for a 3D flat 4D universe based on the wave/particle duality that looks just like ours. Hope you enjoyed.
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