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Everything posted by Joie

  1. Hi guys! I recently “came out” from hiding this phenomenon. For years I’ve seen coloured dots but mainly, like another Said; blue and red. Over the years blue has been the dominant colour. I’ve had rare occasions where I see yellow but it’s very seldom. I came out with it to a new Doctor, I recently moved location. She said to get my eyes checked. The same thing like most here. It was found that I’m normal..I even had this odd eye drop experience to see the back of the retina but nothing all healthy and good. I like some of the thoughts that it could be spiritual or evolution but with no evidence or support to prove it. I feel like most, strange..I watch a lot on my mobile and laptop and thought maybe that’s why but who knows...I wish we could get some workshop or test. I told a friend for the first time and he was neutral. I would like to find more people in my community with this.
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