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Everything posted by altaylar2000

  1. Incidentally, the story of colonization is not convincing in itself. It is believed that the main motive was the agricultural development of American lands, and for this, Africans were used as slaves. But in a slave society, the elites are always in the minority, and if this were the case, the number of African Americans would significantly outnumber the "white people"
  2. Does anyone doubt this now?
  3. This says about the percent of Q in the world and its distribution, not matter what peoples It is not about indians only as you try to say. This means that about 80% of the south of North America and almost all peoples in South America are not europians by Y-chromosom Also it means that almost all americans goes from Siberia Because this mutation was in Siberia, before migration to America mtDNA generally from Asia too http://nitro.biosci.arizona.edu/courses/EEB195/Lecture08/pics/mt-DNA-distirbution.jpeg
  4. I think that after the 64th there was no longer any real cold war. The economy of the USSR entered a phase of stagnation, and in 75 after the oil embargo, it began to export oil to the west, and even lost food security. Some of the grain was imported from Canada.
  5. Specifically, this map is from Wikipedia, but they are all about the same, here is from another source https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Overview-of-haplogroup-Q-a-Global-frequency-distribution-map-of-haplogroup-Q-M242-The_fig1_313459023 In fact, this group is not directly related to the Indians, in Asia there are many Altaians with Q, they do not outwardly differ from the "white" Americans colonizers there And in general, there are not many
  6. Modern Germany is a multi-ethnic country, very different peoples live there, at least one can distinguish the historical Germans of the northwest, who descended from the Paleo-Europeans, Celts, and the descendants of the Huns who occupied lands in the region of Austria Hungary and Bavaria, in addition, probably in the northeast there are also Balts, descendants Prussians. All these peoples are not close to each other, therefore the concept of "Germanic by origin" hardly has any meaning, only in language
  7. This is map of distribution of the haplogroup Q all over the world not America
  8. Modern "Mongols" are Evenki by origin, they have nothing to do with the historical Mughals. Chingiskhan came from Mogulistan, modern Uyguristan. True Europids have nothing to do with IE or aryan vedic people, they are paleoeuropian people. The theory of Gobino is just political comedy, this was well known in 19 century Also sanscrit not true vedic language too. It was created by Panini and others, partly used vedic grammar, but it is not vedic lang. The most ancient Samhits of the Rigveda date back no later than bronze, 1500 BC or earler
  9. On the one hand, most experts argue that fat breaks down during aerobic exercise, and this is logical, since fat is used as an energy substrate only in mitochondrial cycles But there is info that better effect give High Intensive anaerobic training with ephedrine+cofein coctail Why? If we belive in aerobic fat-burning?
  10. We have been taught that current is the movement of particles. But that doesn't match what it is traveling at the speed of light. I was thinking about it, and it seems that current is wave that behaves like light wave in black body. There is principal of multiple reflection of the wave from the walls of the conductor. This also explains the fact that conductors usually have a glossy surface.
  11. Wood always deafens the sound, because it does not resonate like metal
  12. It was generally accepted that modern americans(not only US) in general descendants of Europeans, but dna-genealogy says that almost all of them are from Asia, from region of Altay. How it influenced on modern history science? And not only male but also female genes of Asian origin
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