According the theory of Relativity, nothing can be created or destroyed, meaning that when something is absorbed into a black hole, it's not destroyed but rather spaghettified to the point where it becomes part of a singularity. CNTY/Twistron Yarn generates energy as its pulled and tighten. (If you haven't seen it before I've provided a link to article with a video attached) If we created a CNT Yarn of larger size, and had half of it cross over the event horizon so that it started to pulled infinitely into the black hole where it would be infinitely tightened and pulled farther, would that constantly create energy until it was tighten to the point where it no longer functions? I feel like even if it broke relatively fast, the fact that its being pulled and tighten infinitely would generate plenty of energy.
Article with Video of Carbon Nanotube Yarn / Twistron Yarn :
Theoretically this idea works on any planet that has a higher gravity than ours. On Earth, the gravity wouldn't pull a CNTY because it's in it's natural environment, but I feel like if a CNT from earth being placed in a area with a higher gravity would cause it to be pulled and create energy purely off gravity.