Some years ago I was sitting under a tree and gazing at the sky. I was unfocusing my eyes trying to bring my 'floaters', the detritus we see slowly sinking, but in reality riing, in the ey.
In doing so I became aware of a kind of boil in my field of vision. I did a further alteration of my focus and there appeared across the entire field of vision tiny slivers of flashing light, minuscule compared to Floaters. In fact what I observe are so small that I cannot resolve them; their you can only observe the light refracting in their wake. From that I have deduced they are little flagellants, but either in or one the eye, I can't determine.
A curious note: When I first observed them, they were all spinning counterclockwise . All of them!
Since then from time to time there are some spinners, or none, and some Flashies, or Zippers, or spinners., are present all the time. It's just that you need the right back-lighting.
I showed variou people how to see them but no one knows what they are.
Can anybody tell me if they know of these things and if so, what they are?