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Everything posted by Peterkin

  1. It's not a question of which kind of information is forbidden; it's whether factual information should be suppressed. In this specific instance, you're comparing a single event to an entire array of statistics, logistics, assistance and contacts, which, datum for datum, would be more like disappearing the history of Asia. As to better and worse, which harms you more, forgetting the Battle of the Little Big Horn or forgetting to put on your clothes before you go out in winter?
  2. Has anyone asked: "How good a job are these people doing?" If someone is incompetent, ineffective, negligent or habitually late, they deserve to be fired. If they're doing their job well, does it matter whether they were hired to correct an imbalance or simply on merit? The Trump administration does not ask these questions or make these assessments. It just fires people according to some idiotic policy. He's feeding the trolls who put him in charge. (In this instance white male trolls who got passed over and are still smarting.)
  3. I've been listening carefully to people who do know about economics, law and electoral process. And I've read the executive orders and memoranda and have a pretty good idea where they each lead and where the whole is headed. I'm only 50% certain of the outcome I anticipate - but the other 50% is less rosy. Selective amnesia is only part of it. The worse part is that they still have not realized that Trump has nothing left to lose - not another election, not another lawsuit, not the Supreme court, not the press, not the future, and no political opposition : they'll al soon be bankrupt, in jail or murdered. All the mechanisms have been put in place, the GOP is well and truly whipped into compliance. He's free to do anything he wants and has much more effective helpers than last time.
  4. A sizeable number of those who voted for the persecution of everyone they don't approve of are celebrating now, and surely the Proud Boys are, but they don't know that they effectively ended any semblance of democracy and doe process in America. And of course, they have no idea of the material hardship that will rebound on themselves as a result of this administration's actions. Besides, they voted for Trump, not for the cabal surrounding him. And no, they don't and never did understand the economic, social and legal consequences. I don't know what percent, but many are single-issue voters who ignore everything except their own concern with immigrants, or the teaching of evolution, or abortion, or gun control. I'm also quite sure that a great many men simply voted against women's power, choosing not to think about about all that other stuff. But, after that spate of hateful edicts in the first week, I'm still seeing a lot of arguments from people far smarter than the average Trump voter, about how the president's powers are limited by the Constitution, and there are laws, etc, etc. On a couple of forums, I'm even seeing arguments like "Nothing will really change". That has never been a very accurate description, but there's no point debating that now that it's no longer applicable at all.
  5. They speak Spanish? Ban on the vaccines and medicine, and big tariff on the transformers, unless Spain authorizes 50,000 Hispanic deportees to the islands.
  6. He'll stay in power as long as he's useful to Musk and Vance - which may well be as long as he lives. But the dismantling of American institutions and law - including election arrangements - will continue without him. ....unless, of course....
  7. You know he's replacing government workers with people loyal to him - or who, at least, know better than to ask 'Why'? This cabal is hell-bent on crippling not only science, but health care, education, agriculture, justice and and abolish civil rights. Their agenda was announced through microphones, on posters, in social media posts. And yet most Americans are still unaware of or denying what they let themselves - and the world - in for.
  8. He already got it. His beautiful Christians will never have to vote again. He's not worried about 'eventually' or the next election. His legacy of causing maximum harm to the maximum number of people is already assured.
  9. It hardly matters when you either own or can intimidate the judges and law enforcement agencies. If the law worked, he'd be in prison, not the White House.
  10. Oh, goodie! We've seen Trump's egregious wrongdoings in the hands of the courts.
  11. Wait and watch. The ones who are not 'helping' will be replaced, whether he decides to ditch the religious faction or not. He intends to issue a lot more illegal and unconstitutional edicts that just banning gender non-conformity and exiling landed immigrants. And if he hurts the economy too much and doesn't live long enough, there are hands ready to catch the ... maybe too many hands? ... torch
  12. It will if Trump keeps his promise to his 'beautiful Christians'. Of course, he may renege on it if his more influential 'advisors' disapprove.
  13. It's certainly not alone in that tendency. As to why: The churches have been politically involved, and Americans have been God-fearing (lauded overt piety) since the first Pilgrims. The whole legal system - bar finance law - is based on biblical tenets. Nearly all federal and state administrations have paid both lip service and substantial material aid to religious organizations. Not only are the more recent televangelists staggeringly rich - and thus able to contribute to the campaigns of candidates who endorse their agenda - but those preachers have huge platforms, through mass media to broadcast propaganda. They can deliver solid blocs of votes. Moreover, those blocs can be mobilized to further the interests of a political party, in return for that politician enacting legislation in their favour. Church and state, while nominally separate, have always been close partners - though rarely so blatantly as now.
  14. MAGA crowd does - at least, a large part of it; I don't think the militant Christians do. I've heard from and met a number of Trump supporters and they all seem to have selective hearing: it transmits speech relating to their particular bugaboo and filters out everything else.
  15. I didn't mean the internet kind of troll; I meant the ones that live under bridges and eat unsuspecting wayfarers. They're having their moment in the limelight now - with any luck it will blind them.
  16. They didn't care about that. They cared about abortion (from the perspective their limited information sources portrayed abortion) and they worried about the changing of gender identities. Many of them were concerned with only one of those issues. They were not the only single-issue voting bloc that ignored everything else their candidate is and stands for --- if 'stand for' is not too strong a term to apply to this candidate. What the militant Christian faction wants is to determine the state religion and push everything else - other faiths, science and secular ideas - to the sidelines. In this, they will be sorely disappointed. He won't crusade for them. He'll persecute helpless minorities to please them, but he won't piss off the Catholics, Jews, moderate Protestants and non-affiliated billionnaires.
  17. Whoever has the political power. Right now, the guy with the power is paying off the various factions that brought him to power. Which means he's insulting or damaging adjacent factions. Every gesture he makes to please militant bigots pisses off Christians whose values are more akin to those of the biblical Jesus. Since the decent, reasonable Christians outnumber the militant bigots, pretty soon he'll begin to worry about the backlash and repudiate his former extremist allies. Then 'Christian values' in the US will change again.
  18. He's just feeding the trolls who carried him into the White house. (He'll probably have it repainted.)
  19. That is far from a comprehensive definition. You don't have to hate women in order to have an incorrect view of them. You don't have to hate society in order to organize it badly, or the rule of law in order to make counterproductive laws. Some people believe that society works best with everyone having strictly assigned places in it, according to simple designations according to birth: peasant, soldier, labourer, breeder, cleric, landowner, aristocrat, prelate, ruler. Hate is not necessary to promote social injustice; ignorance and self-interest are quite sufficient. Anyway, skill has nothing to do with Trump's government appointments. He doesn't hate anyone except those who criticize him and doesn't love anyone except those who applaud him - and both sentiments can flip at a moment's notice.
  20. Sexist, racist - name your bigotry, he's manifesting it. That doesn't mean he believes it. He's a narcissist: doesn't care about anybody one way or the other, just he can use them - even if only as golf balls. I would consider competence for the job a difference, yes. They're his supporters. No, they're not all men.
  21. about 80%, if that someone takes into consideration all the information readily available to the public.
  22. If it's any consolation, he'll wreck it before any credit is given. At least we did get the benefit of all that Y2K effort, earthquake-proofing and vaccine research, if not the recognition.
  23. I knew a number of people who worked in IT at the time, and they were genuinely concerned about the rollover. They also put it in a vast amount of overtime, fixing what they could in various industries. My best friend, a contractor, worked days in one and late nights at another government agency over 1999 and took three months off afterward to recover from burnout. Even so, there were problems arising, including - so I heard - a few near misses at air terminals. Of course we were relieved to avoid disaster, but it it didn't seem as risible as was later made out.
  24. It gets a little OTT at about the three-quarter mark, but the concept is interesting. I found a couple of his other novels equally original, yet uneven in execution. But that's just my literary critic talking. They're wild rides.
  25. Read the the old testament. That god was. Still is in much of modern preachment. Read Norse or Greek mythology. Those gods were. Read 'Towing Jehovah' by James Morrow. Other people have considered these ideas.
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