I know very little about relativity, but i have a situation that conflicts with what i've read on the internet. If you were sitting on a planet one light year away from earth and busted out your portable radio and tuned into an earth broadcast, you would be hearing the broadcast as it was one year ago. Now if you hopped in your spaceship and blasted back to earth at nearly the speed of light so that the journey would take one year and a day while listening to your radio, how would the broadcast play? I don't think it would play twice as fast because light measures the same speed no matter how fast you're moving. My theory is that the radio would play at normal speed, while on earth the year and a day would seem like only one day, meaning once you arrive home you would have heard the years worth of air time, plus the day's worth of broadcast emitted from earth since you left. But doesn't time go slower for you if you travel near the speed of light? Where does relativity fit into this?